Sociocultural dynamics: the analysis of the fundamental theories
- Authors: Khudyakov SI1
- The Institute of Social and Political Researchof the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: No 2 (2009)
- Pages: 24-29
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The cyclic model of social and cultural dynamics implies a system investigation of the fundamental social and cultural characteristics of the society in terms of a range of parameters reflecting social and psychological as well as moral and ethical patterns of the society at different stages of its functioning and development. In the framework of the cyclic model of development the explanatory hypothesis of the social and cultural dynamics emerging as the principal «driving force» of the continuous evolution of the society from one stage to another is elaborated.
About the authors
S I Khudyakov
The Institute of Social and Political Researchof the Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
The Institute of Social and Political Researchof the Russian Academy of Sciences
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