Historical Memory of Derivational and Form-building Affixes of Dagestanian Languages

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The article deals with the role of scientific etymology in restoring the origin of the word. The historical patterns, nature, and nature of the changes, development, and improvement of the language are analyzed. Attention is paid to the process of restoring historical memory as a powerful tool of knowledge. The article deals with the etymological semantics of the formants of the case system, the genesis of the ergative system, the historical memory of the class indicators of Avar language in correlation with the materials of other Dagestan languages. The paper examines the inner essence of language development in a comparative aspect. The importance of the concept of language development and the reconstruction of the forms of language units in both diachronic and synchronic terms is noted.

About the authors

Rumaniyat Omarovna Aselderova

Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: rumomarovna@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4261-6703

сandidate of philological science, associate professor

57, Magomed Yaragsky str., Makhachkala, 367003, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation


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