No 3 (2008)


pages 5-9 views

On the issue of intercultural cummunication and cultural differences while teaching foreign languages

Krenska N.


This article is devoted to intercultural communication and its growing role in the process of economic globalisation, it presents the cultural differences, their causes and the ways of overcoming them while teaching foreign languages.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):10-15
pages 10-15 views

Changes of exotic of vocabulary as the source of the semantic renovation of the russian language on the boundary XX-XXI of the substances

Marinova E.V.


The paper examines changes of exotic lexicon in modern Russian (1986-2007). This description offers basic thematic groups of «former» exotic words, its semantic and connotative changes. These processes exert influence on development of Russian vocabulary of the newest period.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):16-26
pages 16-26 views

Preclinical course in intensive professional speech training for overseas medical students

Matalova S.V.


The article presents a model of intensive training the professional speech skills necessary for the course of «Internal Diseases».
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):27-31
pages 27-31 views

As regards improving of professionalizm of russian language instructors in russia poliethnic school

Mikheeva T.B.


There is a continuation of conversation (prev. PFUR Gerald, 2007, 1) about professional specifics of Russian Language instructors in polyethnic schools, their approaches, missions, and stages of professional improvements in the article. Instructor's determinism on improvement of concrete professional capacity is explained through specifics of education for Russian Language instructors.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):32-36
pages 32-36 views

The question of speech activisation in the process of movement

Bikteeva L.R.


The problem of physiological speech mechanism activisation by means of different subjects is touched upon in the article. Some training fragments are given, which are to develop both diction clearness and speech expressiveness.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):37-42
pages 37-42 views

On problem of teaching foreing languge to humanitarian specialities students (advanced course on spanish «philosophic aspect of artistic text»)

Khimich G.A.


The article analyses the methodological aspect of vocabulary introduction on specialty at intermediate foreign language teaching level at humanitarian courses.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):43-51
pages 43-51 views

Metaphor in spanish colloquial language

Fedosova O.V.


The author investigates the metaphor phenomenon in Spanish colloquial language. The difference between the metaphor of language and the metaphor of the colloquial speech is concreted. The author determines special features of the colloquial metaphor and its functions. Varieties of functions are explained using concrete linguistic material. Stable productive groups of Spanish colloquial metaphors are distinguished, according to their main subjects.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):52-60
pages 52-60 views

Educational methods complex and its place in the renovation of the training process

Shaklein V.M., Elnikova S.I.


Article is dedicated to the development of the educational methods complexes, directed toward the formation of the innovation educational medium, which makes possible for foreign students to surmount difficulty, connected with the specific character of the meaningful side of the scientific style of the speech of a number of the specialties of humanitarian profile.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):61-66
pages 61-66 views

The russian language for the future diplomats: traditions and the innovations

Elnikova S.I.


Article is dedicated to the development of educational methods complex for the students of the humanitarian specialties.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):67-72
pages 67-72 views

«From negol and goven to durdi» personal names of novgorod birch-bark letters as a linguistic and cultural phenomenon

Maximov V.O.


The article deals with some specific features of Old Russian personal names viewed in the process of their forming and functioning. These names became the object of linguistic research due to numerous birch-bark letters found in the course of archaeological excavations in the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries.
Russian Language Studies. 2008;(3):73-79
pages 73-79 views
pages 80-82 views
pages 83-85 views
pages 86-88 views

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