No 2 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 19
- URL:

The peculiarities of translating the advertisement text
This article is dedicated to the problem of the adequate translation of commercials. The national lingual and cultural peculiarities must be taken into consideration, and the translation must arouse native speakers' positive feelings. This will ensure the successful promotion of goods in the foreign market.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):10-14

To the classification of the verbal idioms based on feelings expressed by them in Russian, Tajic and English languages
The article is devoted to the problem of classification of the verbal idioms. The comparative analyses conducted by the author in three languages results in identifying three categories of the verbal idioms expressing feelings. A special attention is devoted to the category of idioms-bearers of positive feelings, which is illustrated by examples from the literature.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):20-23

On the issue of the role of perception in the processes of secondary nomination
The article is devoted to the study of the role of perception in the formation of new concepts in modern English in the processes of secondary nomination which are closely connected with dynamics of cognitive mechanisms of knowledge and human thought.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):41-46

Lexical features of Spanish advertising radio texts
This article is devoted to the lexical features of Spanish advertising radio texts. System of advertisement language has several important characteristic features. The lexical structure of radio commercials is one of the most important components of this system.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):54-57

Lexical peculiarities in the vocabulary of the newspaper style at the contemporary stage
This article is devoted to studying the mass media language in the Russian language classroom at the contemporary stage on the material of logoepistems that can be used for teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in the Chinese specialists in Russian philology classroom of advanced level.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):58-62

Current approaches to the development of Russian education as multicultural, polylingual space
This article is about innovational approaches of Russian language education. Within the new concept it was carried Russian national scientific school for youth «Textology today: results, problems and methods». According to the results of the school it was carried out a training of young scientists, teachers, researchers and published 2 books: text-book and materials of performances.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):63-67

The methods of the stress's diagnosis
The article offers a method of diagnosis of stress tolerance of the individual. The technique is based on the assumption that stress is a multi-component phenomenon, and that changes in the indices of components can be judged from the change of stress resistance.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):74-77

Value-semantic aspect of studying the materials on spiritual tradition of the British folklore: about the meaning of foreign language in the development of a personality
In the article are considered the problems of value-semantic development of high-school's student's personality in a process of studying the materials on spiritual tradition of the British folklore. The foreign language - English - appears as the instrument of the personality's entering to the world of the traditional spiritual culture of the country of the language under study.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):78-84

Value-semantic component of the image of the world in Spanish culture
The article is dedicated to the questions of studying of the national «image of the world» as a multilevel system of the integrated phenomena of reality. Such value categories as family/la familia, soul/spirit/el alma/el espíritu, honour/el honor, friendship/la amistad, love/еl amor, beauty/la belleza are considered as the most important component of the image of the world's structure in Spanish culture.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):85-92

Distinguishing cultural features of the strong linguistic type of the English-speaking personality
The article gives the esteem of the national character taking into consideration the challenge of the strong linguistic type of the English-speaking personality, as well as it reveals the particularities and characteristics of the abovementioned linguistic type exemplified by Dale Carnegey's writings.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):93-97

Formation of sociocultural competence of students when teaching foreign language taking into account national specific lexion
The article says about the role of interrelation of language and culture, and also about the realities transferring certain national specificity. Affirms, that studying national-specific lexicon when teaching a foreign language forms sociocultural competence of students.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):98-102

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(2):103-104