No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 18
- URL:
Aesthetical relations of art towards realityin creative works of A. Sinyavsky / A. Terz
The prime of reflections on art is the issue of its relation towards reality: the standardized unified answer is impossible as it inevitably leads to the sphere of abstractions. Idiosyncratic poles in this case reflect the apprehension of both pragmatic (utilitarian) task of art and the art for art's sake, free from any responsibilities towards the requirements on behalf of reality.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):5-11

Existential dialectics: dynamics of image creation and comprehension of the world
Aesthetic game in literary texts is not just a kind of specific graphic and expressive means. Combining fragments of the real and imaginary worlds, the author conducts a game with the reader. If the contact between the author and the reader arises, the reader gets involved in the game. Moral and aesthetic significance of the literary text often starts to predetermine the consciousness and forms of human existence, that is used in literature both directly and indirectly. Work of art becomes to one or another extent warning, allowing the reader to survive in the text of the spiritual experience, without dealing directly with some concrete situations. Everyday language, being constantly used as a tool eliminates or shapes the nature of the word, whereas the artistic discourse deliberately cultivates the ability of the language to create images.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):12-21

Writing as a grapho language (Kazakh grapho in time and space diamentions)
The article deals with the discussion on the topic of transaction on Latin alphabet in Kazakhstan. It is scientifically proved there's an advantage of the functioning Kazakh Cyrillic over the project of Kazak Latin script in the aspect of ample features of Cyrillic script to convey in writing the composition and structure of phonemes, their positional varieties as well as their combinability.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):22-31

Functioning of the language planning program of the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the basis of Astana city's ergonims)
The modern problem of language planning is being studied in different aspects. The dynamics of functioning of the language planning program of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be reflected by means of such language units as ergonims, as they are the universal indicator of its realization and development.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):32-37

Homonymy and repetition (Towards systematics of systemic categories in language and speech)
Proceeding from the idea that there are no potentially insignificant similarities and distinctions, systemic relations in language could be presented as those generated by correlation of separate types of heteromorphism and homomorphism in the planes of content and expression according to five steps of abstraction of the language and speech phenomena. Thus, the matrix of system relations in language, including lexico-semantic categories, could be essentially detailed.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):38-48

Cognitive-and-semantic analysis of spatial relations in Russian and Chinese for using Russian repositions «в» and «на»
The article analyses spatial relations in Russian and Chinese from the cognitive-and semantic point of view using the example of Russian spatial prepositions «в» and «на». Cognitive approach has got advantages while explaining and understanding means of comparative studies in course of translating a foreign text. There are also revealed complex forms to express spatial relations in Russian and Chinese.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):56-62

Comparative study of prepositions «на» and «за» in Bulgarian and Russian
Being typologically different, Russian and Bulgarian due to analytism and synthetism demonstrate differences in the functions of preposition used with noun forms and in case forms as well. If Russian prepositions reveal multiple meanings of a case form, whereas the basic meaning is carried by inflexion, in Bulgarian prepositions are indeed playing the major role in expressing case form meaning.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):72-77

What HAPPINESS is composed of
The article investigates the semantic content of the Russian lexeme happiness and the German Glück. By means of the component analysis, the specifics of their semantics is explicated and the features of similarity and difference are revealed. The comparative study of their semic composition - cognitive and emotional constituents of happiness as the image of language cognition of the Russians and Germans is being carried out.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):78-84

Historic-and-cultural Turcism layer in the everyday Russian language perception
Within historically observed period of the Russian language culture formation a great many of language borrowings from Turkish languages made up a special inner layer of the perception representing this culture and acquired conceptual meaning and helped to coin new concepts in the Russian language perception.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):85-95

David Crystal: two aspects of the English language development
The article conveys the point of view of the prominent British linguist David Crystal on the possible ways of the English language development. Two aspects are analysed - the direction in which the English language is developing as the universal language of global communication and the impact of increasing use of the Internet which has been made on the development of languages - English in particular.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):96-101

Panhuman value HOME/HOUSE in Russian and German language perception
The article treats main scientific approaches to describe meanings of the word-concept home/house, revealing perceptive images which are due to the existence of the panhuman value home/house both on the social and common, everyday plains. There are established significant objectivations and carried out the description and interpretation of the results of experimental research of the value in order to reveal both similarities and differences in the Russian and German language perception
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):102-110

N.V. YUDINA. The Russian Language in the 21st Century: Crisis? Evolution? Progress? - Monograph. - Moscow, Gnosis, 2010. - 293 p.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):111-114

The IX International Scientific Proceedings: Language Categories and Units: Syntagmatical Aspect. September, 22-24th, 2011
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):115-116

The XXI Russian Proceedings in Olomouc. September, 7-9th, 2011
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):117-118

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):119-120

PRAVILA OFORMLENIYa STATEYdlya publikatsii v nauchnom zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN.Seriya „Teoriya yazyka. Semiotika. Semantika»
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(4):121-123