Konstruirovanie sovremennoy effektivnoy modeli obucheniya inostrantsev russkomu yazyku na printsipakh antropologicheskoy lingvodidaktiki
- Authors: Muhammad L.P.1, Ippolitova L.V.2, Zhang S.3
- Moscow State Linguistic University
- RUDN University
- Northwest A&F University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 4 (2023)
- Pages: 488-502
- Section: Methods of Teaching Russian as a Native, Non-Native, Foreign Language
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/russian-language-studies/article/view/37559
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-8163-2023-21-4-488-502
- EDN: https://elibrary.ru/VLUMXL
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The relevance of the work is due to the need to optimize the educational process by its integrating on all its main parameters; to free up the working time of students, to increase the productivity of educational activities and ensure the high quality of mastering the learning materials by means of multidimensional and multi-level integrative units in educational speech activity in the Russian language. The aim of the research is to present an integrative model of efficient educational speech activity of international students in the Russian language, as well as implementing this model within a specific lesson. The study was carried out on the material of audio recordings of classroom discourse in learning groups of international students, A2-B1 level of the Russian language proficiency. The method of modeling, based on integrating and differentiating units correlation and generalization of best practices in teaching Russian to foreign learners were used. A descriptive model of teaching Russian to international students has been developed, based on the bidirectional and multifaceted integrative system, scaling: a) from the personality-based activity approach, across its three principles (anthropological, communicative and cognitive), to operating with the acquired language material (vertical perspective); b) from the integrative to differentiating units of the languages in contact in the process of educational cross-cultural communication at the level of text/discourse as communicative units (considering their verbalizations) (horizontal perspective). In accordance with the presented model, the development of the student's linguistic personality at the initial stage of learning Russian is based on the identified integrative units. In terms of content, these are microtexts of the following types: a) description; b) narrative, as well as structural units (words and word forms) that identify them and are included in the processes of internalization; in operational terms, this is the interaction of integrated reading-listening-speaking systems. The study demonstrates that both right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere international students easily include (integrate) into their linguistic consciousness a typified Russian-language description or narrative, as well as elements of reasoning, using the cognitive strategy “from synthesis to analysis”. The educational materials interiorized on the integrative basis allows these students further, at the B1 level, to cope with more complicated educational tasks, such as producing their own monologues/discourses of different types.
About the authors
Ludmila P. Muhammad
Moscow State Linguistic University
Author for correspondence.
Email: muhammadlp@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3946-9554
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Russian as a foreign language, Institute of International Educational Programs
38 Ostozhenka St, bldg 1, Moscow, 119034, Russian FederationLyubov V. Ippolitova
RUDN University
Email: ippolitova-lv@rudn.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4845-8523
Candidate of Philology, Assistant of the Chair of the Russian Language No. 5, Institute of Russian Language
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationShanzhi Zhang
Northwest A&F University
Email: logos826@gmail.com
Dean of the Faculty of the Russian Language, Institute of Language and Culture 22 Xinong Rd, Yangling, 712100, People's Republic of China
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