Preparation of teachers in the field of education informatization as the factor of the solution of a problem of information resources qualities
- Authors: Grinshkun VV1
- The Moscow city pedagogical university
- Issue: No 3 (2011)
- Pages: 5-9
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- Retraction date: 18.10.2018
- Retraction reasons description:
The reason for publication retraction is thei dentification of multiple article publication. Most of the article was published following a speech at a conference in another journal: Grinshkun V.V. Preparing teachers for the use of high-quality information resources // Bulletin of the Mari State University. 2011. № 7.
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In article the statement about interrelation of a problem of insufficient readiness of teachers to use of means of information in education and problems of poor quality of substantial filling of educational information resources is proved.
About the authors
V V Grinshkun
The Moscow city pedagogical university
Кафедра информатизации образования; Московский городской педагогический университет; The Moscow city pedagogical university