No 3 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Crosscultural competence as an indicator of international understanding
The problem of forming crosscultural competence of students is an important social and educational task. Nowadays there is a social need for the specialist who is capable of thinking globally, understanding himself and others, his native culture and culture of other nations. It is important that the student should have the knowledge of cultural differences, have crosscultural competence which is the basis of international communication and relationship on the whole.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):5-11

Theory of the qualities of speech in the russian philological tradition XVII-XIX of the centuries
In the article the historical evolution of the theory of the communicative qualities of speech, which obtained the expanded description in the Russian textbooks of rhetoric and literature XVII-XIX of centuries, is presented. The authors of these concepts appeared themselves as little-known creators of manuscript rhetoric, so also classics of Russian philology M.M. Speranskiy, N.F. Koshanskiy, Ya.V. Tolmachev, in works of which the qualities of speech obtained original interpretation.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):12-23

Variety of text interpretation as manifestation of the russian metalinguistic thinking (based on experimental data)
This paper discusses the factors determining the diversity of text interpretation. It is grounded that such variation is of both supranational and national origin. The results of experimental research prove that a Russian linguistic personality is prone to reveal metatextual reflection.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):24-34

The problem of detaching metatext in artistic text
The article is devoted to one of the discussion problem of modern linguistic. This article dives basic for necessity of detaching metatext in artistic text and for its full analysis. Besides the aggregate of language units is outline in this article. This aggregate is representant of metatext in artistic text, the author cites bright examples of metameans.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):35-41

The problem situation in the text of school literature textbook
The text structure of school literature textbook is considered on the basis of thesis about text as source and means of resolving of problem situation. Some of text structure elements are noted which express some problem and alternatives of its decision.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):42-46

Russian non-verbal diskurse and his linguistic reprezentaciya is in dialogs of artistic prose
In the article Linguistic reprezentation of structural components of non-verbal speech discourse is presented. Russian non-verbal diskourse is comprehended as relatively independent variety of speech product. This type of diskourse allows to study «pragmatikon» of Russian linguistic personality and to understand its national specific. Linguistic reprezentants of non-verbal speech demonstrates value of time or space in different hays.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):47-56

Antinomies and syncretism of russian linguistic mentality (by example of concept joy)
The attempt of the article is to recognize the phenomenon of syncretism of Russian linguistic mentality. The article examines the content joy concept both in imaginative literature and everyday speech (based on the materials of psycho-linguistic experiment).
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):57-63

Hyphen in term system formation (on the material of physical and mathematical terms)
The article deals with spelling of hyphenated compound scientific terms, the peculiarities of spelling hyphenated terms in physics and mathematics. The basic aim of the research is to reveal the role of the position of the hyphen and its importance in the term-building system.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):64-70

Changes & tendencies in contemporary native english
This paper looks at such complex areas in English lexicology as lexical differences between spoken English among native speakers and that of learners of English, core lexis for learners to be mastered and: more specifically, neologisms, words in vogue and colloquialisms.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):79-87

Author's proverb transformation types
The article deals with possible proverb transformation types introduced by the author to literary texts and newspaper articles in order to make them more relevant, significant, informative, expressive and to increase their influence on the reader.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):88-92

Regional ethnonimia's field
The aim of this article is to study systemic relations of ethnonymy. The author defines the notion of ethnonymic field and describes its parameters such as central and peripheral relations, semantic commonality, frequency, stylistic marking. The ethnonymic field is regarded as a hierarchic organized set of lexical units combined by common semantic component 'ethnic' and connected by dissimilar systemic relations.
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):101-107

A short report on XIII Lexicom workshop and Euralex 2008 conference
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):108-111

New lexicographic work
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):112-113

About «The bulletin of council about russian»
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):114-115

Our Autors
Russian Language Studies. 2009;(3):116-117