Liquid intake conceptual metaphor in Russian cultural and linguistic gastronomic code
- Authors: Yurina E.A.1
- National Research Tomsk State University
- Issue: Vol 16, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 428-450
- Section: Actual Problems of Russian Language Studies
- URL:
- DOI:
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The paper presents profound findings of figurative linguistic manifestation of the gastronomic code of Russian culture. Lexical and phraseological nominations representing liquid intake conceptual metaphor in Russian are considered in linguocultural and cognitive-pragmatic aspects. This study is set within the framework of the theories of linguoculture and linguistic figurativeness, cognitive theory of metaphor, and propositional and frame-based analysis of lexical semantics of verbs. The analysis offered in the paper shows how structurally different words and expressions are metaphorically motivated by the verbs pit’ (drink), khlebat’ (gulp down, drink noisily, spoon up), sosat’ (suck, suckle, draw), etc. and their derivatives, translating the system of meanings represented by the basic cognitive model “X - is Liquid Intake”. As a result the fragment of the Russian linguistic world view is described related to figurative reflection of different physical, social, psychological, mental processes and phenomena by analogy with the stated physiological processes; the conceptual model of the source domain is presented in the form of propositional and frame-based structure, the components of which are to be metaphorically interpreted; target domains including metaphorical nomination are characterized; cognitive bases for metaphorical analogues are identified; metaphorical dimensions are described in the form of cognitive schemes of images. Based on the analysis of context manifestation of figurative semantics the pragmatic potential of liquid intake metaphor is described related to the expression of speaker’s views and values towards the objects of speech. Linguocultural commentary is presented revealing cultural and historical sources of metaphorization and symbolization of liquid intake.
About the authors
Elena Andreevna Yurina
National Research Tomsk State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Russian Language Department at National Research Tomsk State University.
36 Lenina Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russian FederationReferences
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