Variations in noun accentuation in the speech of modern youth
- Authors: Zdorikova Y.N.1, Abyzov A.A.2, Makarova E.N.3
- Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology
- Ivanovo State Polytechnic University
- Ural State Economic University
- Issue: Vol 20, No 1 (2022)
- Pages: 68-83
- Section: Russian Speech Culture
- URL:
- DOI:
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It is known that oral speech is nowadays the most dynamic and variable segment of the language system. The incessant changes in accent norms and their dynamics largely determine the relevance of this study. The preference issues of both the choice of the accent pattern in a particular word and the use of certain lexical units in speech by the modern youth are also relevant. This article addresses the issues of accentuation in a number of nouns that have accentuation variants. The purpose of the work is to describe accentuation in the lexemes under consideration according to modern orthoepic dictionaries, correlate the obtained results with the data of previously published orthoepic dictionaries, and also reveal preferences in accentuation in these lexemes among Russian students of two technical universities in Ivanovo - Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology and Ivanovo State Polytechnic University. An attempt to establish appropriate correlations between normative and conventional implementations of accent models of the specified group of lexical units was made. Basing on the study, the authors conclude that there was no single variant of stress in the control group of lexemes. It was found that, despite the possible variation provided by lexicographic orthoepic sources, modern students prefer to use only one variant of word stress in oral speech. Thus, a significant divergence was revealed between normative and conventional realizations of accent patterns of nouns.
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Table 1
Dictionary fixation of accent variation in a number of nouns (based on materials from three modern orthoepic lexicographic sources)
Kalenchuk et al. Pronunciation Dictionary 2012 | Gorbachevich Pronunciation Dictionary 2010 | Resnichenko Word Stress Dictionary 2008 |
Tvórog – acceptable tvoróg | Tvórog i tvoróg | Tvórog i tvoróg |
Dogovór – acceptable new dógovor | Dogovór – acceptable colloquival dógovor | Dogovór – acceptable dógovor |
Myšlénie – acceptable mýšlenie | Myshléniye – obsolete mýšlenie | Myshléniye i mýshleniye |
Pétlya i petlyá | Pétlya i petlyá | Pétlya i petlyá |
Bárzha i barzhá | Bárzha i barzhá | Bárzha i barzhá |
Rakýška – acceptable rákuška | Rakúshka – ustar. rákushka | Rakýshka i rákushka |
Devítsa – folk use dévitsa | Devítsa – folk use dévitsa | Devítsa – folk use dévitsa |
Molodéts (udalets) – mólodets (strong) | Molodéts – folk use mólodets (skillful, dexterous) | No example |
Kómpas – marine slang kompás | Kómpas – obsolete kompás (marine slang) | Kómpas – marine slang kompás |
Kauchýka (Gen. c.) – chemistry slang kauchuká | Kauchýka (Gen. c.) – chemistry slang kauchuká | Kauchýka (Gen. c.) – chemistry slang kauchuká |
Ammiáka – chemistry slang ammiaká | Ammiáka – acceptable ammiaká | No example |
Ískra – welder slang iskrá | Ískra – welder slang iskrá | Ískra – welder slang iskrá |
Industríâ – acceptable indústriâ | Industríâ i indústriâ | Industríâ |
Kombaynor (! beyond use kombáyner) | Kombaynér – acceptable kombaynor | Kombáyner i kombaynor |
Kámbala – acceptable kambalá | Kámbala – acceptable kambalá | Kámbala i kambalá |
Ketá | Kéta – acceptable ketá (marine slang) | Kéta i ketá |
Losós' – wrong use lósos' | Losós' – obsolete lósos' | Losós' i lósos' |
Kirzá | Kírza – acceptable Kirzá | Kírza i kirzá |
Metallúrgiya i metallurgíya | Metallúrgiya i metallurgíya | Metallúrgiya i metallurgíya |
Kulináriya – acceptable kulinaríya | Kulináriya i kulinaríya | Kulináriya i kulinaríya |
No example | Dóchushka i dochýshka | Dóchushka i dochýshka |
Olénikha (! beyond use oleníkha) | Olénikha i oleníkha | Olénikha i oleníkha |
Teftéli – acceptable obsolete téfteli | Téfteli i teftéli | Téfteli i teftéli |
Simmétriya i simmetríya | Simmétriya i simmetríya | Simmétriya i simmetríya |
Table 2
Dictionary fixation of accent variation in a number of nouns (based on materials of dictionaries prior the 2000s)
Ageyenko, Zarva Word Stress Dictionary 1984 | Avanesov Orthoepic Dictionary 1987 |
Tvoróg | Tvoróg acceptable tvórog |
Dogovór | Dogovór acceptable dógovor |
Myshléniye | Myshléniye acceptable mýshleniye |
Petlyá | Petlyá i pétlya |
Bárzha | Barzhá i bárzha |
Rakýshka | Rakýshka acceptable rákushka |
Devítsa (but folk use – dévitsa: krásna dévitsa, dévitsa-krasávitsa) | Devítsa ‖ folk use dévitsa |
Mólodets (folk use – udaléts) molodéts | Mólodets, udalets, khrabrets (folk use): dóbryy mólodets, molodéts, sil'nyy, krepkiy molodoy chelovek, udalets; approving, praising: Brávyy molodéts. Oná takóy molodéts! |
Kómpas (marine slang kompás) | Kómpas ‖ marine slang kompás |
Kauchýka | Kauchýka ‖ chemistry slang kauchuká |
Ammiáka | Ammiáka ‖ chemistry slang ammiaká |
Ískra (welder slang iskrá) | Ískra ‖ welder slang iskrá |
Industríya | Industríya obsolete indústriya |
Kombáinyer | Kombáinyer i kombaynor |
Kámbala | Kámbala acceptable kambalá |
Ketá | Kéta acceptable ketá |
Losós' | Lósos' i losós' |
Kírza | Kírza acceptable kirzá |
Metallurgíya | Metallúrgiya i metallurgíya |
Kulináriya | Kulináriya acceptable kulinaríya |
Dóchushka | Dóchushka i dochýshka |
No example | Olénikha i oleníkha |
Teftéli | Téfteli i teftéli |
Simmetríya | Simmétriya i simmetríya |
About the authors
Yulija N. Zdorikova
Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6124-8251
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department
7 Sheremetevskii Prospekt, Ivanovo, 153000, RussiaAlexey A. Abyzov
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0691-8184
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
21 Sheremetevskii Prospekt, Ivanovo, 153000, RussiaElena N. Makarova
Ural State Economic University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4439-5521
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Business Language Department
62/45 8 Marta/Narodnaya Volya St, Yekaterinburg, 620144, RussiaReferences
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