
Cytokines in antituberculosis immunity
Zakharova M.V., Stakhanov V.A., Mezentseva M.V.
About the intolerance of construction materials in prosthetic dentistry
Shemonaev V.I., Gubanova E.I., Kuznetsova O.A.
Regulatory cytokine effects in vitro on the phenotype of subpopulations CD62L+CD63-, CD62L+CD63+ and microbicidal activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in patients with colorectal cancer
Chudilova G.A., Nesterova I.V., Kovaleva S.V., Lomtatidze L.V.
Cytokine regulation of immune response against bacterial and viral co-infection of gut, caused by h. pylori and herpesviridae
Nelyubin V.N., Mudrov V.P., Chekanov A.V., Sepiashvili R.I.
Immunological aspects of the development of hypertension and renal dysfunction in patients with chronic diseases of joints
Safronenko A.V., Harseeva G.G., Vystavkina E.A., Demidovа A.A., Demidov I.A.
Improvement of quality of life in women with cervical pathology by developing the treatment methods
Murakov S.V., Ivanov U.A., Veredchenko A.V., Popkov S.A., Pustovalov D.A., Fisenko V.V.
Optimization of preparation for pregnancy the patients with hyperplasia endometria
Kutshenko I.I., Khorolskaya A.E., Safronova Y.S.
The influence citokines in relapses of purulently complications at the diabetic foots and opportunities immunokorection
Kislyakov V.A.
Efficiency of intra-articular ozonotherapy in the treatment of knee's traumatic injury in experiment
Zachvatov A.N., Belyaev A.N., Kozlov S.A., Piyanzina M.I., Kuznecov S.I., Leshanov A.M.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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