University media of the 30s of the twentieth century: historical and typological analysis
- Authors: Kodola N.V.1
- Moscow Pedagogical State University
- Issue: Vol 27, No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 541-550
- URL:
- DOI:
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For the first time in the theory of media, the publication of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Bubnov (MGPI) - the newspaper Kultharmeets is considered. The newspaper Kultharmeets is an important historical document that reflected the realities of research processes and the socio-political situation in Russian educational institutions in the early 1930s. Such famous figures of education as Dmitry I. Azbukin, Mikhail Ye. Dyment presented their scientific and pedagogical views here, students of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, who later became famous scientists and writers in Armenia (Gurgen Hovnan, Kazar Ayvazyan and others), were published here. The history of the newspaper Kultharmeets , its problems, features of the organization are investigated, the list of editors is published for the first time. As an empirical material, some previously unexplored archival documents on student media of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, the Central State Archive of Moscow, the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Bubnov (minutes of meetings of the university party Committee) were used and introduced into scientific circulation. The analysis of the articles of Kultharmeets contributes to the study of the history of Russian pedagogy and journalism.
About the authors
Natalia V. Kodola
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9089-5917
Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Media Communications, Institute of Journalism, Communications and Media Education
1 Malaya Pirogovskaya St, bldg 1, Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationReferences
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