- Year: 2021
- Articles: 22
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/issue/view/1505
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2021-26-4
Full Issue

Mediatization of the Media as Industrial Transformation
The article implements the idea of mediatization as a process of transformation of the mass communication industry. Nowadays, the current system of mass communication is under the pressure of digital transit, which is transgressive in nature and breaks traditional business patterns, requires business administration to make mental changes in thinking and management practices, and creates the highest level of tension among media managers. The article attempts to conceptualize (through the analysis of industrial ‘points of tension’: between television and online video - players of the cross-media dimension) some aspects of the digital transformation of the media industry and industrial management practices. Behind this transformation is the conflict between the digital environment generated by the relatively free development of the Internet and the purposefully organized and institutionalized state-controlled media.

The Theoretical Perceived Transgressing Role and Identity of Contemporary Journalism: Revolution or Evolution?
Journalism as a definition emerged more than two centuries ago and became actively promulgated in the study of media by core Western countries. Meanwhile, this term is often interpreted too freely, the term and practice are transgressing in the 21st century. This is a theoretical paper that seeks to understand how the role of journalism and mass media have mutated and why as interpreted by scholars. On the one hand, it is followed with a lack of its complex essence is hindered by contemporary political, social, economic and technological challenges that occur in the way of its development. It is caught between the utopian and idealistic theoretical and conceptual projections that are intended to be the basis of its social capital and legitimacy and the practical dilemmas and hardships (economic and political) of the contemporary era that shift the profession away from the aforementioned ideals.

Ontology of Transgressive Social Media
This paper presents the T-Magic formula revealing ontology of social media which has become a transgressive form of media through its ability to build a digital community, sharing digital identity, and building a digital social capital, that prevails over offline human relations, and includes supporters and doubters estimated for their contact establishing function. Social media belongs to the so called culture of participation, and is considered as a versatile social phenomenon building a hybrid digital culture. Mutation seems to be a key characteristic of media in general and social media in particular. The consequences of the mutation’ change shows pathway to a new ontology of digital communication, that of digital physics with a special focus on digital space and digital time, digital substance and digital energy. Transformation displays a technological turn in digital communication that reveals technological sources of digital energy. Transfiguration unveils the essence of digital substance, that of a social media sapience. Transgression outlines digital space and digital time, and is a means of overcoming “real” space and time by means of certain text units establishing bridges to connected personal or collective accounts or aggregate archives. The main function of the media text transgressiveness is to raise a so called publicity capital of a media subject initiating or releasing the post.

Transdiscourse as a Concept of Digital Worlds
The paper presents the current transformations of media culture in the conditions of crucial digitalization of society. Everyday life is fundamentally mediatized and this process is beyond the control and understanding, both by an individual, and by the professional community and society as a whole. Rather, we observe a general disturbing sense of violation of the usual boundaries of definitions and norms. In response to the crisis of comprehension and understanding, philosophy of language and communication turns back to the idea of discursivity of human civilization and proposes to adapt and rethink the concept of possible worlds and its descriptions in the aim to renew social strategies and communications. The increasing demand for methodological support of communication activities indicates the growing significance of cabinet philosophy, in particular philosophy of language and communication. This strategy of the scientific approach will allow us to build a research relevant to the subject-transdisciplinary. Based on an analysis of history of ideas and modern Russian methodology of transdisciplinarity, the authors put forward a hypothesis in terms of the philosophy of language on the development of digital mediated discourse in a transdimensional unity and the generation of different discourses.

Mediatizatsiya telesnosti i biopolitiki v kiberkul'ture
The article analyzes the ways of biopolitical control based on the corporeality deep mediatization in cyberculture. It is argued that such mediatization is inevitable process because of all-pervading interaction between bodies, technologies, media, etc. Thus, people’s corporeality includes in complex system of different mediatized lifeforms. The article concentrates on the two forms of the corporeality deep mediatization in cyberculture. The key features of these forms are pointed out and investigated. It is standed that specific of these forms makes people corporeality permeable for biopolitical control. The ways of mediatized biopolitical control and their dangerous are demonstrated. Besides, it is shown that the mediatized biopolitical control sometimes makes people to face with the choice between mediatization and death. The author proposes the question if the biopolitical control is inevitable due to the deep corporeality mediatization.

Deep Mediatization: Rethinking a Figurational Approach
The article analyzes the possibilities and limitations of the figurative approach to the deep mediatization study, developed by Andreas Hepp and Nick Couldrie. To what extent is figurative theoretical optics sensitive to the processes of social worlds and practices transformation under the media influence? What are the possible directions of revision and further development of this approach? The figurative approach to deep mediatization is a powerful theoretical tool to explore this complex, non-linear meta-process. Focusing on figurations helps to avoid media centrism and emphasize the social life procedurality. At the same time, the figurations concept (understood as collectives, organizations, and institutions) raises some questions. In particular, the thesis about special media ensembles inherent in different figurations does not always work. This is due to the emergence of multifunctional platforms that can become a single digital infrastructure for many figurations. Such platforms have the potential of the ecosystem for a mediatized social life. Further analysis of the relationship between figurations and platforms is required, which does not reduce platforms only to the technological component of figurations. Bridging the deep divide between human actors and technology would also lead to new readings of medialogics (such as human-machine logics).

Immersive Technologies in Media: Towards the Concept of Generative Mediatization?
The practices of so-called immersive media have been developing in the past few years. The immersive media situation characteristics, infrastructure, content and social aspects have been identified through the use of a multilevel structural and functional methodology, and make it possible to fix its specificity at all levels. The new format of the immersive media situation leads to changes in approaches to the mediatization studies. In the article, to study the media immersive communicative situation a generative approach is proposed for the first time. It is relevant to topological thinking, and to the modern immanent picture of the world, when a person and technology co-create a new form. Along with the generative approach and generative design, the necessity of applying relevant paradigms and methods of psychology to form new theoretical and methodological foundations of immersive user-centric media communication is substantiated. Several new concepts and terms are introduced, in particular, the term “immersive hypermediation”, which is opposite to immediacy as a classical criterion of media effectiveness. As a result, the analysis of the essence and features of immersive media projects allows fixing the premises of immersive paradigm shift in mediatization studies.

The Impact of Mediatization on EU Public Outreach Campaigns
This article addresses the mediatization of the European public sphere(s) and the issues it creates for the implementation of EU-wide public outreach efforts. As applied to the EU context, the concept of mediatization is understood as a relationship between the media and political institutions that causes societal transformation. In this sense, the public sphere is seen as a mediating infrastructure of debates of political legitimacy. In the context of mediatized politics, European public opinion is fragmented and bound to national public spheres. EU public outreach efforts are increasingly filtered and shaped by the media of its member countries. Due to multiple implementation issues, the EU has not been able to offer its members an attractive and unifying identity narrative promoting European values. This article offers some conceptual solutions to the problem.

New Strategies of Omni-Mediatization of the Public Policy in Kazakhstan
In the context of the accelerated development of new media and the growth of e-democracy, the mediatization of Kazakhstani politics is entering a new digital-driven stage of development. The author’s approach relevance lies in studying the modern digital-driven strategy of Kazakhstani political communication and identifying methods of influence of political parties on the electorate, manipulative media forms on certain segments of the electorate from the opposition. The article presents an analysis of the main strategic resources of the politics mediatization and of their impact. Moreover, it reveals the influence tendencies of the political mediatization, the political communication in society and with party stakeholders. The author attempts to analyze the methods and formats of transmedia storytelling in the social networks on the Internet for the political leaders communication shaping, social and political dialogue building. The research material included the election campaigns of parliamentary and unregistered parties texts in Kazakhstani social media, the posts / publications on social networks during the first ever primaries in the country’s history and the parliamentary elections of 2019 and 2021.

Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine
The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society, especially when it comes to inadequacy in the context of media literacy. Therefore, this study focused on the awareness of the audience (consumers) about transmedia applications. It is seen that the studies conducted in the field of transmedia have developed in terms of content production methods, strategies and audience engagement. It is understood that there are not enough studies on subjects such as audience impacts or audience awareness. In this context and in this study, the competence of multimedia viewers who use social media and follow a traditional media tool to understand and be aware of the content transitions between different media tools has been examined. The television channel was chosen as the traditional media medium for the research study due to its widespread viewing.

Hypermedia and Recursive Mediatization of the Corporate News
The article analyzes some trends in the dynamics of deep mediatization processes. The phenomenon of “saturation” of standard formats for presenting news with unexpected references, which transform the communication system, is revealed. For the correct interpretation of the discovered phenomena, the concept of “hypermedia” is used as an aspect of deep mediatization of the relationship between the company and its stakeholders. The model of recursive communication is concretized. The central point is the thesis about the self-applicability of the recursive method of studying the communication field. The influence of digital platforms algorithms on the daily practices of users has been investigated. The conclusions are formulated from an ecological point of view, highlighting the importance of creating an effective environment for corporate relations. The author believes that the transition to trans-disciplinary methods of researching the problems of deep mediatization in the digital era is inevitable. The role of philosophical reflection in determining the key areas of research is especially emphasized.

Mediatization of Russian Companies in the Framework of Corporate Citizenship
The paper emphasis is made on corporate mediatization process conceptuali-zation, which role is of high importance in Russia, because it influences sociopolitical situation on a legal basis, creates a form of business corporations’ citizenship. The concept reveals a changing role of corporation in sociopolitical relations: due to encompassing corporate communication technologies it becomes necessary to meet communities’ expectations, sociopolitical, socioeconomic, ecological issues. Thus, sociopolitical sphere mediatization in the context of complicating media discourse forms the situation when the modern business organization should become a corporate citizen giving a boost to societal development, well-being, confidence-building.

Digital Mediatization in Medicine: New Models of Clinic-to-Doctor-to-Patient Interaction
Mediatization is an interdisciplinary construct, which allows us to study how the transformation of social institutions is affected by media influence and social theories. Researchers are focusing on people’s digital representations and new interaction models. As digital networks grow and overlap with traditional interaction forms, new models of clinic-doctor-patient interaction emerge. Researching this reveals the efficiency of communicative constructivism. The purpose of the research is to study the transformative effect of mediatization on medicine. The research methodology is based on communicative constructivism and phenomenological approach, including analysis of 70 Instagram accounts of doctors and clinics and in-depth interviews of 10 St. Petersburg-based doctors. The research validates the transformation tendencies in medicine as a social institution.

Personal User’s Communicative Competence of “Mediatized World” Construction
The relevance of this article is determined by the growing ubiquitous digitalization of mediatized communications, including under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. The consequence of this process is the transformation of the structure of social space and approval of virtual interaction as a basic method of communication - instead of interpersonal. These transformations entail institutional changes, manifested in axiological and normative transitions of communicative space, semantic restructuring of communications under the influence of changing social reality. Induced by the technological infrastructure of communication, a “mediatized social reality” emerges, which also entails semantic changes in communication. All these circumstances actualize the phenomenon of communicative competence of an individual, which determines the effectiveness of interactions in the context of technological, semantic and institutional changes. The article presents some outcomes of empirical verification of communicative competence in contemporary Russian interaction practices. The phenomenon of hybridization of communicative competence during the transition of a person from the environment of real communications to the environment of virtual communications, contributes to the construction of “mediatized social reality” and expands his social reality. This ability of an individual and his communicative competence for transgression, combined with hybridity, is a factor in the integration of the communicative space of society with its contradictory characteristics.

“Faces” and “Disguises” of V. Rozanov’s SolitaryThoughts and Fallen Leaves
An intensive study of V. Rozanov’s work naturally actualizes the question of the reasons for the contradictory assessments that have accompanied it for more than a century. The author explains their polarity by the prevalence of subjective or stereotypical ideas about the fundamental novelty of V. Rozanov’s approach to the psychology of literary creativity and to the aesthetics of “secluded nudity”, which the creative subject of his books invariably followed. The article examines the space of “solitude” as a sphere of creative realization of Rozanov, where the main attention is paid to the intuition of “intimacy”, interpreted by the writer as a genuine spiritual act underlying the true creativity of life and literature. In “solitude” the author’s intuition of intimacy penetrates into the phenomena and objects of life, endows them with related intimate meanings, is reflected in them and contributes to the creation of a mythopoetic picture of the world, filled with a variety of subjective and personal ideas of V. Rozanov about God, the world, cultural and literary values, about to yourself. In the above examples, V. Rozanov’s “faces” appear in the process of intimate rapprochement with the Absolute and revealed in ontological insights. “Disguises” are figurative dialectical projections of the “intimate faces” of the author, opposed to the traditional views on the writer’s personality. These are polar, familiarly traversed projections of his “intimate faces” designed to enhance their ontological and aesthetic significance. The philosophical concept of “detachment” in myth and literature, developed by A.F. Losev in Dialectics of Myth , served as a methodological basis for the study of the phenomenon of “solitude” and unity in V. Rozanov of the myth-maker and writer.

The Motive of Peace in the Works of B. Pasternak and M. Bulgakov
The concept of “peace” entered into Russian culture from the Bible and became its important spiritual tradition. With the development of secular literature, “peace” has gradually come out of the sacred field and become the significant aesthetic concept rich in connotation. In their works, Pasternak and Bulgakov reflect on the “peace” in the field of existence and art, especially the ontological value of family and love, thoughts about history, death and creativity. The concept of memory plays an important role in the artistic world of the two writers. Bulgakov’s and Pasternak’s books are testimony to rebirth and immortality, which is the way they participate in the sacred cause. The paper analyzes the place and role of the motive of peace in the novels of B. Pasternak Doctor Zhivago and M. Bulgakov The Master and Margarita in their similarities and differences. In this regard, the images of the house, music, creativity as the focus of the artist’s world are compared, the typological related figures of the beloved muse and the savior are considered, the specificity of the disclosure of the theme of immortality in creativity is noted.

A Parodic Tale in “Sovy” (Soviet Texts) by D. Prigov
The article aims to study D. Prigov’s series of prose texts “Sovy” (Soviet texts) artistic subtleties as a conceptualist work. The author of the article analyzes genre and style modifications owing to use of parodic stylization. The research exemplifies how a fairy tale, epic, legend, anecdote, hagiography are modified by the Soviet myth content, whereas creating a quasi-history. Historical characters, politicians, poets and writers, mythologized by ideology and commonplace consciousness in the “Sovy”, are presented as cultural and progenitor heroes. Life journey of characters, cultivated by the Soviet myth, is often depicted according to the hagiographic canon. The mask of a storyteller/propagandist is the starting point of folklore stylizations and parody imitations of the Soviet art in the “Sovy” series. Parodic tale was crafted by mimicking folklore and journalistic styles, their hybridization at the lexical-grammatical and rhythmic-syntactic levels. Styles, genres and masks mocking in D. Prigov’s “Sovy” series is examined at the methodological perspective of text narratological analysis for the first time, thus emphasizing the study’s novelty and relevance. The author of the article concludes that D. Prigov deconstructs Soviet mythologems, showcasing transformations of a myth to an anecdote, a famous name into an empty sign, a story into a simulacrum.

Poetology and Poetics of Acmeism: Book review: Kihney, L.G., & Merkel, E.V. (2021). Acmeism: Theory and Artistic Practice: Tutorial. Moscow, Berlin: Direct-Media. 492 p.
The review reveals the specificity of the author’s approach to the phenomenon of acmeism. It has been proven that the work under review is a tutorial of a new type. So, at the substantive level, the book is included in the scientific discourse and correlates with the genre format of the monograph, at the formal compositional level, it is associated with the genre format of the tutorial.

Book review: Bavin, S.P., & Mishurovskaya, M.V. (Eds.). (2017). M.A. Bulgakov. Annotated Bibliographic Index. Vol. I. 1919-1940 (A.V. Akimenko, Bibliogr. Ed., M.V. Mishurovskaya, E.I. Alekseenkova, I.S. Efimova, Yu.G. Slizun, Comp.). Moscow: RGBI Publ. 704 p.; Bavin, S.P., & Mishurovskaya, M.V. (Eds.). (2021). M.A. Bulgakov. Annotated Bibliographic Index. Vol. II. 1941-1985 (A.V. Akimenko, Bibliogr. Ed., M.V. Mishurovskaya, E.I. Alekseenkova, I.S. Efimova, Yu.G. Slizun, Comp.). Moscow: RGBI Publ. 816 p.
Two volumes of the annotated bibliographic index cover works in Russian devoted to the life and work of M.A. Bulgakov and published in 1919-1985. In the 1st volume, ending by 1940, there are 3820 titles, in the 2nd - 4061 titles. Each volume contains indexes of names, titles, performances based on Bulgakov’s plays, and a list of viewed periodicals.