Event-driven approach to teaching Russian to schoolchildren of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Authors: Leppik S.A.1, Ustinov A.Y.1, Chabanets T.A.1
- Secondary school under the Embassy of Russia in Vietnam
- Pages: 445-459
- Section: Methods of Teaching Russian as a Native and Foreign Language
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/russian-language-studies/article/view/22434
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-8163-2019-17-4-445-459
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The article is devoted to teaching the Russian language to the pupils of schools at the embassies of the Russian Federation and the necessity of using the event-based approach for forming and improving communicative universal educational activities (hereinafter UEA). In modern educational reality, when children become pupils of multi-ethnic classes in Foreign Ministry schools regardless of their proficiency in the Russian language, it is necessary to create conditions allowing to form their communicative competence not only at Russian language lessons, but also in extracurricular time. One of conditions of learning Russian is the use of event-based approach to organizing language education, in particular, participation in network projects of Russian Foreign Ministry foreign schools’ interaction. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that due to the conceptual properties of the event approach, its necessity and effectiveness for improving communicative UEA in a multi-ethnic school are justified. The practical significance of the article is that within the framework of the event approach, a model of a network project for Foreign Ministry foreign schools with rhetorical competencebased tasks has been developed. The model allows to achieve a synergetic educational effect in Russian language learning. The described educational event for pupils results in discovering personal and subject meanings through communication, as well as understanding the value of their own speech experience in Russian. The authors conclude about the need to use the event-based approach in a multi-ethnic school, which allows to create an open communicative situation in the Russian language. The directions of further scientific and methodological work could be expanding the list of communicative educational events implemented within this approach, creating the guidelines and their implementation in the practice of multi-ethnic schools.
About the authors
Sergey A. Leppik
Secondary school under the Embassy of Russia in Vietnam
Author for correspondence.
Email: hanschool@mail.ru
директор школы при Посольстве России во Вьетнаме, почётный работник общего образования
Russian FederationAnatoly Yu. Ustinov
Secondary school under the Embassy of Russia in Vietnam
Email: ustan0902@rambler.ru
доктор педагогических наук, доцент по кафедре языкознания и методики преподавания русского языка, учитель русского языка и литературы школы при Посольстве России во Вьетнаме
Russian FederationTatiana A. Chabanets
Secondary school under the Embassy of Russia in Vietnam
Email: chabanec@inbox.ru
кандидат исторических наук, доцент по кафедре психологии управления, завуч школы при Посольстве России во Вьетнаме
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