Tatiana G. Stefanenko’s Impact to the Development of Ethnopsychological Research in Azerbaijan

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The article provides a brief historical survey of the Azerbaijani school of ethnopsychological research, revealing the role of T.G. Stefanenko in its development. The authors present the results accumulated during the first years of ethnopsychological studies in Baku under the direct supervision of T.G. Stefanenko: (1) features of the ethnic identity of adolescents from Azerbaijani and Azerbaijani-Russian families; (2) cross-cultural differences in the value orientations of students living in Azerbaijan and Russia; and (3) the relationship of the time perspective and characteristics of ethnic identity among representatives of Azerbaijani and Russian cultures.

About the authors

Yuri E. Shirkov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: shirkov@mail.ru

Ph.D. in Psychology, is senior researcher at the Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology

11 Mokhovaya St., bldg. 9, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation

Aydan A. Azimzade

İnstitute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Email: aydaska_1495@mail.ru

MA in Psychology, is a specialist of the Psychological Service Department

96 Zarifa Aliyeva St., Baku, AZ1010, Republic of Azerbaijan

Ulkar U. Hasanova

Baku State University

Email: ulkar.h.u@gmail.com

MA in Psychology, is a lecturer at the Department of Social and Pedagogical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences

23 Academic Zahid Khalilov St., Baku, AZ1148, Republic of Azerbaijan

Leyla Z. Novruzova

Baku International Education Complex

Email: leylashirinova@yahoo.com

MA in Psychology, is a psychologist in Baku International Education Complex

54 Matbuat Ave., Baku, AZ 1148, Republic of Azerbaijan


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Copyright (c) 2020 Shirkov Y.E., Azimzade A.A., Hasanova U.U., Novruzova L.Z.

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