The Impact of a Creolized Text Non-verbal and Verbal Parts on its Perception (an Experimental Study)

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The paper analyzes the impact of creolized text verbal and non-verbal parts on the perception of its meaning. The perception facreolized text is dualistic: the non-verbal part (image) is identified with visual recollection images while the verbal part (text) is identified with verbal models reflecting nonlingual consciousness images as well. The perception of acreolized text perception was analyzed with Osgood’s semantic differential method which enables the identification of sense perception results involving both genetically translated conscious images (images of color) and conscious images developed in one’s culture acquisition. The applied method reveals denotative as well as axiological characteristics of creolized text content. The resulting semantic spaces demonstrate the impact patterns of the image and text parts on the creolized text understanding.

About the authors

Viktoria S. Kosenko

Russian Istitute of Theatre Arts - GITIS

Author for correspondence.

Senior teacher of the Chair of Scenic Speech, Russian Istitute of Theatre Arts - GITIS

6 M. Kislovskiy per., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation


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