
Aesthetic Experience in the Concepts of R. Ingarden, V. Schapp and K. Stavenhagen
Popov E.A.
Existential Foundations of the "Mystical Experience"
Naidysh V.M., Naidysh O.V.
The Era of Global Changes and Z.B. Simon's Project of a New Vision of History
Gubman B.L., Anufrieva K.V.
Jonas Cohn’s Value-Theoretical Foundation of Aesthetics
Göller T.
Old Problems and New Perspectives for Neurophenomenology in Psychiatry: The Chronicle of the Radical Turn
Vlasova O.A.
Epistemological Problems of Quantum Mechanics Following Ernst Cassirer and Richard Hönigswald
Breil R.
Kant’s Transcendentalism as Metaphysics of Possible Experience and its Realistic Interpretation in Analytical Philosophy
Katrechko S.L.
Birth of ‘Criticism of Historical Reason’: W. Dilthey and I. Kant
Anufrieva K.V.
After Utopia: Topos of Otherness and Social Observer Position
Rudanovskaya S.V.
M. Schlick's Existentialism? Moritz Schlick and His Ethics of Youth
Davletshina A.M.
Transcendental-Phenomenological Basis of the Problems of Religious Studies Research
Chelovenko T.G.
Construction of Social Reality in Fiction and Phenomenology of Everyday Life
Rudanovskaya S.V.
Berdnikova A.Y.
“Woman on the edge of time”: experience of the subject in feminist utopian fiction
Rudanovskaia S.V.
“Woman on the edge of time”: experience of the subject in feminist utopian fiction
Rudanovskaya S.V.
Existential Characteristics of Tolerance
Gladyshev D.E.
Person, Identity and History: The Problem of a New Legitimacy of the Old Concepts
Khorkov M.L.
1 - 17 of 17 Items

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