- Authors: Caylak H.1, Muhammad L.P.1
- Karadeniz Technical University
- Issue: Vol 15, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 77-90
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The issue of this article is creating innovative learning technologies, specifically, student-oriented teaching Russian to foreigners.The significance of the research lies in the fact that its study of classroom discourse as an innovative platform for developing harmonious linguistic personality acquiring a foreign language. The expected result of the study is creating an innovative anthropologically oriented Russian language training model for Turkish students at the primary training stage. Placing the inofon linguistic personality, its interaction with other participants of communication, including teacher as the reference point of the design, makes the model unique.The aim of this study is to show that consideration of discourse properties might encourage instructors to implement learning strategies based on communicative interaction between teacher and students.The main research methods of the study are practical methods: observation of communicative interaction between participants during the educational process, interviews of students and teachers and personal teaching experience. Real Russian language educational process for Turkish students, as well as video and audio recordings of the process are the main material for the current study.The authors have found integrating and distinctive features of pedagogical/classroom discourse in Turkish classroom. The distinction between those attributes can help teachers to use the phenomenon of classroom discourse as an innovative platform for the creation of fundamentally new techniques, including methods based on our learning model focused on linguistic personality of Turkish students at the primary training stage.The study reveals the importance of linguistic and didactic differentiating components of classroom discourse of Turkish students at the primary training stage. It allows to draw a conclusion about feasibility of further studies of classroom discourse from the perspective of inofon linguistic personality developing.
About the authors
Hanifa Caylak
Karadeniz Technical University
Author for correspondence.
candidate of philological sciences, lecturer of department of Russian language and literature of the Faculty of Humanities of KTU
Trabzon, Turkey, 61080Ludmila Petrovna Muhammad
Karadeniz Technical University
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor of department of Russian language and literature of the Faculty of Humanities of KTU
Trabzon, Turkey, 61080References
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