Cover Page
  • Authors: Fatkullina F.G.1
  • Affiliations:
    1. Bashkir State University
  • Issue: Vol 15, No 2 (2017)
  • Pages: 175-188
  • Section: Articles
  • URL:
  • DOI:
  • Retraction date: 19.03.18
  • Retraction reasons description:

    The journal's editor retracted the article in accordance with the author’s application and the results of further investigation of the article in the aspect of borrowing ethics by the following reasons: not all the authors of the article have been indicated, there was abuse of I.R. Saitbattalov’s author rights, the materials of I.R. Saitbattalov’s dissertation have been used in the article in the form of direct copying of text fragments without indicating the authentic source in the reference list.

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The article represents the attempt to consider and comprehend methodological and conceptual notions, the definition and selection of which faces every researcher in the process of linguistic and cultural analysis of a text. It focuses on such key concepts as language, culture, language personality, linguistic worldview, cultural specificity, cultural code, concept, conceptual sphere, mythologem, etc. Despite numerous studies devoted to these realia, some aspects still require clarification and additional theoretical reasoning. The aim of the research in the article is also the study of sociocultural and linguistic trends of the formation of the national linguistic identity in the framework of intercultural communication and the characteristic of the features of the linguistic worldview of an individual.Based on the results of the study there is a conclusion that cultural linguistics is a scientific paradigm with a developed conceptual basis and definite categorical notion.

About the authors

Flyuza Gabdullinovna Fatkullina

Bashkir State University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of philological Sciences, professor, head of the chair of Russian and comparative philology in the department of Bashkir Philology and journalism of the Bashkir State University

Zaki Validi str., 32, Ufa, Russia, 450076


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