
Development of project management practice in hotels of Kazakhstan
Turginbayeva A.N., Zhakupbekova G.E.
Modern approach to project management, a method of implementing quick-impact activities
Revinova S.Y., Smolenskaya V.V.
Planning and monitoring work through communication and cost profile of the project
Smarzhevsky I.A.
Assessment of the effectiveness of budget financing of innovative Russian universities
Kovelsky V.V., Rostova E.P.
Economic efficiency of gas industry investment projects in Russia on the example of export gas pipelines
Chernyaev M.V., Boiko A.A.
Application of DCF and rDCF methods valuation to pharmaceutical projects
Sirik E.S.
Russia and Turkey: new trends and prospects at the present stage
Budarina N.A., Ibragimov I.R.
Calculation of the amount of funding for world-class research centers depending on the amount of work performed
Zolotaryov D.V., Belov F.D.
The role of oil in economic development of the Republic of Chad
Adam Mbodu Adam -.
Foreign experience and possibilities of information CALS-technology application in the modern economy
Mirzabekov A.M.
The real option approach for estimation of venture project efficiency and risk
Kerimov A.K., Matushok V.M., Balashova S.A.
Common industrial policy: foreign practice and the experience for CIS
Gusakov N.P., Andronova I.V.
Belt and Road Initiative: prerequisites for China’s modern foreign economic policy
Belova I.N., Egorycheva E.A.
Purchase order approval process improvement through electronic workflow project implementation
Akhmetova A.R.
1 - 14 of 14 Items

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