
Issue Title File
No 3 (2012) The principle of implementation of hypertext structure - one of the fundamental principles of creation of electronic textbooks PDF


Beljaev M.I.
No 3 (2012) Methods of the organization of educational activity on the basis of use of information resources of the portal of higher education institution PDF


Grigoriev S.G., Koloshein A.P.
No 3 (2012) About need and features of training physics teachers of in the field of informatization of education PDF


Bidaybekov E.Y., Grinshkun V.V., Sharmukhambet S.R.
No 3 (2012) Model teaching to informatics, integrated with teaching to common technical disciplines on the basis of combining of full-time and remote forms of education PDF


Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
No 3 (2012) The use of computer models in the process of teaching students to physics PDF


Berkimbaev K.M., Ormanova G.K.
No 3 (2012) Features of information of educational process in innovative technical high school PDF


Grinshkun V.V., Sotnikova O.A.
No 3 (2012) Didactic possibilities of the information and communication technologies in teaching mathematics in higher education institution PDF


Rozanova S.A., Sanina E.I., Kuznetsova T.A.
No 2 (2012) Methodical aspects of estimation of education results on computer science on the basis of the criteria oriented approach PDF


Parfyonova A.V.
No 2 (2012) The principles of projection of governing information systems of distance learning PDF


Butova V.N.
No 2 (2012) Information-communication technologies in formation of corporate culture of higher school PDF


Denisova A.B.
No 2 (2012) Use of internet resources in teaching foreign languages in higher school PDF


Berkimbaev K.M., Muhamedzhanov B.K., Nyshanova S.T., Kerimbaeva B.T.
No 2 (2012) Using modern information technologies in continuing education PDF


Nimatulaev M.M., Magomedov R.M.
No 2 (2012) Requirements for selection of the content of training computer science based on network database of training materials PDF


Zaslavskiy A.А.
No 2 (2012) Development of communicative educational space for improvement of professional skill of teachers PDF


Rudakova D.T.
No 2 (2012) A complex of software semantic analysis intended for informatization of training future programmers and experienced users PDF


Chernyshov M.Y.
No 2 (2012) Training to computer science as a factor of efficiency of teaching students of polytechnic college on special subjects PDF


Aldiyarov K.T.
No 2 (2012) Our Authors PDF


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No 2 (2012) Generation of test tasks in the expert-training systems PDF


Bratchikov I.L.
No 2 (2012) Experience of computer testing on teaching students of the «Chemistry» specialization PDF


Nevskaja E.Y., Sorokina E.A.
No 2 (2012) Contemporary approaches to using information technologies in teaching foreign languages PDF


Nyshanova S.T.
No 2 (2012) Unified information-educational environment as a framework for the development of informational competence of teachers in a college PDF


Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
No 2 (2012) Influence of disciplines of area «Computer science» on the process of forming professional competence of bachelors of pedagogical education of the profile «Mathematics» PDF


Bordukov N.I.
No 2 (2012) New approaches to working professional development programs for teachers, designed to creation, support and developing of educational information of schools PDF


Komelina E.V., Gusakova T.M.
No 2 (2012) Realization of the competence approach in the process of professional development organized for computer science teachers in the conditions of information- educational environment of a school PDF


Komelina E.V.
No 2 (2012) Information educational environment of the institution: concept, structures, project PDF


Myasoyedova E.A., Budnikova G.A.
No 1 (2012) Actual problems and existing experience formations of educational electronic resources PDF


Bidajbekov E.Y., Usenov S.S.
No 1 (2012) New requirements for modern education in colleges and professional schools in the context of the introduction of modern information and telecommunication technologies PDF


Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
No 1 (2012) Models and methods of definition of productivity of use of interactive electronic educational elements in educational process PDF


Guseva A.I., Kireev V.S.
No 1 (2012) Networking as a new form of work of school libraries PDF


Kapranov V.K., Kapranova M.N.
No 1 (2012) Requirements for a bachelor degree for the discipline «Modern information technology» PDF


Gladkih S.V.
No 1 (2012) The preservation of high school investments in the development of information systems PDF


Ogurtsova L.S.
No 1 (2012) Scorm-compliant resource management system PDF


Guseva A.I., Tsyplakov A.S.
No 1 (2012) Information technology as a resource quality of primary and secondary vocational education PDF


Aldiyarov K.T.
No 1 (2012) Multimedia presentation teaching material in physics in high school PDF


Mihajlishina G.F., Bahtina E.J.
No 1 (2012) Information support of education as a tool of training individualization and efficiency PDF


Lebedev V.V.
No 1 (2012) The competent approach in modern continuous education system PDF


Begarisheva G.G.
No 1 (2012) Our AutHors PDF


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No 1 (2012) About two key components school information PDF


Uvarov A.Y.
No 1 (2012) Lesson-presentation as way of development the analytical skills PDF


Zakharova E.S.
No 1 (2012) Model of situational quality management of preparation of pupils to unified state examination on computer science PDF


Zhdanov S.A., Silchenko A.P.
No 1 (2012) Formation of competence in the field of use of information technology in system vocational education PDF


Lukin V.V.
No 1 (2012) Methodical features of training to the information technology of pupils of the basic school PDF


Levchenko I.V.
No 1 (2012) Computer testing as the element of education and control in system of distant education PDF


Abramova E.N.
No 1 (2012) Psycho-pedagogical aspects of mentality development while realizing problem-solving teaching in it PDF


Panyukova S.V., Prusakova O.A.
No 1 (2012) Use of environment «MOODLE» in education to health and safety bases PDF


Borisov S.S.
No 1 (2012) The theoretical preconditions for problem situation realization while studying information technology at school PDF


Prusakova O.A.
No 1 (2012) Using of information-comunicative technologies in making electron books PDF


Berkimbaev K.M., Kerimbaeva B.T., Meyrbekova G.P.
No 1 (2012) System of preparation of pupils to unified state examination in a subject «Computer science and ICT» PDF


Silchenko A.P.
No 4 (2011) SWOT-analysis in the management system of higher educational institution PDF


Gubaydullina G.N.
No 4 (2011) Our AutHors PDF


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No 4 (2011) The development of managerial competence of teachers in the use of information and telecommunication technologies as a resource for expansion of additional professional education PDF


Zaslavskaya O.Y.
No 4 (2011) The model of forming of information competence for musical specialities students' PDF


Lozhakova E.A.
No 4 (2011) Using Web 2.0 Technologies Wiki and Blog in the formation vocational competence of foreign students of engineering specialties PDF


Mikhailova E.B.
No 4 (2011) Technologies of interaction of the subjects of higher educational process with the information educational environment PDF


Kostikov A.N., Kuznetsova I.V.
No 4 (2011) Approaches to the formation of the informational culture of students in teaching computer science in the system of secondary technical education PDF


Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
No 4 (2011) Informatization of education as the factor of integration of scientific and pedagogical activity of the post-graduate student PDF


Grinshkun V.V.
No 4 (2011) Mathematical modelling and computing experiment in research and teaching to bases of non-stationary heat conductivity at roasting monotermite samples PDF


Bidaybekov E.Y., Kulbekov M.K., Ospanbekov E.A., Erzhenbek B., Hamraev S.I.
No 4 (2011) The maintenance of education in computer science of students of pedagogical higher schools in the conditions of informatization educational environment PDF


Prokopova N.S.
No 4 (2011) Psychological aspects of training higher school students to fraktal sets PDF


Kornilov V.S.
No 4 (2011) The conceptual basis of methodical system of continuous teaching to information security of schoolchildren PDF


Simonova I.V., Bocharov M.I.
No 4 (2011) The use of content management systems in distance learning PDF


Gasparian A.A.
No 4 (2011) Problematic tasks at studying common methods of computer science and programming PDF


Skopin I.N.
No 4 (2011) Teaching technical disciplines in a college by means of the resources of the Moodle software environment PDF


Aldiyarov K.T.
No 4 (2011) The use of educational electronic publications in training of future computer science teachers PDF


Shihaleva L.A.
No 4 (2011) Information and methodical resources of forming of environmentally oriented educational space PDF


Pisareva O.E.
No 3 (2011) The diagnostic testing as means of exposure of students' individual peculiarities PDF


Zhavoronkova I.M.
No 3 (2011) Neural network technologies in the systems of information security PDF


Yuzhakov A.A.
No 3 (2011) The problem of competitiveness of the institutions of higher education graduates PDF


Usenkova E.J.
No 3 (2011) Preparation of teachers in the field of education informatization as the factor of the solution of a problem of information resources qualities PDF


Grinshkun V.V.
No 3 (2011) Models of network interaction of teachers and pupils on the basis of web-сервиса PDF


Tretjak T.M.
No 3 (2011) The process control of information of education PDF


Isachenko O.V.
No 3 (2011) Working out and the description of the hypertext information retrieval thesaurus on algebra PDF


Kuznetsova I.V., Lesnikov S.V.
No 3 (2011) New approaches to teaching of the course of linear algebra in teacher training university in the conditions of information of education PDF


Sarykov E.S.
No 3 (2011) Electronic educational resources in the work with children of preeschool age PDF


Lezhnina M.V.
No 3 (2011) Symbolical representation of the information and its measurement PDF


Bubnov V.A.
No 3 (2011) Influence of information and telecommunication technologies effectiveness of education in the system secondary vocational education PDF


Aldiyarov K.T.
No 3 (2011) Role of training courses of computer science in education students of high schools to numerical methods PDF


Kornilov V.S.
No 3 (2011) Designing methodology on the basis uses miсrоsоft office project PDF


Zaharov A.S.
No 3 (2011) Pedagogic conditions and principles of guaranteeing efficacy of the process of forming musical specialities students' information competence while teaching informatics PDF


Lozhakova E.A.
No 3 (2011) Our Autors PDF


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No 3 (2011) The methodology of the pedagogical tests in computer science based on the integrated model PDF


Shoytov D.V.
No 3 (2011) Development of tests for computer-based testing PDF


Belyaev M.I.
No 2 (2011) Profile educational geoinformation systems as didactic tools for comprehensivetraning of specialists in the field of environmental management and ecology PDF


Zengina T.Y.
No 2 (2011) Activization of informative activity of pupils with use of interactivemeans of presentation PDF


Proshina E.U.
No 2 (2011) Informatizaton of educational activity by preparation ofstudents in medical universities PDF


Mal G.S., Grinshkun G.G.
No 2 (2011) Our authors PDF


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No 2 (2011) Educational possibilities of the role information modeling PDF


Junov S.V., Feshina E.V.
No 2 (2011) Medicalbiologicallaboratory as an object of modeling PDF


Igumnova O.V., Lukyanova E.A., Protsenko V.D., Shimkevich E.M.
No 2 (2011) Application of multimedia technologies at education to databases inthe high school course of computer science PDF


Grinshkun V.V.
No 2 (2011) Complex system of automation of management of university PDF


Panjukova S.V.
No 2 (2011) Quality assurance of education to the foreign language students at useinformational technologies of education PDF


Kolesova T.V.
No 2 (2011) Construction, criterions and levels of net culture's formedness ofteacher of informatic in system of improvement qualification PDF


Budnikova G.A.
No 2 (2011) Formation of professional competence in the field of informationcommunicationtechnologies at the future mathematics teachers PDF


Kuznetsova I.V.
No 2 (2011) Creation of the prototype of the electronic educational resource oncomputer science on the basis of the linguistic subject domain ontologies PDF


Abramov A.V.
No 2 (2011) Formation of the maintenance of education of studentsto discipline «computerized problem-solving practice» PDF


Abushkin D.B., Kornilov V.S.
No 2 (2011) An integrated approach to the use of information and telecommunicationtechnologies in the learning process in secondary vocational edu PDF


Aldiyarov K.T.
No 2 (2011) Formation of the didactic purposes for pupils atcomputer science lessons PDF


Zaslavskaya O.Y., Levchenko I.V.
No 2 (2011) Features and problems of working out of teaching materials for electronicmethodical complexes of disciplines PDF


Beljaev M.I.
No 2 (2011) Tasks weight estimation for hierarchical system of tests in informatics PDF


Krivolapov S.V.
No 2 (2011) Methods of working out of educational electronic resources PDF


Koloshein A.P.
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