Vol 23, No 1 (2023)

Theory, Methodology and History of Sociological Research

The categorical dichotomy Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft in sociological classics: Tonnies - Weber - Freyer - Parsons

Kildyushov O.V.


The article considers the history of the conceptual pair Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft (community/society) used by classics of sociology to explain the fundamental difference of modern society from the previous forms of social life. The author emphasizes the popularity of these categories as identifying the temporally successive types of sociality: Gemeinschaft refers to the original form of traditional organic community, and Gesellschaft - to the mass urbanized society of the modern age. The article shows the structural relationship between the early sociological concepts and the philosophy of modern history as an analytical (self)description of modern societies. The article reconstructs the development of Ferdinand Tönnies’ views, who introduced the pair Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft as an analytical tool for social theory and challenged the opposition of these two types of social integration by emphasizing their presence in every social interaction. The author briefly outlines Max Weber’s perception of this conceptual pair in the form of Vergemeinschaftung/Vergesellschaftung social relations as ideally-typically value-oriented and instrumentally rational. The article explains the drastic politicization of the Gemeinschaft semantics in inter-war Germany - the term became a marker of the social-political polarization. Then the author focuses on the differentiated theory of Gemeinschaft developed in Hans Freyer’s sociology and on the Nazis’ attempt to make this term a basis of their theory of homogeneous society. The article considers the reception of Tönnies’ categories in American sociology, especially by Talcott Parsons, and highlights his contribution to the theory of socialization and integration of large societies with small solidarity groups. The last part of the article emphasizes the significance of the conceptual pair for the theory of late modernity - its structure of social action consists of elements of both community and society.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):9-25
pages 9-25 views

Reproducing and shifting discourses on indigenous culture: Ethnographic self-descriptions of the Kola Sámi

Kuropjatnik M.S.


The article considers ethnographic self-descriptions as a cultural form in which indigenous authors conceptualise their culture in the shifting social contexts. Ethnographic selfdescriptions present (a) the transformation of the oral-discursive practices of indigenous culture into text; (b) the interpretation of the scientific versions of culture by indigenous authors. The author focuses on how Sámi culture is conceptualized in the text and as the written text by Sámi authors, taking into account the scientific descriptions of their culture and non-discursive cultural forms (such as ethnographic collections). In the texts of indigenous authors, anthropological versions of culture become a source for reproducing some patterns of culture’s conceptualization as relevant to a particular tradition in social sciences. Thus, ethnographic self-descriptions are interpreted in terms of intertextuality with an emphasis on relations between oral and written discourse, academic and indigenous discourse, discursive and non-discursive practices. Texts as a part of cultural reality or as elements of social events have causal effects which contribute to changes in the perception of Sámi culture and in the ways it is represented in the indigenous perspective, i.e., texts participate in the reproduction, creation and modification of numerous discourses on the Kola Sámi culture. In the ethnographic self-description of many Kola Sámi, ‘culture’ can be recontextualized by actors. Moreover, positions and identity of the observer (the author) and the observed (indigenous people) are partly connected, which implies a change in the epistemological status of the indigenous discourse. The processual approach to the cultural conceptualization and the focus on indigenous insights presented in the ethnographic self-descriptions constitute the methodological basis for examining some contemporary cultural trends of the Kola Sámi (Russia). The author analyses the published texts of the contemporary Kola Sámi authors, who are not professional anthropologists.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):26-39
pages 26-39 views

Contemporary society: the urgent issues and prospects for development

Russian student family: Determinants of marriage

Rostovskaya T.K., Kuchmaeva O.V., Zolotareva O.A.


The birth rate reducing to the level that does not ensure even the simple reproduction of the population, which leads to problems in the economy and social sphere and to migration crises, is a challenge for many developed countries. The demographic and family policy measures aim at solving this problem, which is reflected, for instance, in the Russian National Security Strategy approved on July 2, 2021 by the Decree of the President: the increasing birth rate is declared a required condition for increasing the country’s population. In contemporary Russia, the age model of fertility has transformed: the spreading practice of postponing childbirth in the last fifteen years has led to an increase in the modal age of mothers by more than five years, which is a factor in the decline in fertility. One of the mechanisms that can change this trend but lacks the due attention is the institution of the student family. The study aims at identifying those factors that determine the marriage intentions of the student youth. The article is based on the quantitative analysis of the surveys data of the Rosstat and authors’ sociological research, including logistic models and the decision tree method, which allowed to conduct modeling and select factors to identify the determinants of student marriage. The modeling results revealed the role of the value-system structure of students and their parental family in the motivation for marriage and starting family life. One of the main conclusions of practical significance is the confirmed importance for the youth of marriage as such and as a key stage in the life path, which under the postponing childbirth and reducing birth rate determines the need for the state support for the student family. The results of the study can help to solve a complex demographic problem of the decline and aging of the birth rate, which requires systematic work to create an image of the happy student family and to introduce mechanisms for supporting it.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):40-60
pages 40-60 views

Emotional burnout of teachers as a factor of their professional inefficiency

Egoryshev S.V.


The problem of schoolteachers’ emotional burnout and of the personal and professional deformation associated with it is relevant for the pedagogical community all over the world, and Russia is no exception. According to special studies, in 2020, 75 % of schoolteachers in Russia had clear symptoms of burnout, and 38 % were in its acute phase - when burnout significantly affects the quality of life and the ability to work. For any profession, but to a greater extent for the socially oriented (helping) one including schoolteachers, emotional burnout has negative consequences for the ‘burnt out’ specialist, for his colleagues and for his students. The article presents the results of the sociological study of the issues of improving the professional-pedagogical activities of teachers in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which was conducted in April-June 2022 as part of the data for the parliamentary hearings in the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan (N = 4529). Respondents proportionally represented four groups of schools: Ufa, other cities of the region, centers of municipalities, and villages. The article aims at assessing the scale and forms of emotional burnout among schoolteachers in the region and at identifying the factors-causes (personal and organizational-professional) of its symptoms, negative consequences of burnout in relation to working conditions, and measures to minimize and prevent such consequences. The problem of burnout is determined not so much by individual causes as by management practices inherent in the education system, wages, irregular and uncontrolled workload, and the features of the profession which implies the risk of burnout. The author believes that the scale of emotional burnout of schoolteachers requires a research approach based on the interdisciplinary methodology. Moreover, it is important not only to study the problem but also to propose reasonable measures to help schoolteachers to get out of the burnout condition, and, most importantly, to improve the organization of work in schools: analysis of business processes in school and their optimization, limiting the number of extracurricular activities, increasing the availability of medical and psychological assistance, diagnostics of burnout and providing assistance based on its results.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):61-73
pages 61-73 views

Perception of new religious movements by the religious organizations of the Republic of Belarus

Martinovich V.A.


In sociology of religion, there are few works on the quantitative analysis of the reactions of the main social institutions to the phenomenon of religiosity. Social representations and illusions about non-traditional religiosity are formed within the boundaries of many unrelated and uncoordinated reactions of representatives of each institution. The logic of choosing the object of reactions among the existing religious organizations reflects both the specifics of the social institution and external influences, i.e., the social context. The article aims at identifying the institutional specifics of the reactions of traditional religions to non-traditional religiosity based on the analysis of the perception of new religious movements by the Orthodox and Catholic churches in the Republic of Belarus in 1992-2020. The content analysis was used to analyze 715 books, articles in the media, leaflets, proceeding of conferences and other publications of churches on new religions. The author argues that 407 groups were identified, and their configuration reflects the selective attention of traditional confessions to new religions; presents their distribution according to the structural and content characteristics, recursiveness and frequency of mentions, the status of authors in the hierarchy of churches, the influence of foreign articles reprinted in the Belarusian media. The author identifies the institutional specifics of the perception of new religions by religious organizations as criticism from the standpoint of their own dogma; moreover, the features of the past and contemporary life of Christian churches make them primarily respond to the intra-church sectarianism, Christian and pseudoChristian groups, then to neo-paganism and groups of magic, divination and healing, Satanism and occult-mystical groups. The article mentions external and internal factors determining the churches’ perception of new religious organizations in a non-typical form, and the range of variability of the antisectarian discourse of the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):74-88
pages 74-88 views

Byzantine heritage in contemporary Turkey: Research features and political significance

Belokonev S.Y., Ivanov V.G., Levina E.V.


The article considers the politics of memory of the Turkish government in relation to the Byzantine heritage in the country and the reaction of the states whose historical narrative and identity are associated with the Byzantine Empire’s legacy. The article is based on a wide range of sources in Turkish, Greek, English and Russian. The authors believe that the Turkish policy of Islamization and the ideology of neo-Ottomanism, which are implemented by the ruling AK Party under the leadership of the President R.T. Erdogan, lead to the gradual dismantling of the remaining Byzantine heritage, which was proved by the transformation of the Monastery of the Choir and the Hagia Sophia into mosques. Turkish society, except for a few dissidents many of whom have already left the country, does not show interest in the history of Byzantium and perceives the policy of the ruling party quite pragmatically, according to the opinion polls. The international reaction to the decisions of the Turkish leadership was quite restrained and in general did not focus on Byzantium and its role in history. Thus, European politicians and researchers criticized mainly the anti-Western idea of Erdogan’s actions and rhetoric, while Greece fears mostly the revival of Ottoman imperialism and considers the Byzantine legacy as a part of Hellenism. The authors conclude that it was Russian society that defined the policy of Erdogan as the destruction of the Byzantine heritage of the Eastern Orthodox civilization (primarily due to the position of the Russian Orthodox Church), which made the Russian political leadership discuss this issue at the highest level. Moreover, in the international dimension, Ankara’s consistent policy to dismantle the Byzantine heritage affects the image and ideology of the Russian state to a greater extent than that of Greece, which is determined by the sustainable perception of Russia as the successor of the Byzantine tradition.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):89-99
pages 89-99 views

Gender issues in Confucian ethics in contemporary Vietnam

Nizhnikov S.A., Pham T.B.


Confucianism like Taoism is a part of the treasury of the world spiritual culture as created by the “axial age” (K. Jaspers); however, time affects even the most humanistic teachings, many of the provisions of which can be formalized, become obsolete, requiring both a “return to the origins” and clarification or reinterpretation and renewal. These processes of both positive and negative nature affected the norms of Confucian ethics in Vietnam. The article aims at examining the gender content of the Vietnamese Confucian ideals and their impact on the contemporary Vietnamese society. Confucian ethics was introduced in Vietnam during the Chinese colonization and had a great influence on both feudalism in general and on the social perception of the woman and her position in the family, determining gender roles and corresponding gender stereotypes for a millennium. The article identifies both general and special features of the gender issues in the Chinese and Vietnamese traditional Confucian ethics. In addition to many negative aspects (such as restraining women’s personal development and limiting their participation in feudal ceremonies), the Vietnamese Confucian ethics regarding women was changed for the better, contributing to the humanization of gender relations. Confucian gender principles continue to have both beneficial and detrimental influence on the Vietnamese society today. The study of the distribution and dynamics of changes in gender roles in the traditional and contemporary Vietnamese society can provide empirical data for gender sociology, as it is hard to analyze gender relations without considering national traditions and culture in general.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):100-111
pages 100-111 views

Sociological lectures

Social reality in the perspective of temporalism: In search of methodology

Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.


The article aims at linking social reality with the category of temporality in the conceptual perspective based on some modifications of modernity as culture. The author explains and applies the epistemological means of the temporal turn and presents the agent-subject interpretation of social reality in a new way. The article focuses on the potential of the temporal discourse which is poorly articulated in contemporary works but is immanently inherent in the sociological science. The survey methodology provides variables related to the past and making demands on memory and the ability to reconstruct events, and also projective questions implying the respondent’s ability to extrapolate patterns from the present to the future. The author summarizes the issues of time in her early and recent works and concludes that there is the temporal turn in the studies of social problems, social policy and social reality. The idea of integrating temporality and sociality results in the new components of the proposed analytical approach which emphasizes the agency of the scientific intelligentsia and updates the intellectual-educational and temporal content of the concept and thesaurus of social reality. The relevance and fundamental nature of the proposed approach are determined by the intersection of the temporality of the social life of individuals and groups with the sociological reflection of the fundamental categories and concepts of time in the academic discourse. Post-non-classical reality allows to conceptually explicate the temporality of inclusive-bifurcation sociality which explains institutional and microsocial problems of communities as non-linear worlds. The scientific-practical meaning of the proposed approach is that the concept of temporal social reality results in the study of modifications of value-symbolic and institutional characteristics of the discourse of the scientists’ role as agents of post-non-classical reality.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):112-121
pages 112-121 views

Graphic associative test of attitudes as a convenient implicit measurement tool for mass polls

Chernozub O.L.


Several latest elections and referendums were marked by the dramatic failure of electoral forecasts based on mass polls. To respond to the dissatisfaction of the public and politicians, alternative approaches like prediction markets, Implicit Attitude Test (IAT), expectationbased forecasts and so on were developed. IAT proves to be one of the most efficient ways to enrich the forecasting models and improve their accuracy. The problem is that the original form of IAT implies too rigid rules to be applied in the traditional mass poll. As a thorough laboratory-style measurement of nervous reactions to stimuli, IAT requires a special environment, for instance, nothing should disturb or distract respondents from performing experimental tasks. Such an environment is difficult to provide during the mass poll’s fieldwork; thereby, researchers usually implement IAT on small samples. This article presents the Graphic Associative Test of Attitude (GATA) as a tool for mass polls. It is the IAT’s functional analog developed by the author and tested in a wide range of preelectoral mass polls in Russia. GATA is easy to use even with inexperienced interviewers, and its simple and intuitive-clear tasks do not create additional barriers for respondents and do not decrease the response rate. At the same time, in a reliable way, GATA identifies implicit factors of behavior and helps to improve the accuracy of forecast. As a theoretical research, this study proves the ‘dual attitude’ concept of the structural theory of attitude.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):122-141
pages 122-141 views

Corporate culture of organization: Social capital management under challenges and risks

Sharkov F.I., Gostenina V.I., Loskutova I.M., Sycheva E.Y.


The criteria for the analysis of the emotional-psychological state of the organization’s personnel imply the study of the capitalization of cultural values and the presentations of results in the form of mathematical indicators of the projective situation. In the article, corporate culture is considered through the capitalization of its team’s cultural values and its business reputation. The study is based on the metric data (parameters) of the capitalization of cultural values in the context of their application to assess the behavior and cultural ethos of the organization’s team. The object of the applied research was the collective of the private enterprise providing services in the fuel-energy sector; the authors examined the social factors in the formation of its corporate culture (the survey focused on the personnel and managers’ assessment of the social-psychological climate and was based on the quota sample consisting of 16 managers and 100 staff members). The results of the study allow to develop a technology for the effective management of corporate culture under new challenges and risks. Traditions of cooperation, trust and reciprocity were considered on the basis of the works of the classics of sociology. The authors suggested the criteria (parameters) for assessing social capital and social norms which reveal the personnel’s abilities and are developed by the organization in a certain period. The study showed discrepancies in the assessment of the parameters of corporate culture by managers and staff. Thus, managers attach great importance to such a parameter as the emotional-psychological state of the team, while the staff does not appreciate the mutual understanding of micro-groups and shows less emotional involvement. Such results confirm the problems in the management of corporate culture as social capital.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):142-155
pages 142-155 views

The development of social capital in rural areas of the Crimean Peninsula (on the example of the village of Novoalelseevka)

Gusakov T.Y.


The crisis in the Russian countryside has been going on for several decades, and its spatial differences only complicate the task of developing a set of anti-crisis measures. The authorities’ efforts to revive the depopulating settlements do not have the desired effect. According to the respondents in different regions of Russia, the authorities became concerned with the rural development too late - when a significant share of the able-bodied population either already migrated to cities or decided to do so. Since the Russian urbanization has not yet been completed, measures to counter the atomization of rural communities, to involve the rural population in solving their settlements’ problems, and also to support initiatives ‘from below’ should become a priority for the state. In some ideal development case, we can expect the formation of social networks of people living and working in the same rural community, which would allow it to survive and function effectively, not depending on external actors. The situation on the Crimean Peninsula is a positive example of the opportunities for developing the rural social capital. In the article, the village of Novoalekseevka (Krasnogvardeisky district) is presented as a successful ‘case’ of the local community’s participation in planning the life of the village. From 1995 to 2014, the specialists of the Crimean Development and Integration Program of the United Nations Development Program were supporting the collapsing rural community. The joint maintenance of the water supply and the joint implementation of infrastructure projects helped the population to feel the importance and efficiency of common efforts. After 2014, the state financing of rural projects has increased, but at the same time, the distance between the decision-making authorities and the rural population has also increased, which contributes to the rural population’s dependent mood. This situation exacerbates the atomization of rural communities, hinders the development and worsens the state of the social capital of rural areas.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):156-171
pages 156-171 views

Reviews and Essays

Our traumatized society: Causes, consequences, and solutions

Dobrokhotov L.N.


The article is a reflection on the monograph by Zh.T. Toshchenko Trauma Society: Between Evolution and Revolution (Theoretical-Empirical Analysis) (Moscow: Ves Mir, 2020. 352 p.). The book analyzes the huge trauma of the Russian state and people after the collapse of the USSR. At the same time, the book identifies those traumas of the past and present that other countries experience under political, economic, social, and often military cataclysms.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):172-179
pages 172-179 views

Oligarchy and leader are twin brothers

Nikulin A.M.


The article is a review of the famous book by Robert Michels (1876-1936) published in 1911 but only recently translated into Russian, Political Parties. A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy (Moscow: Publishing House “Delo”, 2022. 448 p.). This is its first translation from German into Russian by I. Ivakina under the scientific editorship of D. Karasev. Based on the analysis of the main ideas of the book related to the concepts of ‘leader’, ‘party’, ‘democracy’ and ‘masses’, the author considers the phenomenon of the power of oligarchy not only in traditional and conservative systems but also in the modern radical, democratic and socialist ones. Thus, the so-called “iron law of oligarchy” formulated by R. Michels remains topical.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):180-187
pages 180-187 views

Social-cultural features of the contemporary Tuvan society

Bakhtikireeva U.M., Sinyachkin V.P.


The article is a review of the monograph Essays on the Contemporary Tuvan Culture by the famous Tuvinian scholar C.K. Lamazhaa (Saint Petersburg: Nestor-History, 2021. 192 p.). The reviewed book considers the latest social-cultural processes in the Tuvan society and trends in the development of the Tuvinian studies. Each of the nine sections focuses on a separate feature of the social and cultural life of the contemporary ethnic Tuvans - the indigenous people of the Republic of Tuva, and all sections are logically and meaningfully related. In general, the study is a comprehensive description of the mutual influence and coexistence, of a kind of intertwining past and present in the social-cultural life of the Tuvan people. As a collection, the essays show the author’s confidence in the need to study internal differentiations of any society to produce new knowledge relevant to the reality and providing an adequate understanding of the political and socialcultural life of the multinational society. Lamazhaa believes that to overcome some stagnation, inertia in the Tuvinian studies, we need to combine various research positions and to update the theoretical-methodological basis. Lamazhaa suggests an approach which is based on the principles of the thesaurus approach developed by Val.A. and Vl.A. Lukovs (correlates with the indigenous methodology) and actualizes the subjectivity of indigenous researchers.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):188-195
pages 188-195 views

Farmers’ suicides as an indicator of the agrarian transformation in rural India

Ovchintseva L.A.


The article is a review of the book by the Associate Professor of the Center for Political Studies of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi, India) Sudhir Kumar Sutar Dilapidation of the Rural: Development, Politics and Farmer Suicides in India (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022). The book considers the problems which the Indian peasants face under the state-driven transition from traditional rural community to agrarian capitalism. The book combines philosophical, sociological and political analysis of the causes and factors of the high number of suicides among medium-sized and small Indian farmers in recent decades. Suicides are the most striking manifestation of the social consequences of the capitalist development in the traditional communal peasant village. Among other consequences, the author considers rural social differentiation, growth of individualism and disunity, destruction of community institutions of support and social control, political protests up to riots, alcoholism, drug addiction, and rising crime rate. Thus, the inevitable economic reforms require compensatory measures of social policy.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):196-206
pages 196-206 views

Scientific life

VIII International American Studies Congress “200th Anniversary of Latin America - Globalization, Political and Social Processes during the Pandemic”

Ryazantsev S.V., Khramova M.N.


From August 22 to 26, 2022, the VIII International Congress of American Studies was held in Rio de Janeiro. This congress focused on the most pressing issues in the contemporary Latin American agenda - globalization and regionalization, economic development, impact of the covid-19 pandemic on social, political, economic, and demographic processes. As a part of the congress, the round table “Migration, Migrants, Migration Policy in the Era of the covid-19: Trends, Consequences, Conclusions” was held. Not only Latin-American researchers, but also scientists from the leading Russian, European, Asian universities and research institutes participated in the round table. They discussed transformations of the international migration and migration policy under the pandemic, ways to ensure the rights of migrants and refugees, state policy measures aimed at restoring internal and international mobility, interstate cooperation and the role of international institutions in ensuring safe, ordered and legal migration.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2023;23(1):207-216
pages 207-216 views

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