
Ethico-Theology without Postulates: Questioning the Prehistory of Kant’s Philosophical Theology
Sudakov A.K.
Church and Liberal Healthcare: Need of Spiritual and Moral Education for Healthcare Workers
Mikhel D.V.
Hellenic Theology of the Epoch of High Classics
Naidysh V.M.
Georgii Fedotov as a Theologian of Culture
Mjør K.J.
The Islamization of Aristotelism in the Metaphysics of Ibn Sina
Efremova N.V.
Historiography of Al-Qushayri’s heritage
Lapitskaya O.A.
Kabbalah and Philosophy in the Early Works of Salomon Maimon
Gershowitz U.
Text and tradition: the hermeneutical circle in bibliology
Vevyurko I.S.
Eric Voegelin's History of political ideas. The bones of contention of the political animal
Castro-Henriques M.
The problem of the symbolic language in philosophical theology John Macquarrie
Lokhov S.A.
Reason and faith in religious philosophy of al-Ghazali
Kirabaev N.S., Al-Janabi M.M.
The Common Root of Philosophy and Theology in Lectures on Dialectics of F.D.E. Schleiermacher
Belyaeva A.V.
Theocosmogony of Egyptian religious texts from Amarna-time: historical and philosophical aspect
Zhdanov V.V.
Naydysh V.M.
The Memphite Theology as a Source of Ancient Egyptian Theocosmogony
Zhdanov V.V.
Rethinking the Integrative Dimension of Theology with Science: Syntheses and Congruences
Dura I., Mihălescu I., Frățilă M., Cîrceie V., Borcan R.
Mythology end theology. First article
Naydysh V.M.
A Protestant pastor from moscow hears F.W.J Schellings lectures
Rezvykh P.V.
Hellenic Theology of Early Classical Period
Naidysh V.M.
Influence on the formation of late-Kalam al-Kushayri views
Nechorosheva (Lapitskaya) O.A.
1 - 20 of 20 Items

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