Vol 20, No 4 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1727
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2023-20-4
Full Issue
Features of the Work of Insider Scientists in Russian Regions
The purpose of the article is to analyze the general problems of the work of insider scientists in the conditions of Russian sociocultural reality and the organization of Russian science. The main attention is paid to researchers dealing with the problems of the ethnic culture of which they are representatives. As an example, we consider the work of a team of tuvinologists and the authors of this article, working on the same research project in 2021-2023. Scientific insiders living in the regions of Russia work in the system of Russian science; they are subject to the general professional and sociocultural conditions in the country. This article examines the work of insiders from different angles: customers of research, the scientific community (Russian and regional), culture, sociocultural environment and scientists in culture. This relationship contains a significant imbalance of power and interests. It is argued that the work of insiders is more difficult because scientists in their own culture can be both insiders and outsiders in relation to the issue under study, an aspect of the lives of fellow countrymen. The results of the authors’ own experience in solving similar problems are presented, and a way out is proposed called the joint circle strategy, which includes constant formulation and discussion of paradoxical questions.

Language Processes
Linguopragmatuics of EU Regulatory Documents on Migration Regulation Issues
The accelerating migration movements dictate the need to coordinate the efforts and policies of different states, this makes the issues of managing migration processes of particular relevance and importance. The migration crisis in Europe in 2015-2019 turned a serious challenge for the viability of the European Union itself. The acute phase of the most recent migration crisis forced the European Union to revise existing migration policies, with regard to both EU member states and to migrants heading to Europe. The present study focuses on an analysis of the vocabulary of EU official legal documents in order to identify the specificities of migration regulation during the acute phase of the migration crisis. The use of discursive, pragmalinguistic and content analyses shows that migration institutional discourse functions as a strong ideological tool that can be used not only to control hostile attitudes in society but also to minimize conflicts in the process of migrants’ integration. The specific linguistic techniques identified in the process of the analysis seem promising in terms of harmonisation of migration processes. The experience of the European Union may be of practical importance for Russia and the countries of the near abroad which also have encountered the migration problems. Therefore the understanding of approaches that contribute to the regulation of migration processes can help reduce the level of aggression in the countries of migrants acceptance.

Linguomedial Reconstruction of an Event: COVID-19 Pandemic Coverage in British and French Quality Press
The article looks at linguistic units applied for creating an image of an event. The first section of the article dwells on the most important works of Russian scholars in the field under investigation. Here, the term “linguomedial reconstruction of an event” is introduced and defined as the creation of an image of an event in mass media, including the analysis of information, its interpretation, creating media texts, and their positioning and functioning in media space. The second section describes in detail the analysis of informational and analytical media texts from British and French quality press dedicated to the Coonavirus pandemic: spread of the new virus, measures taken by the authorities, and vaccination. The analysis was conducted on lexical (identification of key lexical components of the texts) and suprasegmental (identification of key structural elements of the text) levels. The third section contains the results of the study. It was found out that both informational and analytical media texts consist of roughly equal number (usually less than 6) of topic-based sections (TBS). Analytical texts explore each topic more fully than informational ones; besides, the former include such topic as ‘expert opinion’. Seemingly, the larger is the volume of articles describing certain topic, the higher position this topic takes in news agenda. Any TBS may be characterized with a particular set of words and expressions - its lexical base. The lexical base of the TBS differs between cultures; the study shows that British quality press media prefer words describing actions and deeds, while French ones pay more attention to emotional response to the event. Besides, it was noted that military lexical units were widely used in pandemic new coverage, thus conceptualizing anti-coronavirus measures as military actions.

Ambivalence of the Image of Fire in the Belarusian National Culture
The relevance of this study is due to the current state of the information space associated with the rapid development of globalization processes. Under these conditions, traditional Belarusian culture may finally lose its identity, which will subsequently inevitably lead to the dissolution or complete loss of its unique mental traits. The article is devoted to the analysis of the mythological ideas of Belarusians, the peculiarities of their life, traditional holidays and rituals using fire as an important sacred element of the Belarusian national culture. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that fire is perceived by Belarusians as an element of ambivalent nature. Moreover, in their minds, fire is often presented as a phenomenon that has a positive effect on their way of life. Also in Belarusian traditions and rituals there is an inextricable connection between the cult of fire and the cult of ancestors. The author argues that at the present stage, the symbolism of fire plays an important role in the formation of a positive attitude towards the cultural heritage of Belarus. The “participation” of fire in the preservation and development of Belarusian national traditions has a positive impact on the formation of value orientations of society, including the younger generation.

Language in System
Morphological Features of Russian Speech of Two Generations of Bilinguals and Monolinguals
The purpose of the study is to analyze the morphological features of the Russian speech of two generations of Russian-German bilinguals living in Germany and Russian monolinguals living in Russia. The relevance of this study is due to the need to study the state of the Russian language abroad, its preservation and development. Four groups of informants took part in the study: 22 bilingual adults, 26 their children, 19 monolingual adults, 23 their children. The age of the parents is 35-50 years, the age of the children is 10-15 years. The material of the study was transcripts of audio recordings of oral stories based on pictures from the book by M. Mayer “Frog: where are you?”. Research methods are directed sampling, descriptive, systematization, statistical and comparative. Deviations from morphological norms were grouped into two structural types: 1) deviations from the norms of constructing word forms; 2) deviations from the norms of the choice of word forms. The study determined the average number of deviations from morphological norms in the stories of four groups of informants. It was found that in families seeking to preserve the Russian language in conditions of emigration, the morphological system remains relatively stable. At the same time, the average proportion of deviations from morphological norms in the speech of bilinguals is higher than in the speech of monolinguals, and in the speech of children is higher than in the speech of their parents. The average values of the number of typical deviations from the norms in each of the groups were determined. The heterogeneity of the number of deviations from the norms in individual representatives of each of the groups of informants was revealed. It is established that in some families the literary language is preserved, and the influence of the German language is not revealed, in others the vernacular is the means of communication, and some deviations from morphological norms may be caused by interlanguage interference. It should be noted that the greatest difficulty for all native speakers of the Russian language is the norms of the use of case forms and prepositional-case.

About the unusual name “drone” in the Udmurt language of the 18th century
The relevance of the proposed topic is due to the insufficient identification and description of the vocabulary of fauna, as one of the most archaic layers in the vocabulary of almost all FinnoUgric languages. The purpose of this study is to trace the history of the written fixation of the word var-bozgo ‘drone’ in the Udmurt language, starting from its first appearance in the earliest written monuments of the 18th century and ending with the main lexicographic works of the modern period, to consider the lexical-semantic formation of a complex name and determine by possibilities of its etymology. Achieving this goal seems possible by solving problems related to identifying and describing this entomological term in comparison with data from other related and unrelated languages. The research material is handwritten and published written monuments of the 18th-19th centuries, the most important lexicographic works on the Udmurt language of the modern period, as well as possible parallels of these words from contacting related and unrelated languages. The descriptive method is mainly used, as well as some elements of semantic and comparative etymological analysis. The name var-bozgo ‘drone’ is unique - it has no typological parallels, it is recorded only in one written source - the handwritten grammar of M. Myshkin, compiled in the second half of the 18th century. To develop the question, further fixation of individual components of this complex word in the Udmurt language, which function with high and low frequency, is provided. As a result of the study, an expansion of the lexical and semantic content of the word bozgo was discovered during the development of the language. Etymological analysis made it possible to identify the origin of the constituent elements of the entomological term: var ‘servant, slave’ has parallels in many Finno-Permian languages and is an original Udmurt word of the Finno-Permian period of development of the base language; and the origin of the component bozgo ‘zhuk; dung beetle’ is associated with the expressive-figurative word boz ( boz-boz ), expressing the sound image of a buzzing or low voice, to which the unproductive nominal formant -go was added during the period of independent formation of the Udmurt language.

Strategies for Translating Tatar literature into Turkic languages: History and Current State
The article addresses the reality of artistic translation of Tatar literature into Turkic languages. It is emphasized that for many years, due to external sociopolitical factors, Tatar writers did not have a full-fledged opportunity to present works of national literature in Turkic languages. The relevance of this issue is linked to the practical necessity, as literary translation is one of the areas that serves the cause of rapprochement of peoples, the development of mutual understanding between nations and the dialog of cultures, which is extremely important for the development of the Russian ethno-cultural space, the establishment of cultural interrelations with the Turkic world. The activation of translation activity coincided with cardinal changes in the life of the country, was conditioned by socio-political and ethno-humanitarian attention to the ideology of kinship, linguistic and worldview closeness of the Turks. Based on a large amount of factual material, the main directions of artistic translation are investigated. It is concluded that Tatar literature is most intensively translated into Turkish. The authors of the article identified the works of the most actively translated into Turkish authors, traced the works of Tatar writers, which aroused interest among Turkic-speaking readers. A large number of books by Tatar writers have been published in Turkey. Special attention is paid to the personality of the translator, some historical and cultural contexts of the emergence of Tatar-Turkish translation projects are analyzed.The realities and current state of Tatar-Kazakh and Tatar-Azerbaijani literary translations are also considered. Tatar-Bashkir translations are analyzed as an important aspect of intercultural communication. With all the similarity of two closely related languages and literary traditions, the necessity of cultural interaction of this format is obvious for the national writing community. The conclusions are made that the study of activity, genre diversity of works translated into Turkic languages will allow to build further strategies in the field of literary translation, planning and purposeful development of this direction of creative activity, as well as actualization of the issue of training in this field. It is emphasized that the intensification of artistic translations contributes to a significant renewal of figurative languages of literature, the expansion of its cultural boundaries and aesthetic reference points.

Languages of the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia: Ethnic Translation Aspect
The article addresses the linguistic, anthropological and cultural prerequisites for the emergence of Ethnic Translation Studies, understood as an actively developing frontier zone of modern humanities. The symbolic meaning of the frontier is proposed in the translation discourse to denote the meeting zone of the old and the new, the studied and the unexplored. The recognition of the inherently complex and ambiguous nature of the frontier under consideration determines the need for its research within the framework of traditional areas of translation science and its corresponding categorical paradigm, as well as with the mandatory involvement of new knowledge, concepts and categories from “near” and “far” for Translation Studies scientific fields and, above all, the sciences of ethnic area. The integration of various approaches provides the required interdisciplinary approach to the ethnic text - a new object of translation activity and an unconditional key concept of Ethnic Translation Studies, which is currently at the stage of its formation and acquisition of a categorical apparatus. The ethnic text is defined in the study as an ethnocultural information “capsule” that arises and functions in the cultural spaces of certain regions and the entire multilingual and polycultural world, which contributes to the preservation of cultural information and memory of a particular ethnic group and reveals a close connection with the cultural identity of its representatives, and also supports the cultural and linguistic diversity of mankind. The study, which has both descriptive and prescriptive character, is addressed to the situation that has developed in the field of translations of indigenous peoples of Siberia ethnic texts. The article defines the main areas and tasks of Ethnic Translation Studies, as well as further prospects for its application. Ethnic translation is understood as the “key” to the cultural information of ethnic text and an effective tool for preserving the unique languages and cultures of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, their revitalization and revival. The separation of ethnic translation into an independent field of Translation Studies involves the creation of new opportunities for representatives of “other” cultures of the world to get acquainted with the unique languages and cultures of Siberia, some of which are on the verge of extinction. Ethnic Translation Studies can also become important for maintaining and strengthening cultural identity among representatives of ethnic groups who have practically lost their mother tongue.

Literary Dimension
Translingual Theory: Steven Kellman’s Studies
In the modern world under the conditions of globalization, interest in the phenomenon of transcultural text is steadily increasing. Familiar terms of monoculture become irrelevant for describing modern cultural phenomena, in this connection we found that the term “bilingual” is insufficient, not fully reflecting the essence of the processes occurring in the writer’s thinking and literary text. We concluded that the term “translingual” is the most preferable and succinct. It includes the notion of a mutually enriching dialog of cultures, not just a nominal distinction of languages. The study of various approaches to the research of the process of transculturation, which is most vividly reflected in translingual literature, is conditioned by the need to expand the paradigm from which the literary bi-, poly- and translingual experience of the Russian-speaking world is to be considered. This unique phenomenon cannot be studied only within the framework of the narratives of the new age that has established itself in Europe, or exclusively in the logic of European modernity. If we set a task to find scientific works on transculturalism or translingual literature in Russian, we will encounter a negligible number of them. However, the reason for this will not be the lack of researchers’ interest in the subject of study, but it will be due to a difference in wording. The fact is that the term “transcultural literature” has not yet taken root on the territory of, for example, the post-Soviet space: the term “bilingual” literature is more often used to designate the subject of study. That is why in this article we will first outline the boundaries and define the essence of the research: we will consider the term “bilingualism”, its types, the relevance of this concept in the modern world in general and in the post-Soviet space in particular, compare it with the term “transculturality”, etc.; then we will prove why the term “translingual” has certain and obvious advantages over the term “bilingual”, and after that we will turn to the figure of Stephen Kellman as an apologist of the theory of transcultural literature. Within the framework of this paper we will analyze some of the scientific works of Russian-speaking researchers who write articles, monographs devoted to this topic.

Cultural Boundaries in Post-Soviet Russian-Language Texts of Kazakhstan’s Writers
Within the latest decades a general trend has been manifested in the texts of the Russianspeaking writers of Kazakhstan: a comprehensive rethinking of the recent Soviet past in the context of national tradition and self-identification Kazakhstan’s people today. To study and analyze this trend, the stories of the following nine modern Kazakhstani authors were thoroughly selected: A. Sakhariev, R. Kunbaev, G. Doronin, N. Chernova, B. Kanapyanov, S. Nazarova, A. Omar, I. Odegov, and E. Klepikova. The signs of a local Kazakh text are revealed in the writings of these authors, where the patterns coexist and compete with each other, thus fixing the unique national Kazakh picture of the world, on the one hand, and the Soviet realities, on the other one. The analysis of the texts was aimed to clarify the outcomes of the cultural “dialogue” between traditional, deeply existential Kazakh culture and the imposed one - initially Russian, then the Soviet culture. Thus, the main question reads as follows: does this “dialogue” lead to the obliteration of the cultural boundary, or are there any zones of absolute non-coincidence and, perhaps, confrontation between the national and the Soviet? The study of the texts has demonstrated the stable patterns that reflect the entrenched national picture of the Kazakhstani world: the traditional cultural relationships between people, a customary and ritualized way of life, manners and customs, the strength of beliefs, and mythology. The patterns that demonstrate the Soviet features imposed on the life of Kazakhstan, as a rule, indicate only a partial acceptance of such novelty and rejection of what was imposed and harmed the republic (e. g. the Semipalatinsk tests polygon). The contrast and compare between the patterns of city and village / aul that has little in common with the contrast between the city and the countryside in the prose of Russian village writers, bears a special context load. The analysis of the stories showed that it is precisely the Soviet city that could be found in any republic of the ex-USSR, whereas any Kazakhstan’s countryside is precisely the Kazakh aul with its established unique rituals and norms of existence. As a result of the texts study, it has been concluded that these stories reflect a real trend in the development of sovereign Kazakhstan: to do away with the Soviet order and return to traditional values.

Methodological Principles of Teaching Russian to Bilingual Children at Elementary School
This article is devoted to the urgent problem of identifying the methodological foundations of teaching Russian to younger schoolchildren for whom Russian is not their native language. The topic proposed for consideration is characterized by a broad scientific and descriptive context of the problem that is of interest to specialists in psychology, pedagogy and linguo-didactics, and a pronounced practical aspect that is associated with the need to develop a consistent methodological approach to teaching Russian in a mixed language group of elementary school students. Russian is the primary and only language of instruction, and the composition of the trainees is characterized by a different status of linguistic personality, including bilingual children with varying degrees of proficiency in Russian as a non-native language and children for whom Russian is their native language. Taking into account the varying degrees of proficiency in the Russian language by bilingual children at the initial moment of schooling, the purpose of the study is precisely to identify and analyze the fundamental provisions that are actualized in modern linguo-didactics on this issue. The materials of the study were modern studies in the field of pedagogy, psychology, linguo-culturology and linguo-didactics, devoted to the organization of the educational space of bilingual children learning Russian in a mixed language group. The leading method in the study is the analytical modeling of the educational environment as a condition for the formation of a student’s linguistic personality. The relevance of the research is due to both the interdisciplinary focus of the problem and the diversity of the selected topic, which requires discussion taking into account various factors of the effectiveness of the organization of training. The following principles of the organization of the educational space of bilingual children in modern primary school are substantiated as the leading ones in the study: (1) linguo-culturological, due to the complex nature of the formation of the linguistic picture of the world and communicative skills of a linguistic personality as a subject of learning; (2) competence-based, arising from objective (socio-cultural factor, normative provisions) and subjective (age, learning conditions in a particular mixed-character language team, personal orientations, the level of development of a linguistic personality and its communicativespeech ability, etc.); (3) communicative-activity, taking into account the psycholinguistic factor of the development of speech ability as the activity sphere of the linguistic personality, determined, among other things, by the space of educational communication.

Teaching Russian in a Multilingual Educational Context
In this article the author refers to her own extensive experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language in an academic multilingual environment. When teaching Russian in multilingual academic contexts, especially with beginners, the problem inevitably arises of finding correlations between the students’ established language structures and the new imparted knowledge. In conditions where the entire educational process at university takes place in three official languages, Russian is offered as an optional course. The teacher is then faced with a series of tasks involving the organization of work within a diverse group of students with different language and cultural backgrounds, as well as the need to choose a metalanguage. The methods of observation and analysis allow conclusions to be drawn about the significant influence exerted by various linguistic characteristics of the second language, including its phonetical, lexical, and grammatical aspects, on the process of learning Russian as a foreign language. The process of teaching Russian not as a “second” language but rather within a “third” language paradigm in a multilingual context inevitably implies taking into account the previous experience of students, which serves as both a catalyst and a delaying mechanism. In the article the author describes how teaching Russian as a foreign language in a bilingual German and Italian academic context stimulates the students’ mechanisms of reflection and awareness of the peculiarities of their own languages. This includes the opportunity offered to students to distance themselves from their native language and, through the prism of the second language with which they are already familiar, examine their own native language as well as the new language being studied. The experience of teaching in a multilingual environment allows conclusions to be drawn about the effectiveness of the principles of intercultural communication, including when the students’ native languages are different. As a rule, research carried out on such principles has shown their effectiveness within groups of speakers of close languages.

Increasing the Level of Motivation of Foreign International Relations and Bilingual Students in Studying the Language of Professional Communication
The article is devoted to the description of the work of teachers of the Russian Language Department of MGIMO on the development of professional competence of foreign students. The authors describe some methods of active learning such as business games and student conferences. Business games allows teachers to solve the following tasks: activation of the studied lexical and grammatical material, the development of new vocabulary, syntactic constructions, norms of communicative behavior; training in the construction of monological speech and dialogue; motivation of students to increase their linguistic and cultural knowledge. Participation in student conferences helps to strengthen motivation for a more in-depth study of the Russian language, increase the level of education of students, proves the need for independent work. The article analyzes the experience of holding business games, conferences and the UN Model in MGIMO.


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