The concept of creating a nationally oriented linguistic and country studies educational dictionary for Vietnamese citizens


The relevance of the research is in the necessity to solve the problems of providing citizens of friendly countries with the means of teaching Russian language, corresponding to modern educational standards, and ensuring knowledge acquisition for successful intercultural communication. Such a tool is the nationally oriented linguistic and country studies learner’s dictionary (NOLCSLD) for Vietnamese citizens learning Russian. The aim of the study is to develop the concept of NOLCSLD, considering the specifics of the addressee's native culture. The bifunctional Dictionary, on the one hand, explains the cultural semantics of nominative units of the Russian language in relation to their equivalents in Vietnamese linguistic culture, and on the other hand, includes a certain set of precedent units reflecting the peculiarities of the Russian linguistic culture, contributes to the formation of cross-cultural communication. The material was obtained in the experiment and includes proverbs, sayings, winged expressions, quotations from prose and poetry, movies, and cartoons. There were 655 units in total. The respondents were 60 students of 2-4 courses and 15 teachers of the Philological Faculty of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. The research methods were empirical survey in its pilot version, generalization, systematization, structuring; descriptive and comparative methods. The research confirmed that the consciousness of a Russian linguistic culture representatives contains a certain number of precedent units - a part of their “cognitive base”. The units are characterized by nationalcultural meaning, identifying “password function” in the line “own - foreign” and participation in speech generation. There were 82 relevant units. Thus, the conducted research confirmed the necessity of including the article material into the structure of the future NOLCSLD for Vietnamese students studying Russian in Vietnam.

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About the authors

Alexander S. Mamontov

Pushkin State Russian Language Institute

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6703-637X
SPIN-code: 2815-4443

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at Department of Russian Literature and Intercultural Communication

6 Akademika Volgina St., Moscow, 117485, Russian Federation

Vera V. Boguslavskaya

Pushkin State Russian Language Institute

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4118-382X
SPIN-code: 3395-8942

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Russian Literature and Intercultural Communication

6 Akademika Volgina St., Moscow, 117485, Russian Federation

Albertina G. Ratnikova

Pushkin State Russian Language Institute

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3480-4798
SPIN-code: 6617-8272

teacher, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language

6 Akademika Volgina St., Moscow, 117485, Russian Federation


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