Gender Stereotypes in Kazakh Proverbs and Sayings

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The study reviewst how traditional gender norms are parodied in Kazakh. Stereotypes of “male” and “female” characteristics are evolving in the age of cultural globalization. The old notion that a man provides for the family needs financially and a woman tends to the home has evolved. In modern Kazakh society, a woman can earn significantly more than a male or serve as the family primary breadwinner. Many men believe that raising children and taking care of the home is the domain of women, so they do not want to be involved in these roles. Gender stereotypes prevailing in society prevent both women and men from living, determining their behavior and lifestyle. The relevance of the problem under consideration lies in the fact that the factors contributing to the formation of gender stereotypes have not been sufficiently studied. The parodies of the Kazakh people reflect traditional family and tribal relations based on patriarchal attitudes. The purpose of the study is to analyze gender stereotypes in Kazakh proverbs and sayings. Due to the large number entries of the main sample, 154 paremias were taken through a representative sample and grouped into five categories according to their content: 1. The role of men and women in the family, 2. Education of girls - education of the nation, 3. Preservation of family life, 4. Feminine and masculine qualities, 5. A woman mother gives birth to offsprings. The study used comprehensive research, contextual analysis, comparison and descriptive methods. As a result of the study, the stereotype “A woman is the basis, and a man is the breadwinner of the family” has partially lost its relevance today. In modern Kazakh society, the wife not only supports family comfort, but also earns quite well. The stereotype “A mother woman gives birth to offspring” always remains the same relevant, since the main function of a woman is procreation. The traditional stereotype of “Educating girls - educating the nation” is formed in relation to the upbringing of girls in the family. Since girls are future mothers and guardians of the hearth, from an early age they are prepared for family life, motherhood and household chores. The stereotype associated with the preservation of family life depicts a woman as a man’s support, an incomparable companion, his luck and even paradise. The key to a happy family life is a good spouse, so stereotypes are formed regarding the preservation of family life.

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About the authors

Amangul S. Igissinova

Dulaty University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9646-316X

Master of Philology, Senior Teacher of the Department «Foreign Philology and Translation Studies»

080000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz, ul. Tole bi 60

Gulzat Magauovna Raeva

Kazakh National Pedagogical Abai University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7041-4856

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after Academician S.Kirabaev

050001, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Dostyk ave. 13

Ziba Abdullakyzy Kulamanova

Dulaty University

ORCID iD: 0009-0008-6427-5560

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Journalism

080000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz, ul. Tole bi 60


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