No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 18
- URL:
The future of Russian language in americanization of higher education: facts and predictions
The article analyzes the issues of globalization (Americanization), internationalization of higher education, there are identified potential positive effects and negative consequences, including for domestic languages. The author discusses the problem of the need to preserve the national languages of science and its solution, describes the experience of Germany, France, to preserve an identical cultural and linguistic space.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):5-12

The international magister's program «management of the international projects»
In the article there are some questions of international magister's programs «Management of the international projects» (on the example of the program the double diploma with CNAM-IIM, Paris, France), working out and introduction their in educational process of economic faculty of Russian Peoples University Friendship.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):13-17

The Pedagogical Meaning of Andragogics in the Professional Education of the Bachelor
The pedagogical meaning of andrаgogics in the professional education of the bachelor is disclosed. Different approaches to the definition of andrаgogocs are considered. The necessity of using the resourses of the andragogics in the educational process of the bachelor are thoroughly based.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):18-23

Actual problems of Russian education
In 21 century Russia has faced necessity of educational reforming. Since 1991education in our country has undergone set of changes which have undermined its quality and prestige, and also attraction to foreign students. In this article are underlined the major actual problems which the government of Russia should solve in the nearest future.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):24-27

Higher education system in the Russian federation - problems and development prospects
How the higher education system in the future will develop? What are the prospects of development of nonstate high schools? These questions are set to themselves today by politicians, scientific, teachers. Undoubtedly that the strategic direction of development will be defined by the general course of political reforms. But there are all bases to say that Russia will move on a way of market transformations. In this connection today all the question on worries how not to lose on this way those achievements which were at Russia in the sphere of education
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):28-32

Subject-developing potential of high school in development individually-personal features of a student as subject of socialization
In the article specificity of the subject-developing potential of high school in integrity sociocultural-focusing and personal-aligned constructs is proved. The basic priorities of the subject-developing potential of high school (sociocultural integrativity, sociality, antropotcentration, innovation, culturelogics) are characterized.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):33-37

Sociocultural tendencies in professionally - personal formation of a teacher in conditions of a transforming society
The clause is devoted to an actual problem of research leading sociocultural tendencies in professionally - personal formation of a teacher in the conditions of a transforming society, allocation and over viewing of which open reference points of forming, maintenance and technologies of education of a student - a future teacher.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):38-42

Creation of innovative educational network of interstate support of Russian language
The goal of work is to provide a detailed review of the influence of historical distance education theory and practice. The content of the work provides the discussion of past and present practices in higher and distance education.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):43-46

Functioning of the Russian language: The main trends and causes
The article deals with urgent problems of a state and functioning of the Russian language in condition of global cultural, social and economic changes. The problems of the Russian language usage in mass and interpersonal communication raised in scientific and public discussions are examined in the article. The basic factors determing the state of the language are also talked over.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):47-54

National corpus of Russian language as the sources of phenomenon and semanticism of slavonicisms
This article/paper expresses the functional Slavonicisms in the national corpus of Russian language, which serves as the source of their semanticism in modern Russian language. In the basic examples are excerpts from modern texts, presented in the basic newspaper sub-corpus, basic sub-corpus, giving informative picture about the tendencies and rules of the uses of words.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):55-61

Problem mentality in the context of foreign language education
This article focuses on the mentality of students registered in the foreign language education. The concept of mentality as the mentality, the mentality of ethnic, national mentality is very widely used in modern scientific categorial apparatus. Need to more fully incorporate this concept into the tissue of linguistics to a more successful teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):62-66

Language palette as the reflection of features of mentality of the people: white and black in Russian, English and German phraseology
The article deals with the phraseological units of the Russian, English and German languages having the semantics of color. The author analyzes similarities and distinctions, draws parallels and does a conclusion about interrelation and symbolical character of color perception of the various people and their national characters.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):67-71

Functional and semantic universals in Russian and Spanish
In the article the category aspectuality as functional-semantic universals in Russian and Spanish. In Russian, this category is represented by the grammatical categories of the form, in Spanish it is represented by a system of verb tenses.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):72-76

The art text as didactic and lingvocultural unit
In article shared problems of training of foreign students of intercultural communications are considered, the role of the Russian art text in formation socialcultural the competence is defined. On an example of work with the concrete art text the system of tasks on development communicative abilities of students is offered.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):77-83

Nonverbal communication in process of teaching Russian as a second language
In the article verbal as well as nonverbal similarities and differences of verbal and nonverbal means of communication in different countries and role of nonverbal means of communication in the process of interaction between teacher and students are considered.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):84-90

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(4):101-103