Intercultural communicatiom as anthropological linguodidactics component
- Authors: Aschi M.1, Muhammad L.P.2, Tatarinova N.V.2
- Karadeniz Technical University
- Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
- Pages: 143-156
- Section: Cultural Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects
- URL:
- DOI:
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The issue of the research is related to the account of nationally determined personality traits of a foreign student in the model of intercultural educational communication on the principles of anthropological linguodidactics. The relevance of the work is in determining the criteria for modeling intercultural learning communication in relation to Turkish students of the initial stage of education (levels A0-A2). The result of this study is the creation of a personally oriented Russian language teaching model for Turkish students of the preparatory faculty. Unlike traditional models, the proposed model is built into the anthropological paradigm of constructing educational models, taking into account primarily the existential needs of the Turkish language personality, as well as the mechanisms of interaction of the individual in the process of educational intercultural communication. The purpose of the work is to use the possibilities of anthropological linguodidactics in relation to intercultural communication, to identify the center and the periphery in the communicative space of Turkish students studying Russian language in order to enter the philological faculties of Russian universities. As the main method of research, we distinguish the method of constructing a learning model based on the principles and provisions of anthropological linguodidactics; the latter also involves the extensive use of practical methods: observation of interpersonal communication in groups of Turkish students, interviewing, and generalization of communication experience in the classroom and beyond. The material of the study is a real ongoing in the classroom of Turkish students learning process on the Russian language, as well as video and audio recordings of the process. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that educational intercultural communication is considered from the perspective of modern methodological science - anthropological linguodidactics. The theoretical significance of the work consists in the construction of a model of educational intercultural communication with the definition of the center and the periphery in relation to the Turkish students of the preparatory faculty. The construction of this model can help methodologists, theorists and teachers, practitioners optimally organize the learning process for the language training of Turkish students who intend to enroll in Russian universities. The study revealed a certain minimum of personal properties of Turkish students, significantly affecting their educational intercultural communication in the early periods of their stay in the training of preparatory faculties of Russia. This work allows to draw a conclusion about the prospects of further study of educational intercultural communication from the perspective of anthropological linguodidactics.
About the authors
Murat Aschi
Karadeniz Technical University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of Russian language and literature of Karadeniz Technical University. Research interests: Teaching Russian as a foreign language, genitive case, descriptive text, aspects of Russian verbs.
Trabzon, 61080, TurkeyLudmila Petrovna Muhammad
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor of department of Preparatory faculty of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. Research interests: intercultural communication, linguistic personality of the foreign student, text and discourse, language picture of the world, national-oriented methods of teaching Russian as foreign language. Author of more than 70 scientific publications
6, Akademika Volgina str., Moscow, 117485, Russian FederationNataliia Vasilevna Tatarinova
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Dean of Preparatory faculty of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. Research interests: methods for teaching Russian as a foreign language, culturological component on the lessons of Russian as a foreign language, intercultural communication, the dialogue of cultures. Author of more than 20 scientific publications
6, Akademika Volgina str., Moscow, 117485, Russian FederationReferences
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