Vol 27, No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 19
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/issue/view/1588
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2022-27-3
Full Issue
Cosmogonoeschatological and Easter archetypes in the work of Daniil Kharms in the 1930s
The research is devoted to the dynamics of D.I. Kharms’ creativity in the 1930s: if his early work functions in accordance with the ideas of the cosmogonomeschatological archetype, then later he turns to the Easter archetype, especially in the story “The Old Woman” (1939), which can be described as the final point of abandonment of the avant-garde. The goal is to show the process of Kharms's transition from the cosmic-eschatological to the Easter archetype. This process in the work of Kharms is described for the first time. The research material is Kharms' works of the 1930s. The methodology is determined by modern theoretical ideas about the categories of archetype and myth. The transition from the cosmogonoeschatological archetype to the Easter archetype begins in the work of Kharms with the story “Morning” (1931), where Kharms focuses on describing everyday life, while the main motive in the story becomes the motive of waiting for a miracle that will never happen. This story differs from the previous works of Kharms and shows the writer's departure from the positions of his own philosophical treatises of 1927-1931 and from the type of thinking characteristic of the avant-garde - the cosmic-eschatological archetype. This leads to the destruction of the myth in his work as a picture of the world that explains the world, leads to the formation of a plot of doubt, the functioning of which leads to total incoherence and disunity in his poetics. The result is the story “The Old Woman,” in which the archetype of Easter is actualized, as a result of which the spiritual revival of the hero associated with the appeal to God takes place.

Russophone literature
According to the papers of late 20th and early 21st centuries devoted to the belles-lettres written in Russian, a term “Russian literature” or “Russian-language literature” is used along with another term “Russophone literature.” The different understandings of the word “Russophonia” are presented, the views of scientists on the spatial and temporal boundaries of this phenomenon are studied. Additionally, the author provides and analyzes various classifications that allow the users to determine the text corpus attributable to the Russophone literature, as well as the place of this literature in the modern literary process. Based on the study of relevant works by both domestic and foreign scientists, it was concluded that the term of Russophonia dated back to the times of the Russian Empire's colonial expansion in Central Asia and the Caucasus. The development of national literatures and the ideology of people's friendship during the Soviet period, the collapse of the Soviet Union (when people living in one state became the citizens of different countries) contributed to the development and widespread dissemination of Russophonia. This phenomenon, as well as the Russophone literature, is not limited to the geographical boundaries of the states. It can be also assumed that the “Russophone literature” is fairly synonymous with the expression “Russian-language literature.” Still, the use of the “Russophone literature” is considered to be the most suitable and reasonable in relation to the modern Russian-language literature since, according to a number of researchers, it has no ethnical, political and geographical correlation. It is more neutral and harmonious (for example, when translated into English).

The genre features of the novels by Marina Paley
First Marina Paley novels are classified as traditional prose. However, her search for an adequate form of expression of the author's worldview led her to genre experiments and gave bright artistic results. The genre features of the story “Under the Sky of my Africa,” its intertextuality and dialogue with Pushkin, are considered. In particular, the author analyzes the problem of “fundamental untranslatability of codes,” the genre features of the travelogue and notes in the context of Paley's entire work. The analysis of main characters also was carried out and includes the correlation of Vanka Telyatnikov with the motives of Russian evil spirits and the trickster. The inner life of Mazaniva Mvunga is studied in the context of the African line of A.S. Pushkin. Bringing together different motives, images, intertextuality, Marina Paley achieves expressive features in creating an actual picture of Russian reality and affirms her ideas about the main values of life.

Cubo-futuristic poetics in the poem “Night” by V. Mayakovsky in the interpretation of Chinese translators
The futuristic poetics of V. Mayakovsky's work received the attention of researchers in China only at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The Chinese reader owes the discovery of Mayakovsky as a lyrical poet of a futuristic persuasion to the skill of translators. A characteristic feature of cubo-futuristic poetics, which focuses on the principles of abstract painting, is fragmentation, instability, elusiveness of meaning, which, on the one hand, presents a great difficulty for adequate translation of such information by means of another language, on the other hand, gives the translator freedom in interpreting the suggestive content of the text. The authors provide a comparative analysis of the translations of Wang Feibai and Zheng Zheng of V. Mayakovsky's poem “Night” into Chinese in order to identify the subjective image of the perceived text, which is formed during the relaying of artistic information into translation. The study of translations helps to identify previously unspoken meanings in the pretext, which enriches the perception of the original.

Russian formalists and Russian literature
Russian literature of the present day has lost its statehood and no longer pretends to build its own laws of development in the historical movement. The “dictatorship of art” predicted by the formalists, intended for the total textuality of Russian culture, turned out to be a predominantly optimistic slogan that has lost its stimulating function in the context of living literary reality. The research is devoted to the problem of interaction of Russian literature and formalism. Russian literature in the works of Russian formalists was considered as an autonomously existing system structure that simulates a “different” reality, independent of social and political conditions. The movement of literature in a functional perspective determined the activities and tasks of the so-called “formal school” mainly represented by Viktor Shklovsky, Boris Eikhenbaum and Yury Tynyanov.

Mimetic desire, competition between father and son and traumatic experience in Ivan Turgenev’s novella “First Love”
Ivan Turgenev’s novella “First Love” in the light of the Oedipus conflict is studied. But it’s done not according to S. Freud’s conception, in which erotic desire is the starting point and crucial aspect of the conflict between father and son. Rather, it interprets the way it is understood by Freud’s heirs S. Ferenczi and J.M. Masson, and even more in the light of R. Girard’s culturology. Thus, what is crucial for the author is the competitive conflict in itself, which only in a second step leads to father and son desiring the same woman. Nevertheless, some symbols that might play a role in Freud’s psychoanalytic observations are impor- tant for as well. Among these symbols are the jacket fit for children which his mother forces Vladimir to wear in Zinaida’s presence, Vladimir’s hair torn out by Zinaida, the knife with which Vladimir wanted to kill his rival but which he drops, the fact that Vladimir’s father rides on horseback better than Vladimir, and the whip with which the father beats Zinaida. To our point of view, the starting point of the plot is that Vladimir’s parents do not care for him. This is a trauma for the young man and the origin of an erotic rivalry for his father. When Vladimir discovers that Zinaida is his father’s lover and, even more, that they are unhappy in their relationship, this becomes a profound trauma for the young man, one could even say, it symbolically castrates him. Later on, he is not able to love or to overcome circumstances in order to reach his aims. He rather somehow goes on instead of living. For example, he does not marry.

Sleep paralysis: at intersection of biology and folklore
The author examines the concept of “sleep paralysis” from the point of view of biology and folk culture. The key components of this concept, highlighted by various authors, touches on the main problems related to this concept, including the relationship between biological and cultural in the context of sleep paralysis, are presented. In addition, the work describes possible interpretations of sleep paralysis, mythological characters associated with it in the folklore of different peoples of the world, and folklore genres in which it is reflected. Moreover, the article contains examples of narratives about cases of sleep paralysis in folklore; outside the cultural tradition, where mythological characters associated with sleep paralysis are known; as well as an example of the appearance of mythological characters connected with manifestations of sleep paralysis not in a mythological text, but in other folklore genres.

The Soviet Union in two Arab novels
The study aims to analyze the representation of the Soviet Union in two Arab novels, “Ice” (2011) by Egyptian Sun‘allah Ibrahim and “Time of the Red Reed Pipe” (2012) by Kuwaiti Thurayya al-Baqsami. Within the vast expanse of the Arab “emigrant” literature one can find relatively few works of fiction that have to do with the USSR despite the fact that in the 1960-1980s thousands of Arab students studied in the country. Among a couple dozen Arab writers who wrote some fiction about the USSR very few spent more than a couple of months in the country, and their works, as a rule, present idealized and rather superficial images of the Soviet Union. Unlike these authors, Sun‘allah Ibrahim and Thurayya al-Baqsami spent in the 1970s quite a long time in Moscow in the status of ordinary students, and for this reason their novels present a much more realistic picture of the Soviet Union. Without any noticeable warmth towards their Soviet hosts, the writers consider many negative features of Soviet social and economic life as commodity shortage, low quality of Soviet goods and services, illegal currency operations, etc. The two authors’ representations of the Soviet Union stand in contrast to the Soviet’s own idea of how the people from the developing countries perceived the “country of victorious socialism.”

Diasporic consciousness in contemporary Indian women’s fiction in English: at a glance
Diasporic literature is a pivotal term in literature that includes the literary works of the authors who are the outsiders for their native country but their work is deeply rooted in homeland by reflecting native culture, background, displacement and so on. Indian women’s literary work is at the forefront of diasporic literature. The advent of Indian women novelists on the literary horizon is an important development in the Indian English literature. These women writers have also contributed to other genres, such as drama, poetry and short stories, not only in English but also in regional languages like Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Punjabi, Tamil, Kannada and so on. Some modern women writers flourish their writing in the form of fables as a literary genre in an impressive way to focus on the specific themes. In last two decades, Indian women’s writing in English is blossomed, both published in India and abroad. The present paper is the review of diasporic consciousness in select works of contemporary Indian women novelists. It focuses on the attempt to highlight the quest for identity of those women who played a crucial role in defining themselves through their literary work in diasporic background.

University media of the 30s of the twentieth century: historical and typological analysis
For the first time in the theory of media, the publication of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Bubnov (MGPI) - the newspaper Kultharmeets is considered. The newspaper Kultharmeets is an important historical document that reflected the realities of research processes and the socio-political situation in Russian educational institutions in the early 1930s. Such famous figures of education as Dmitry I. Azbukin, Mikhail Ye. Dyment presented their scientific and pedagogical views here, students of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, who later became famous scientists and writers in Armenia (Gurgen Hovnan, Kazar Ayvazyan and others), were published here. The history of the newspaper Kultharmeets , its problems, features of the organization are investigated, the list of editors is published for the first time. As an empirical material, some previously unexplored archival documents on student media of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, the Central State Archive of Moscow, the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Bubnov (minutes of meetings of the university party Committee) were used and introduced into scientific circulation. The analysis of the articles of Kultharmeets contributes to the study of the history of Russian pedagogy and journalism.

Korean media under the American military administration (1945-1948)
Probably, the beginning of the pro-American trend in the development of Korean media was the editorial policy of the Korean media in the middle of the 20th century. This assumption is tested with the help of historical and typological analysis of the Korean mass media during the period of the American military administration in 1945-1948. In in the context of the media, a characteristic of the political situation of that period is given. A comparative descriptive method and a classification method were applied. Previously unpublished information about the structure, language, and style, circulation, audience, thematic focus of two newspapers, the most popular at that time in Korea, is presented. In addition, the most significant personalities in the field of journalism of the designated period are identified. This study not only provides an insight into the political situation and journalism of 1945-1948 but also draws attention to the origins of the long-term influence that the United States of America had on the ideological transformation of the Korean media. It was discovered that at first the American military administration in Korea guaranteed and supported freedom of the press, then an anti-communist policy was inspired and mainly pro-American publications remained in Korea. Thus, it is from the time when Korea was ruled by the American military administration that the Korean media has been favorable to the United States and negative to its opponents.

Pragmatic enantiosemy of socio-political terms and its reflection in modern media
In terms of regularity enantiosemy is inferior to such systematic manifestations as polysemy or synonymy, but it also takes an important place in the language system and manifests itself at all the language levels. The research deals with such a special type of enantiosemy as pragmatic enantiosemy of socio-political terminology. On the example of the term “optimization” the author presents how a radical change in the pragmatics of the term, at first meliorative one, forms enantiosemy. For the identification of the social, psycholinguistic and linguocultural causes of pragmatic enantiosemy, the media contexts of the term “optimization” were studied, the method of discursive-contextual and linguopragmatic analysis, as well as the technique of internal introspection, appealing to linguistic intuition and knowledge of the social and linguocultural situation were used. An important criterion for changes is the reflection of the authors of media texts about not only the concept, but also the term itself. The semantics of the term “optimization” was polarized relating to the original one: the word began to mean not ‘improvement,’ but ‘deterioration,’ ‘destruction,’ ‘scrapping,’ ‘collapse,’ even ‘catastrophe,’ which makes it possible to talk about the enantiosemy formation. It is important to emphasize that the change in the pragmatics (and at the same time the semantic essence) of the word “optimization,” occurred solely under the influence of extralinguistic social factors, led to the formation of enantiosemy, since a positive context remained possible in principle.

Positioning as a discursive strategy
This authors attempt to determine the relationship between positioning and discourse from the standpoint of the media communication approach (based on the theory of philology and the theory of communication). The subject of the research is positioning as a discursive strategy. The work uses a set of methods: synthesis, comparative analysis, interpretive analysis. On the one hand, the study of positioning as a discursive practice involves an analysis of discourse; on the other hand, the designation of positioning as a discursive strategy focuses on the tools of achievement (the communicative moves used during positioning). A theoretical substantiation of positioning as a discursive strategy is proposed, which is based on discourse - speech, “immersed in life” (term by N.D. Arutyunova), which, according to the author's interpretation, acts as a means of communication. It is concluded that positioning is both a communicative influence directed at the consciousness of the receiving party and a manipulative phenomenon, the realization of which occurs through the influence on the connections existing in the consciousness of the individual. In turn, the actor operating with positioning is able to achieve many goals in the course of the implementation of the communicative act.

Genre-format features of modern entertainment television
The highly competitive digital environment makes it necessary to study the content strategies of TV channels that continue to attract a mass audience to the screens. In the example of the program grid of the STS, TNT, and Pyatnitsa TV channels, the genre and format features of entertainment TV were analyzed. The formats in demand for programming are identified, and the seasonal (from August to December 2021) and weekly dynamics of content strategies (Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday) are shown. The list of entertainment television formats was compiled, and the research matrix was created based on the study of theoretical sources and a pilot study. The analysis showed that the selected TV channels have different content strategies. However, more successful TV channels that have been on the market for longer are building their content strategy, turning mainly to non-journalistic content formats, primarily television films and series. Among journalistic entertainment programs, humorous shows, travel shows, and reality shows were in demand. The content strategies of all TV channels on weekdays, Fridays, and Sundays were different.

Comparison as a means of persuasion and a technique of manipulation: features of application in media space
Manipulative techniques of verbal communication have rather recently moved into the focus of research attention (classical rhetoric was focused on honest argumentation and touched upon the problem of manipulation only in terms of criticism of “unsuitable persuasion techniques” used by sophists). In numerous modern studies, virtually the entire tropic is considered to be manipulative techniques, and it remains unclear what transforms the method of enhancing figurativeness and expressiveness into a destructive method of latent influence. Of course, this ambiguity is generated by the essence of the object: to explain manipulativeness, it is necessary to dive into the spheres of the intentional, which is difficult to verify. However, it is extremely important to distinguish between the tropics in its original role, on the one hand, and tropics used for manipulative purposes, on the other. Based on discursive analysis, which makes it possible to identify manipulation, using the inductive-deductive method and the method of linguopragmatic analysis, the authors study the conditions under which the use of linguistic means in general and the comparison trope in particular becomes manipulative. On the example of the trope comparison the authors attempt to clarify the conditions of its incorrect, it means manipulative, use. Manipulation is destructive, even if it bases on the tropics, and therefore for the cultivation of public space it is necessary to detect this technique.

Analysis of the representation of environmental issues in the social networks of regional Internet media
A quantitative analysis of environmental content was carried out in the profile groups of social networks of regional Internet media, specifically in the social network VKontakte, popular among young people. An attempt to measure the degree of involvement of the media audience in the environmental issues of the region is presented, an assessment of social reflection on environmental texts is given. The dynamics (through likes, reposts and comments) of social well-being, typical for the audience of regional online media, has been revealed. The most popular resources were used as empirical material - the online publications “74.ru” and “1obl.ru.” A theoretical review of sources on the issue under study, including the work of domestic and foreign scientists of various specialties, is presented. Qualitative results have been achieved: linguistic features of text construction, reflecting the audience's reaction to environmental events, have been identified. The novelty of the study lies in the chosen approach and perspective of the problem, in the combination of methods used to collect data, in particular, a comparative analysis of the presentation of environmental information in official media sources and their representation in social networks was carried out. The main conclusion obtained in the course of the study is that the ecotexts of an environmentally problematic region do not provide high user involvement, while they indirectly express behavioral intentions, audience reactions, including social well-being.

The shift in media consumption in Russia: overview of trends 2016-2021
The Internet has become omnipresent in Russia due to the mass accessibility of smartphones. Paired with the fact that the representatives of the digital generation are reaching adulthood, the significant changes in media consumption have occurred over the past five years. It can be stated that progressive quantitative transformations have turned into a qualitative digital shift. The use of digital media is growing: the use of messengers in almost all age groups, social networks, search engines, online video services surpasses traditional media. In 2021, digital platforms took the top eight places in the ranking of media platforms by audience in Russia. At the same time, there is a decrease in TV viewing, the fragmentation of the audience is growing, and the YouTube has become the most popular video service in the country. Interest in reading newspapers, magazines, listening to radio is falling. In terms of the importance of news sources and trust in them, the Internet surpasses TV in all audiences. The study provides statistics that have not been published before. A comprehensive analysis of the identified trends in the development of digital media allowed to draw a conceptual conclusion about the qualitative shift in media consumption in Russia between 2016 and 2021: this timeframe is marked for the first time.

New approach to the teaching of Russian for journalists. Book review: Glazkov, A.V. (2022). Semantics: From word to text: Handbook and practicum for high schools. Moscow: Yurait Publ. (In Russ.)
The review analyzes a handbook of Russian for journalism students. The author proposes a new approach based on semantics. The book consists of three parts: word, sentence, and text. Each part demonstrates how the items of related level take part in the process of creating meanings. All examples used for illustrating and analysis are from actual Russian media. The handbook is consistent with State Educational Standard for High Education and recommended as manual and practicum for high school students specializing in humanities.

The scientist-innovator, creator and producer. Book review: Itkis, G.E., Krivosheeva, A.M., & Karagesyan, A.K. (Eds.). (2022). M.I. Krivosheev. Strings of fate. Memoirs of the patriarch of television. Moscow: VegaPrint. (In Russ.)
The book, unusual in concept, was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Soviet and Russian scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mark Iosifovich Krivosheev (1922-2018), who made an undeniable contribution to the development of TV broadcasting in the world. His merits and inventions are recognized by both domestic and foreign technical experts and international organizations, such as the International Telecommunication Union. The peculiarity of the book is that it is based on the personal notes of the professor, which is of particular value, allowing the reader to understand the point of view of an eyewitness to events at different stages of history. This book is the story of its main author (there are supplementary remarks-explanations in the book) about the difficult path of becoming a TV broadcasting platform and the development of television, which has gone through the stages from infancy to multi-program digital interactive TV broadcasting. It also contains inclusions from the personal life of a scientist, starting from childhood, which focuses attention on the business qualities of a scientist-innovator. The review analyzes the aspects and trends in the development of modern digital television, substantiates character traits that are important for the formation of the personality of a research scientist.