
Blood pressure status in patients with metabolic syndrome
Sorout J., Kacker S., Saboo N., Kumar M.
Arterial hypertension in young adults
Bazdyreva E.I., Shavarova E.K., Ezhova N.E., Kirpichnikova E.I., Kobalava Z.D.
Renin profile in patients with untreated hypertension and its association with arterial stiffness parameters
Kravtsova O.A., Kotovskaya Y.V., Kobalava Z.D.
Maksikova T.M., Barsuren T., Kalyagin A.N., Babanskaya E.B.
Itravascular activity of trombocytes in arterial hypertension patients with dislipidemia on a background fluvastatine
Medvedev I.N., Skorjatina I.A.
Influence of adaptogens on hemodynamic disturbances in meteosensivity of patients with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease
Zaslavskaya R.M., Shcherban E.A., Logvinenko S.I.
Erythrocytes' rheological properties in patients with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia against simvastatin therapy
Medvedev I.N., Skoryatina I.A.
Genes of vascular reactions and formation of the arterial hypertension at chronic glomerulonephritis
Litovkina O.N., Nekipelova E.V., Proshchaev K.I., Aristova I.K., Nesterov V.G., Churnosov M.I.
Angiotensin II receptor antagonist valsartan in treatment of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic kidney diseases. Hypotensive and nephroprotective efficacy
Maximov M.L., Dralova O.V.
Microalbuminuria in risk stratification of non-diabetic hypertesive patients
Villevalde S.V., Tuykhmenev E.A., Klimenko A.S., Pigareva Y.A., Kobalava Z.D.
Of antiagregational activity of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome, who suffered from occlusion of eye vessels
Medvedev I.N., Danilenko O.A.
Preliminary data of an investigations of the influence weather factors on hemodynamics in patients with arterial hypertension and ischmic heart disease in traditional therapy and complex therapy with melaxen
Zaslavskaya R.M., Shcherban E.A., Logvinenko S.I., Tejbloom M.M.
Clinical efficiency of medium and high doses of valsartan in the treatment of patient with arterial hypertension and chronic kidney diseases
Maximov M.L., Dralova O.V.
On rheological properties erythrocyre at sick of the arterial hypertension with dyslipidemia
Medvedev I.N., Skorjatina I.А.
Antiaggregant impact of vascular wall on hemocyte in hypertension patients with dyslipidemia taking simvastatin
Skoryatina I.A., Medvedev I.N.
Clinical application of direct renin inhibitor aliskiren in combined therapy of patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome
Dralova O.V., Maximov M.L., Ermolaeva A.S.
Aggregation of neutrophils in patients with arterial hypertension dyslipidemic patients receiving rosuvastatin
Skoryatina I.A., Medvedev I.N.
Тhe possibilities of complex correction of antiagregational activity of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome, who suffered from the occlusion of eye vessels
Danilenko O.A., Medvedev I.N.
1 - 18 of 18 Items

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