Teaching Russian vocabulary on the base of the educationalmethodical complex “New Souvenir 1” in Tanzania

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The relevance of the study is in the need to find effective forms of work with lexical units in teaching foreign languages under the conditions of the changing educational environment. The system of teaching vocabulary in the educational-methodical complex “New Souvenir 1” oriented at adult learners (level A1-A2) is characterized. The specificity of this complex consists in the variability of presenting teaching material: paper version (textbook, workbook, guidebook) and online version for distance lessons. The aim of the study is to describe the methodology of working with vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language classes, which is equally effective for face-to-face and online lessons in groups of adult Tanzanian learners. The methods of analysis, systematization, description, generalization, and experiment were applied. The materials of the study were paper versions of the Russian Souvenir series and its revised, updated and improved analog of 2024, called New Souvenir 1 . The described system was tested in groups of adult English-speaking learners during intensive Russian language courses in Tanzania (2023, 4 groups of 10 people). The experiment revealed that classes with the use of the “New Souvenir 1” teaching method can be effective both in distance and face-toface learning; learning new words in class helps learners to memorize new vocabulary and facilitates in homework, high repetition of the learned vocabulary and its minimization contributes to the assimilation of the learned lexical material. At the end of the course, the students successfully completed the final test, which checked not only the learned vocabulary, but also its use in speech activity (speaking, writing, reading, listening). The authors proved that the system of work with lexical material in the educational-methodical complex “New Souvenir 1” contributes to the effective learning of vocabulary in the course of Russian as a foreign language in groups of English-speaking (Tanzanian) students.

About the authors

Svetlana S. Mikova

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Email: mikova_ss@pfur.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3874-7110
SPIN-code: 9790-7760

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian language and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Philology

10 Miklukho-Maklaya St., bldg. 2, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation

Irina V. Kataeva

RUDN University; Denis’ School; St. Petersburg State University

Email: irina.mozelova@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9080-9035
SPIN-code: 9790-8814

Postgraduate student of the Department of Russian language and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Philology; Teacher of Russian as a foreign language, Denis’ School; Russian Federation, methodologist of the language testing center, St. Petersburg State University,

10 Miklukho-Maklaya St., bldg. 2, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation; 18 Lesteva St., 115162, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation; 7/9 Universitetskaya Emb., Sain-Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Manetu Ndyay

Cheikh Anta Diop University

Email: taamanet@yahoo.fr
Candidate of Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Faculty of Sciences and Education Technologies P.O. Box 5036 Dakar-Fann, Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Dakar, Republic of Senegal


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