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In modern pragmalinguistic and intonational studies an increasing relevance for describing academic discourse has the analysis of prosodic aspect of text organization and word accent as meaningful means of linguistic speech structure. The scientific significance of the research object is determined by the insufficient study of this phenomenon both in domestic and in foreign linguistics. The article describes the regularities of phrasal and prosodic word accent in oral scientific monologue of different genres. The purpose of the work is to characterize the intonational features this text and to reveal the functional conditionality of word accent in the discourse of linguistic personality. The author solves the following problems: to describe existing approaches to nterpreting semantic potential of word accent, to define the uniqueness of intonation organization of scientific oral monologue, to show the determinants of word accent in real speech contexts. In this regard, special attention is paid to the identification of text-forming mechanisms of accent, related to oral scientific discourse. The research is carried out on the basis of real oral scientific texts records processed by the method of auditory analysis with subsequent functional interpretation of the obtained data. The duration of analyzed records of oral scientific speech of various genres (lectures, reports, speeches in discussions) is more than 30 hours. After the study, the following results have been obtained: linguistic and rhetorical features of oral scientific discourse prosodic organization are revealed; the factors determining word accent in speech flow are described, the functioning of the lexico-semantically, positional-syntactically, contextually, situational-thematically and pragmatically conditioned accentuations in the analyzed material is shown. The scientific perspectives of the theme are seen in drawing up the rules of accentuation of different grammatical word classes in public speech and defining lexicographical aspects of the accentuated lexical units in the discourse, which, undoubtedly, will make a significant contribution to the description of the speech portrait of Russian linguistic personality in different communicative spheres of speech.

About the authors

Tatiana Petrovna Skorikova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Russian Language, faculty of Linguistics, FGBOU VO “Bauman Moscow State Technical University”. Research interests: suprasegmental phonetics, intonation theory, stylistics of the Russian language, Russian speech culture, rhetoric, speech communication, intercultural communication, linguodidactics, teaching methods of Russian as a native and as a foreign language. Published more than 180 scientific publications

5, 2 Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russian Federation


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