Vol 19, No 4 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1601
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2022-19-4
Full Issue
Language in System
Image Analysis as the Means of Cultural Representation Study in a Worldview
The purpose of the article is to present the methodology of image analysis as the means of cultural representation study in a worldview on the example of the image “work”. The research is based on the idea that any phenomena of reality perceived by a person in the process of activity and communication are revealed in his mind through images. These images record not only causal and spatial relationships of phenomena and emotions in the process of perception, but also can be characterized by a certain social and ethno-cultural peculiarities, dynamism and variability. The images connected with real-world objects are studied through the mixed methods research including the associative experiment and gradual scaling. Associative fields constructed in the course of the experiment allow analyzing images from linguistic and psycholinguistic points of view according to the formalgrammatical features of the received responses, contiguity - similarity classification, and semantic field grouping. The experiment was organised between the equal number of Russian, Chinese and Arabic students of 20-25 years old. The interest to study this age group is explained by the fact that it is young people who form the future of any country and society in general. To study the perception of the image “work” the respondents were asked to fulfill the questionnaires in their native languages where they were to write the first association that came to their mind when they saw the word-stimulus. All responses presented in the article were translated into the English language. In conclusion, the authors summarise the received results, describe the complex structure of various associative pairs, and identify differences and similarities in the perception of the studied image in worldviews of various culture representatives.

Formation of the Linguistic Picture of the World of Bilinguals
The authors of the article analyze the specifics of the formation of the linguistic picture of bilinguals, in whose minds two cultural codes are combined. The authors suggest that the linguistic picture of the world of bilinguals differs from the picture of a native speaker. When forming a bilingual linguistic personality, two cultures merge in his mind; many historical, social facts, influenced by individual and personal views, judgments, assessments, get a brighter color, are described differently, which makes it possible to understand the worldview of another person. Natural bilinguals, unlike artificial ones, have a combination of two pictures of the world, two cultural codes. However, both pictures in the mind of a bilingual, who is not divorced from one of the language environments, combine, change and eventually form another one with its own specific features. Bilingual writers, in whose minds two different languages are combined, using, for example, the Russian language when creating their work, nevertheless find themselves in the system of images of their native language, native culture. As a result, expressions, stylistic techniques and other means of artistic expression that are atypical for native speakers appear. This is how a new cultural code appears, which requires special linguistic means. A bilingual writer evaluates any phenomenon from the point of view of the native cultural The article provides examples: some characteristic features of the work of the Swedish bilingual writer of Greek origin Theodor Kallifatides, Russian-American writer V.V. Russian Russian and Kyrgyz literature by Chingiz Aitmatov, Russian French writer Andrei Makin. A bilingual author, in whose mind two different worlds are connected, nevertheless is closer to the system of images of his native language, native culture.

Language Processes
Translinguality as an Explication of Appellative Character of Urban Names
Modern urban names are characterized by properties that allow them to be simultaneously attributed to a special type of mass communication, to episodes of external communication of an organization and acts of self-presentation. A necessary condition for promoting an organization is the formation of trust among the target audience, and strategies for building trust are verbalized through the name to great extend. Within the framework of a single cognitive space, the name of the organization serves as a kind of trigger that includes interest in the organization as a kind of manifestation of feedback: intellectual / mental (I need it), emotional (pleasant place), behavioral (contacting the organization), verbal (discussion).One of the ways to form the attractiveness of names that appeal to the target audience and create a positive image of the organization is to embody the principles of translinguism in urban names. The essence of using the principles of translingualism is the appeal to the entire communicative repertoire of the speaker, as a result of which languages and cultures smoothly flow into each other. When creating the names of urban objects, translatinguality is manifested in the successful use of various language codes. In some cases, the choice of the nominating subject in favor of a particular language in the name of the company is determined by the specifics of the organization’s activities. One of the purposes of using words of foreign origin in the names of organizations is to mimic an imported brand as the level of trust of the target audience in the goods of domestic producers is often lower than in foreign ones. Modern names show more and more varied types of translingual combinations. A common manifestation of translingualism in ergonymy is the contamination of codes, that is, the combination in the name of the organization of units of different languages. Since in a number of cases the intended perception of the meaning of names of this kind is based not only on an adequate understanding of its foreign language component, but also on acquaintance with the realities of another culture that underlie such discursive elements, it is possible to postulate the transcultural nature of a significant part of modern urban names.

“Caucasian Highlander’s Songs. The Nart heros” by Alexander Kubalov: The first experience of the Russian language poetic processing of the Ossetian folk epic
This article considers the first experience of the Russian language poetic processing of the Ossetian Nart sagas, carried out by Alexander Zakharovich Kubalov and published in 1906. It notes particular relevance to the appropriate sort and genre of works, belonging to the Ossetes, as a product, in a strict sense, of the Ossetian literary mind. The article describes the author’s theoretical views on genesis and poetics of the Nart epic; according to the level of his (that is the author’s) contemporary Narts studies, certain disadvantages and perspective elements are being outlined. The Nart heroes architectonics, which, as it turns out, consists of thirteen, non-distinguished by the author parts, the image that includes renowned Nart heroes, both principal and supporting characters, and also the Pantheon and underworld representatives, is subject to a specific analysis. An examination of plotmotivic composition reveals that there is no deep processing or any conceptually well founded selection of plots in A.Z. Kubalov’s work, which would have avoided tautologies; eventful lines are drawn the way as if the author was sure that the reader was familiar with main characters and motifs of the Ossetian Nartiade; the material of the source is explicitly compacted, however, it lacks proper faceting. When considering technical, pictorialand linguistic characteristics it appears that A.Z. Kubalov departs from the original metric features, using for his versification of Elias Lönnrot’s “Kalevala” and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The song of Hiawatha” tetrametric choree. It seems that the author’s stylistics is quite heavily influenced by formal parameters of the verse, which enforces him to use low-emphatic structures, and at last, his text tends to have lexical-stylistic eclectism. The comparative (in relation to the original version) qualitative novelty of Kubalov’s epic lies only in its poetical form. However, despite the fact that A.Z. Kubalov failed to convey the identity of Ossetian oral tradition he managed to set an essential far-reaching precedent , the significance of which is of particular importance in the context of the period at the turn of the 19th century.

The Reality of Erzya-Russian Poetic Bilingualism: the Artistic Phenomenon of Alexander Arapov
The article deals with the problematic and thematic projections of the work of Alexander Arapov (1959-2011), one of the most prominent representatives of modern Mordovian literature. The author focuses on the complex reality of Erzya-Russian poetic bilingualism, the study of which allows us to conclude that each of the languages has certain motive-figurative complexes, aesthetic ideas, ethno-psychological attitudes, linguo-poetic features, “voices” of traditions. So, the central place in the Russian-language poems of A.V. Arapova is occupied by existential-psychological motives, the “I”-subject analyzes the events of his life, gives them an assessment, while a negative emotional background prevails, a discrepancy between the desired and the actual is indicated. It is indicative that the theme of ethnic identity, almost obligatory for the national literature, is practically not revealed in the poems created in Russian, there are no examples of “connection” of the ethno-cultural component. One of the identified linguistic and poetic details is the representativeness of the infinitive writing. The Erzya texts analyzed by the author are far from social contexts, urban life, they have little reflection on the acutely experienced modernity. In the Erzya texts, landscape lyrics are dominant, the figurative and symbolic elements of the Mordovian ethnoculture are updated, the influence of national folklore is felt. The author’s desire for linguistic purism is noticeable in the poems in the Erzya language. Thus, it has been established that the reality of the Erzya-Russian poetic bilingualism of Alexander Arapov is not just two genetically different languages, but also two different artistic worldviews, the intersections between which are not so many.

Patricia Grace’s “Potiki”: Indigenous Māori Narrative Through the Lens of the Transculturalism Theory
The article examines the identity and work of Patricia Grace, a New Zealand writer of the Māori Renaissance period. Her fate echoes the life stories of many indigenous Māori people with mixed origins, and in regards to that it is interesting to see how this aspect of her existence was reflected in the works she created. Within the framework of this study, Grace’s identity and her literary style are analyzed from the standpoint of theory of translingualism and transculturalism. Particular attention is paid to the criticism and reception of Grace’s work in the literary community and to the development of the most suitable approach to studying her texts. This approach is developed on the basis of the concept of transculturation by F. Ortiz, research by Z.G. Proshina in the field of translingual literature, post-colonial research by H.-K. Trask and the works of M.V. Tlostanova on gender philosophy. Grace’s most famous novel “Potiki” was chosen as an example that confirms the transcultural and translingual nature of her literature. The analysis of the novel allows one to read it as not just a story-driven novel, but as a complex text that contains many elements of Māori culture hidden from a non-indigenous reader.

Time in the Elegiac Poetry of I. Brodsky and R. Kharis: to the Problem of Differences
This article is devoted to a comparative study of elegy and elegiac works of I.Brodsky and R.Kharis in the aspect of the category of time as the most important in the architectonics and content of the elegiac genre. The actual basis of the article is formed by such well-known works of Brodsky as “Almost elegy”, “Roman elegies”, “Autumn cry of a hawk” etc. and the elegies of R.Kharis the Tatar poet of the 2nd half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century: “Elegy (There is blue smoke in my room)”, “Seven elegies about the sense of life”, “August”, ‘Cemetery dust”. The conclusion is made about similarity of the type of artistic thinking of the two authors, which is based on the dominance of the rational beginning in creativity. It is stated that lyrical hero of Kharis’s elegies is not opposed to time, his century unlike the hero of the elegies of Brodsky, who chooses the point of “non-occurrence” in relation to time; time in his poetry is taken beyond the limits of being. If the value for the elegiac hero of the Tatar author becomes the natural connection of phenomena and things with each other, as well as the interaction of life and death, then Brodsky emphasizes the fragmentation and fragility of the world as a property of its metaphysical perception (“Almost elegy”, “Roman elegies”). The comparative analysis also revealed different forms of transformation of the elegy and the elegiac mode of artistry in multilingual works. Thus, in the “Seven elegies…” by Kharis the final part of the cycle differs from the state of “mixed feelings” necessary for the poetics of the genre. On the contrary, in the elegy, the idea of human loneliness is strengthened: expansion into the world of heaven turns it into a stable state of cosmic being.

The Image of Soviet Russia in the Short Poems and Poems of the Turkish Poet Nazim Hikmet Ran
The article is devoted to the study of short poems and poems by the Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet Ran (1902-1963), reflecting the images of Soviet Russia. The article analyzes the frames and subframes that construct the image of Soviet Russia; studies the specificity of the realities of Russian culture; analyzes the observations, ideas and impressions of the Turkish poet about the way of life in Russia in the first half of the 20th century; reveals the correlation of the image of Soviet Russia created by the Turkish poet with the archetypes of Soviet Russia in the works of Nazim Hikmet Ran. The purpose of this article is to identify the languacultural specifity of the image of Soviet Russia in the work of Nazim Hikmet Ran. The material for the study was short poems and poems written by the poet during his stay in the USSR in 1921-1930. The research methods of this article are semantic analysis, linguacultural analysis, complex analysis, observation method. As a result of the analysis of the texts of short poems and poems, frames and subframes that construct the image of Soviet Russia in the poetic picture of the world of the Turkish poet are revealed.

Bilinguism and Translinguism in Contemporary Literature
In the post-Covid and post-literacy contexts, a new research field is being formed that combines multilingualism, multimodality and multiculturalism. The change in the world determines the transformation of the principles of dialogicity under the influence of a single global communication space, the exclusion of options for the development of relations from tolerance to conflict. B. Kenzheev, A. Kim, G. Belger write about the search for answers to the most important questions of our time, the challenges of globalization and how it contributes to the disclosure of the ethnocultural world, the universal and global concerns. Bilingualism is seen as a means of intercultural transfer; translingualism - as the use of a language (native or acquired), which makes it possible to encrypt a different cultural reality in a text.

From Intercultural Communication to Transcultural Creativity: A Study of Russian-American Fiction
The world has been growing more globalised, people have been moving and absorbing different cultural peculiarities. Now intercultural perspective might seem insufficient to describe the extent to which local cultures and identities are linked globally. As a result, language contact and communication between and across cultures have been changing. The present paper aims at studying modern RussianAmerican fiction from intercultural and transcultural perspectives emphasizing the translingual features and transcultural changes. The paper discusses the phenomenon of creative translingualism, which means writing in one or two languages that are not the native tongues. Contemporary American literature may be proud of its modern writers of Russian and Soviet descent: Olga Grushin, Sana Krasikov, Lara Vapnyar, Anya Ulinich, Irina Reyn. All the authors changed their country of birth and moved to the USA and as a result, they chose English as the language of their creative writings. However, the English of their works reflects the Russian language, culture, and identity of the writers making the English text not truly English. The research primarily studies the linguistic tools (borrowing, code mixing, code-switching and broken English) used by the writers to render Russian culture by means of the English language as well as the transcultural shift that has been inevitable and has become an inalienable part of new cultural identities.

A Comparative Analysis of the Socio-Cultural Context in Textbooks of Minority Languages for Non-native Speakers (Based on Electronic Textbooks of Udmurt and Swedish languages)
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the socio-cultural context of textbooks of the Udmurt and Swedish languages as minority and non-native languages. The preservation and development of minority languages is outlined and Russian and Finnish experience in the area is compared. The aim of the study was to identify the features of the socio-cultural models of these textbooks by applying the method of content analysis and to analyze them in terms of the interests and communicative needs of teenage students. The material for the analysis was electronic textbooks of the Udmurt language of the «Ӟеч-а, бур-а, удмурт кыл!» (“Hello, Udmurt language!”) series, as well as electronic textbooks of Swedish of the Megafon series, both for grades 7-9. Materials of the kind have not been previously considered in similar studies. The results of the comparative analysis show that textbooks meet the communicative needs of adolescent students in different ways. Conclusions are drawn about the difference in the groups of students to whom these textbooks are oriented. A proposal is formulated on the use of the socio-cultural context as a resource in the popularization of minority languages.

Academic Presentation in PechaKucha Format is a Professional Component of Bilingual Students in an Online Communication Environment
The article is devoted to the analysis of interactive technologies in Russian as a foreign language classes in the conditions of network communication, which expanded the field of traditional practices and became a new educational environment. This article considers the application of Pechakucha format within the framework of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The application of such modern educational technologies is an effective and appropriate form of organizing the educational process. The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the rapidly developing information technologies that allow successful training of bilingual students in academic skills and contribute to the training of an autonomous student. The following methods were used in the work: general scientific method, comparative analysis method, descriptive method, including the method of observation, interpretation, generalization, as well as experimental methods. The article attempts to show the results of applying the academic presentation in the PechaKucha format as a special format of translating new scientific knowledge on the basis of our own experience. The presented format was used when preparing students for a scientific and practical conference.

The Second Language Acquisition: System of Extended Integrative Control for Linguistic Knowledges and Communication Skills Sustainability
The article is devoted to the search for new approaches and forms of control over the assimilation of students’ knowledge at the initial stage within the framework of a worldview approach to teaching Russian as a foreign language. Based on the analysis of existing forms and types of control, a conclusion was made about their incomplete compliance with the goals of teaching live communication in Russian. The main problem is the lack of motivation to form an oral or written statement. The thematic principle for the organization of control over the assimilation of listening / speaking skills is outdated, it does not reflect the specifics of modern interpersonal communication, including socially conditioned one. Based on this conclusion, the article outlines approaches to the creation of an expanded comprehensive control system aimed, on the one hand, at testing (control) skills of free communication, and, on the other hand, at psychological stimulation (psychological boost) of communication.

Working with Media Text in the Audience: Case Method
This article proposes a holistic approach to text analysis as an object of linguistic research and pedagogical process. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate a methodology for working with a textual whole, which would be universal for both foreign students and students of Russian universities. Within the framework of the proposed concept, such concepts as discourse, media text, creolization are put forward, which indicates that the educational process is now immersed in a new semiotic reality that needs to be taken into account. We examined the methodology of working with media text in the audience. It is universal in nature and can be applied to the widest textual material. By examining the text in its many aspects, we let students understand how discursive its nature is. The text, as our case shows, is not just an intermediary between communicants. This is a synergistic reality, which is modeled by the intentions of one communicator and the peculiarities of perception of another. Our main task was to acquaint students with the features of the text as an element of discourse, as well as to learn how to work thoughtfully with its conceptual field. SEO analysis and cognitive mapping were considered as methods of working with text.