The role of a language in the world’s conceptualization: the aspect of cultural linguistics

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The transition from actual knowledge to the deep one is an important characteristic of all modern humanities, including cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics. Study of deep knowledge is urgent now. The purpose of the article is to show that the allocation of language categories is a complex integrative process, since the category itself includes both general conceptual bases for combining objects having common essential properties, and knowledge of the rules and mechanisms of such combination. The author concluded that the concept of “language and culture” converge the interests of all sciences that study human beings. Therefore, modern cultural linguistics should explore not only the interaction of language and culture, but also the relationship and interconnections of language and personality, its consciousness and thinking. The article shows certain examples of language meaning in world conceptualization and categorization. It attempts to establish objective and subjective factors shaping the national world picture. One of these factors is the metaphor, which clearly reflects the national specificity of the world perception.

About the authors

Valentina A Maslova

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov (Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus). Research interests: cultural linguistics, world’s conceptualization, cognitive linguistics

33 Moskovskiy Prospekt, Vitebsk, 210038, Republic of Belarus


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