Bibliographic Information in the Theatre Magazine Artist
- Authors: Zhilina A.V.1
- Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
- Pages: 558-569
- URL:
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The theatre magazine “Artist” has repeatedly become an object of scientific research. However, despite the wealth of works with a focus on structure of the magazine, the bibliographic section of “Artist” remains insufficiently studied. The bibliographic information of the journal has not yet become an object of subject-specific research. The empirical basis of the study is a complete set of publications of the theater magazine “Artist” for the entire period of its existence. Primary attention is paid to the bibliographic section of the journal and the appendix. Research methods are theoretical and historical analysis, generalization and systematization of the results obtained. In the proposed article, the author describes and comprehends the main forms of latent bibliographic information in the theatrical magazine “Artist”, first of all, the independent section “Bibliography”. The study defines main thematic areas of the section, its structure and main genres. The author also analyzes the types of bibliographic advertising in the journal: alphabetical directories of plays allowed to be performed, index of plays suitable for amateur shows, announcements on subscription from magazine editors, advertising of new books, ads for subscriptions to other print media. The author comes to the conclusion that along with educational intentions, the magazine staff solved specific selling tasks (sale of the magazine and books distributed through the publisher’s office). The latent bibliographic information of “Artist” can be useful for specialists interested in history of literature, journalism and theatre.
About the authors
Anastasia V. Zhilina
Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1680-8560
Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising and Public Relations
18 Bolshaya Morskaya St, Saint-Petersburg, 191186, Russian FederationReferences
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