The Motive of Peace in the Works of B. Pasternak and M. Bulgakov

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The concept of “peace” entered into Russian culture from the Bible and became its important spiritual tradition. With the development of secular literature, “peace” has gradually come out of the sacred field and become the significant aesthetic concept rich in connotation. In their works, Pasternak and Bulgakov reflect on the “peace” in the field of existence and art, especially the ontological value of family and love, thoughts about history, death and creativity. The concept of memory plays an important role in the artistic world of the two writers. Bulgakov’s and Pasternak’s books are testimony to rebirth and immortality, which is the way they participate in the sacred cause. The paper analyzes the place and role of the motive of peace in the novels of B. Pasternak Doctor Zhivago and M. Bulgakov The Master and Margarita in their similarities and differences. In this regard, the images of the house, music, creativity as the focus of the artist’s world are compared, the typological related figures of the beloved muse and the savior are considered, the specificity of the disclosure of the theme of immortality in creativity is noted.

About the authors

Li Fei

Hankai University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4788-5294

doctoral student

Weijin Rd, 94, Тяньцзинь, 300071, China

Maria S. Rudenko

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Senior Teacher, Ph.D. Candidate of Faculty of Philology

1 Lenin Mountains, bldg 51, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2021 Fei L., Rudenko M.S.

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