The genre features of the novels by Marina Paley
- Authors: Ledneva D.M.1
- Maxim Gorky Literature Institute
- Issue: Vol 27, No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 477-487
- URL:
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First Marina Paley novels are classified as traditional prose. However, her search for an adequate form of expression of the author's worldview led her to genre experiments and gave bright artistic results. The genre features of the story “Under the Sky of my Africa,” its intertextuality and dialogue with Pushkin, are considered. In particular, the author analyzes the problem of “fundamental untranslatability of codes,” the genre features of the travelogue and notes in the context of Paley's entire work. The analysis of main characters also was carried out and includes the correlation of Vanka Telyatnikov with the motives of Russian evil spirits and the trickster. The inner life of Mazaniva Mvunga is studied in the context of the African line of A.S. Pushkin. Bringing together different motives, images, intertextuality, Marina Paley achieves expressive features in creating an actual picture of Russian reality and affirms her ideas about the main values of life.
About the authors
Daria M. Ledneva
Maxim Gorky Literature Institute
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9416-963X
postgraduate student, Department of Modern Russian Literature
25 Tverskoy Bulvar, Moscow, 123104, Russian FederationReferences
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