
Russian Trace in the Second Wave of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Methods: To the 130th Anniversary of Vladimir N. Myasishchev’s Birth
Slabinsky V.Y.
Legal Culture as Public Phenomenon and Problems of Forming it in School-Children
Vorontsova T.V., Savelyeva A.V.
The Current State of the Teaching the Russian Language in the Multicultural Russian School
Kytina N.I., Khamraeva E.A.
Organization of training students with disabilities in the conditions of comprehensive school
Volosovets T.V., Kutepova E.N.
A Study of the Scientist’s Image in the Context of S. Moscovici’s Theory of Social Representations
Volodarskaya E.A.
The Historical Analysis of Features of Teaching the Fairy Tale at Elementary School
Merkuryeva T.V.
In Memoriam of Friend
Kotik-Friedgut B.S.
Mikhail Kondratyev: When There is Only a Name on a Card
Sachkova M.E., Kochetkov N.V.
Tatiana G. Stefanenko’s Impact to the Development of Ethnopsychological Research in Azerbaijan
Shirkov Y.E., Azimzade A.A., Hasanova U.U., Novruzova L.Z.
Kharkhurin A.V.
Role of Teacher in Forming Experience of Intercultural Interaction in Students
Kazarenkov V.I., Rangelova Emiliya Milenkova -., Kazarenkova T.B.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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