No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 29
- URL:
Formation of higher educational institution students’ research competence in the light of FGOS of new generation requiremens
The article is devoted to a problem of formation of higher education institution students’ research competence according to the standard of new generation requirements. In the article the organization of research work with students in a higher educational institution is under analysis, main directions and work forms within competence-based approach are offered and verified.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):7-12

Professionally-oriented activities of non-philological faculties students at Russian language and speech culture lessons
The article analyzes professionally-oriented activities of non-philological faculties students at the lessons of Russian language and speech culture, substantiates an innovative approach to writing annotations as a means of formation of professionally-oriented communicative competence. Examples of measurement and control materials as well as specific tasks are also given.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):13-18

The teacher of Russian as a foreign language and new teaching technologies
The article analizes possible obstacles arizing on the road of implementing new methods and technologies in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In the course of the discussion of the subject, the author pays special attention to the role of the teacher and adequate effort in putting methodical innovations into practice.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):19-23

Principles of medical terms preliminary screening and presentation in educational terminological dictionary of a new type
In the article the author’s experience of creation an educational dictionary on physiology is represented, the major problems of preliminary screening and presentation of medical terms in a dictionary of this kind are under analysis. The article also suggests a possible variant of including the associative terms into the dictionary entry on the example of physiology terminological units.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):24-28

Texts about characteristics in the system of teaching foreign students to communicate on educational and scientific matters
The article considers typological varieties of scientific texts about characteristics, intended to teach foreign students of agriculture to communicate on educational and scientific matters. It also presents an abstract of the study guide lesson.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):29-34

The certificate testing of foreign medical faculty students in the context of new FGOS
In the article structure and content of Professional Module “Medicine. Biology” testing materials are analyzed on the background of new FGOS’ requirements. A new variant of the test component “Writing”, which reflects new changes in professional medical activities, is suggested.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):35-40

System of exercises for training foreign students in types and forms of oral speech in the educational and professional sphere
In the article the system of exercises which may help to organize communication of foreign students in the educational and professional sphere while training types and forms of oral speech at a stage of pre-university preparation is offered.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):41-47

Formation of cross-cultural competence: nonverbal communicative behavior
In the article actual problems of training foreign students in cross-cultural communication are considered. Some examples of discrepancies of norms and behavior rules are given. The importance of nonverbal communicative behavior in different ethnocultures when forming cross-cultural competence is also under analysis.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):53-59

Ways of optimization of foreign students’ linguistic, social and cultural competence forming at the beginner’s stage
The article is devoted to the problem of forming linguistiс, social and cultural competence of foreign students with the support of multimedia means of education at the beginner’s stage while their extracurricular activity.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):60-66

Language and culture of the Russians-Lipovans: synchronistic and diachronistic aspects
In the article main phonetic and grammar peculiarities of the language of the Russians-Lipovans, living in Rumania, are analyzed. The question of dialect nature of their language is also discussed; history of the Lipovan people is characterized; main spheres of the Lipovan language functioning are revealed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):67-70

Developing tolerance as a linguocultural category in teaching Russian to Chinese students
This article is devoted to the actual issue of the formation of lingvocultural tolerance of Chinese students as an integral part of the entire complex training tasks. The article deals with the peculiarities of the Chinese mentality and possibility of comprehensive development of the communicative competence and tolerance with the help of the manual “Famous people of Russia. XXI Century”, using Internet resources.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):71-75

Ethno-cultural and polycultural identity of foreign students: from separation - to harmony
The article considers examples of in-class work in RFL classes in the Department of Preparatory Studies. Such work is aimed at enforcing students’ ethnic self-identity, which is essential for adapting successfully to a new sociocultural environment.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):76-80

Lexic denoting family relations in Russian idioms: ethno-cultural component
The article regards linguocultural analysis of vocabulary of family relations in proverbs and sayings, pays great attention to the description of relation terminology in order to establish nationally specific and general linguistic patterns of speech behavior and etiquette, says about the relation system, which determines the features of social organization and structure of society.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):91-94

Ethnopsychological features of Russian and Chinese students’ orderliness in the process of education

Structure of the frame “Personality” and its language manifestation
The article represents the frame regarded as a mode of the vocabulary arrangement in the course of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The frame «lichnost’» (personality) is examined as well as its language manifestation.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):110-114

Verbal mnemonics as a mechanism for encoding and decoding information (experimental data)
The article deals with the problem of using the verbal mnemonics in the information processing: experimentally identified universal and individual strategies of encoding and decoding with the productivity of these strategies for the storage and playback of the stimulus material.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):128-134

Alexander Tvardovsky and the Oryol region literature
The article suggests the first discussion of the issues of interaction between the art world of A.T. Twardowski and that of the Oryol region writers. Closeness to the world view of I.A. Bunin, creativity I.S. Turgenev allows to talk about the depth of creative ties between A.T. Twardowski and the Orel region writers in understanding the meaning of life, the feeling of nature, love to the small native land and its nature.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):135-142

On a question of the writer’s self-identification in interview
Interview of the writer is always an interpretation of his creativity. It is interesting both to the author, and the reader. Investigating a problem of self-identification of the writer, the authors of article analyze various approaches to dialogue with the writer where the purpose of interview is self-disclosure of the creative person.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):143-148

Theme of a poet and poetry in Community “Pereval’s” works: the overall sketch
The author investigates the role of the classic theme “A poet and poetry” in the context of the literary process 1920-1930-ies in the works of Community “Pereval’s” poets. The development of this theme gives the opportunity to talk about the “Pereval’s” poets as Successors of the classical tradition of Pushkin, Lermontov, Bloc etc.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):149-154

Russian cinema music as an instrument of the socioand linguocultural adaptation of foreign students
The article considers some aspects of cinematographic expression, including music and songs in feature films, problems of their use for the socio- and linguoculturological adaptation of foreign students in the Russian-speaking environment, and the development of phonetic culture in the Russian language of foreign-speaking people.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):155-160

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2014;(1):166-169