
Diagnostics of the students’ level of conformity (results of the methodological experiment)
Puzanova Z.V., Larina T.I., Gudkova Y.A.
Russian students on the potential and limitations of artificial intelligence in education
Aleshkovski I.A., Gasparishvili A.T., Narbut N.P., Krukhmaleva O.V., Savina N.E.
Artificial intelligence and higher education - enemies or allies
Subbotina M.V.
Combination of focus group and experiment methods: opportunities and limitations
Puzanova Z.V., Larina T.I., Ignatova T.A.
Perception of fake news by students with different psychological characteristics: Results of the methodological experiment
Puzanova Z.V., Larina T.I., Starostina A.A.
Personal information security as a social problem
Tsvyk V.A., Tsvyk I.V.
Technological discourse in the Russian media: Main strategies for representing artificial intelligence
Puzanova Z.V., Tertyshnikova A.G., Pavlova U.O.
Features of social, emotional and cultural intelligence and recognition of emotions by Russian and Asian students
Karabuschenko N.B., Pilishvili T.S., Chkhikvadze T.V., Sungurova N.L.
The use of emotional intelligence models in the assessment of management practices
Polyanova L.M.
Conceptual problems of the intellectual labor economics
Lebedev S.N.
Social issues in the development and application of artificial intelligence
Tsvyk V.A., Tsvyk I.V.
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