Vol 16, No 3 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1216
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2019-16-3
Full Issue
To our readers
To Our Readers
The Impact of a Creolized Text Non-verbal and Verbal Parts on its Perception (an Experimental Study)
The paper analyzes the impact of creolized text verbal and non-verbal parts on the perception of its meaning. The perception facreolized text is dualistic: the non-verbal part (image) is identified with visual recollection images while the verbal part (text) is identified with verbal models reflecting nonlingual consciousness images as well. The perception of acreolized text perception was analyzed with Osgood’s semantic differential method which enables the identification of sense perception results involving both genetically translated conscious images (images of color) and conscious images developed in one’s culture acquisition. The applied method reveals denotative as well as axiological characteristics of creolized text content. The resulting semantic spaces demonstrate the impact patterns of the image and text parts on the creolized text understanding.
Languages in contact
Features of modern bilingualism and its crisis (on the example of national languages of the CBR)
The article deals with the situation of bilingualism in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, which is organically inscribed in the global context. The authors consider some of the most representative criteria that indicate the objective state of the state languages of the CBD - Russian, Kabardian, Balkar, the classification of “risk groups” of UNESCO, as well as facts illustrating the crisis of native languages of the indigenous peoples of the Republic. In addition to the communicative, considered the most important functions of the language, which allow to act including as a basis for concluding philosophical concepts.
Origins of Modern Adyghe (North Caucasian) Literary Bilingualism (To the 225th Anniversary of the Birth of Shora Nogmov)
The problem of interaction between the Adyghe and Russian cultures is discussed in the article. For the first time, the authors attempted to study the “History of Adyghe People” by Sh. Nogmov in the framework of the Karamzin ideology of the “History of Russian State”. The issue of interdependence of Russian and North Caucasian cultures in the context of the actualization of the problems of the modern bilingualism and globalization is also studied.
Literary Translingualism: What and Why?
The article is devoted to a comprehensive understanding of the theory of translingualism. Its author, Professor Steven Kellman, discusses the essence of the term he proposed in the context of world literature, citing numerous examples of translingual imagination. Based on the work of writers such as Joseph Conrad, Vladimir Nabokov and others, Professor Kellman demonstrates how the mechanism of intercultural and translational interaction of linguistic and extralinguistic elements works in each individual case. The theory of translingualism enriched the cycle of the humanities (from linguistics to cultural studies, from literary criticism to philosophy) with a new popular episteme, which the editorial board gladly shares with our readers.
Linguistic and Stylistic Features of Translingual Writers: Comparative analysis
The present research is conducted within the frameworks of language contacts theory, intercultural communication theory, text linguistics and linguacontactology. Creative translingualism is the object of the research. Linguacreative characteristics of translingual fiction are the subject of the research. Fiction written by Russian and Chinese authors in English (Olga Grushin, Irina Reyn, Lara Vapnyar, Anya Ulinich, Gish Jen, Ha Jin, Amy Tan, Jade Snow Wong, Frank Chin, etc.) has served as the material for the analysis. Within the scope of the present research the similarities and differences of linguacreativity in the fiction written by authors belonging to unrelated linguacultures were determined. The range of native culture description means used by translingual writers is very diverse: loan-words, code switching and code mixing, native literature and songs allusions, contaminated speech, usage of English lexical units to transmit significant for native culture events (by attributing culturally specific meanings).
Karachai-Balkar Literature and Ethnic Identity Problems
In the modern period, the problem of bilingualism in the literary-artistic aspect is connected both with the study of the speech characteristics of characters in artistic works and with the analysis of the literature created by bilingual writers and perceived by bilingual societies. In the formation and development of the artistic literary school in the North Caucasus, the dissemination and study of Arabic and Russian languages was very important. The article traces the dynamics of the development of bilingualism in the artistic prose of the North Caucasus peoples (XIX - beginning of the XXI century). The novelty of the research is due to the cultural approach to the analysis of bilingualism as an important phenomenon that reflects mental, ethnocultural and universal spiritual values.
Stereotypes of Speech as Indicators of The Ethnic Belonging to Russian-Language Writers of Kazakhstan
Article is devoted to a research of an ethnic stereotype in the fiction of Russian-language writers of Kazakhstan, in particular a stereotype of speech. Article provides short review of scientific sources on this problem. The following tasks were selected: to observe the way the stereotypic scheme of thinking presented in the author’s speech or through the ethnic consciousness and worldview in characters’ speech. In the fiction the following main features of a stereotype in speech of the Russian-language (Kazakh by nationality) bilingual writer language identity was described: existence of a certain structure; use of proverbs, sayings, metaphors in words and collocations, comparisons.
Are Constants Constant?
The boundaries of the artwork visibly change the perception of the seemingly unshakable physical laws. For example, the works of writers of the beginning and end of the twentieth century, who created samples of the so-called. “Border literature” (N.L. Leiderman), we consider the ethnocultural component of certain physical categories and their role in creating the image of “their own” and “alien” national world within the framework of Russian-language literature. As a “counterweight” to each other, the images of the world of the nomad steppe and sedentary Slavic people are used.
For What Works The Nobel Prize Is Awarded Or Artistic Measurement Of KadzuoYsiguro’s Novel “Do Not Let Me Go”
The British-Japanese writer Kazuo Ishiguro was awarded the Nobel Prize for the anti-utopian novel “Do not let me go” in 2017. The authors of the article in the framework of ontological poetics consider the aesthetic advantages of the work, paying close attention to the degree of its relevance, the specifics of the artistic conflict, the advantages of the female narrative, as well as an extensive system of expressive means. The final result of the analysis is a high appreciation of the artistic mastery of the writer who is able to combine the breadth of the philosophical worldview with the fine work of a literary stylist.
“What is Your Good Name?”: on Translating Multicultural Literature
The article discusses distinguishing features of speech etiquette in Indian English and certain aspects of its translation into Russian. The relevance of this research topic is determined by the current spread of English as an international language and by the emergence of the World Englishes paradigm. In India there are a lot of cultural conventions that do not have English equivalents and, thus, cannot be expressed adequatelyby means of the English language. As a result of the language contact, Indian English has got an impact on its linguistic setting from Hindi and other regional languages. This linguistic transfer from Indian languages can be seen at various levels, including the use of politeness formulas. In this article the focus is made on the politeness formula “What is your good name?”, which is a polite way of asking someone’s name. This etiquette question is one of the most common Indian English politeness patterns, generalized all over India. The article analyzes the etymology of this expression and explains why it is frequently encountered in the speech of Indian English users, as well as to show the important role of such an analysis in overcoming translation difficulties.
On some principles of literary translation from the position of the bilingual personality - Bakhyt Kairbekov
In this article, using the example of the poems of the great Kazakh poet, enlightenment and philosophy Abai Kunanbayev, he reveals some of the translation strategies of the Russian-speaking poet, professional translator from Kazakh into Russian, Bakhyt Kairbekov.
Bilingual education
Study of Modern Hebrew in Russia: Variety of Goals and Ways to Achieve them
The article is devoted to the topic of Modern Hebrew education in Russian Federation. In particular, it describes that Hebrew, being the language that was restricted or even completely forbidden to study for many years, todaycan be studied at different levels and various formats: starting from kindergarten and ending with PhD thesis, which applies not only for Jewish people. Hebrew is studied at multiple language courses that are sometimes set up by Jewish organizations. Moreover, in recent years one can see the growth in number of private groups that provide a highly demanded service ofonline-courses. All in all, in the past 30 years the proprietary school of Hebrew teaching was founded that is involved in scientific activities, international conferences and has its own periodical scientific journal.
Gachev Has Gone, but Still with Us