No 1 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 14
- URL:
The strategy of innovating development of Russian Federation: regional cluster-based policy of the old-industrial region (the case of «Titanium Valley» - Ural)
The article considers claster formation (cluster-based policy) in old-industrial region on a formation example of the «Titanium Valley» claster (Ural). The cluster «Titanium Valley» is successful regional industrial cluster in Russia. It is concluded that the cluster-based policy is the group of actions which can favour increase of competitiveness of the Russian economy through increase of innovations in various branches of economy, encouragement of regional initiatives, interaction activization between the state, business and a science. Clusters can be consider an important measure of growth and spatial development for the Russian regions.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):5-13

Export promotion system in Russian Federation. Moscow experience
The aim of the present article is to study the present status of state export support system at the regional level, i.e. Moscow experience. The study is based on Moscow City Government decree «On funding of Moscow export support system development» № 2030-РП dated 25.12.2002 г., regional export support programs and Federal Statistic Service statistic data analysis. Role of RF subjects if the sphere of development and implementation of foreign economic strategy is raising. Regional authorities develop local export promotion programs. In the context of institutional basis Moscow export support system has a rather defined structure. And the essential instruments of export support are specific/non-financial.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):14-21

The impact of trade liberalization on economic growth in MERCOSUR countries
This study intends to evaluate the impact of trade liberalisation on economic growth; import tariff is used as a proxy for underlying liberalisation. An empirical analysis was conducted on the Mercosur countries all of which, five years after their accession to the WTO, were demonstrating a consistent tendency towards liberalisation, agricultural and food trade both included, over almost ten years. The time period is seven consecutive years, from 2001 to 2007. Panel data regression models are used; a number of control variables are also included. The study concludes that there is a slight positive impact of liberalisation on growth, no matter the model being used.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):22-31

Direct taxes harmonization process in the EU: main results and trends
Harmonization processes in the EU have been developing since the mid of the 20th century, the most significant results were achieved in the field of indirect taxation. However, recently the coordination of tax policies on taxation of individuals and entities is becoming increasingly important. In the article the analyses and evaluation of these processes are presented, this experience is important for other unions, first of all, for the Customs Union, in which framework the common market will operate from 1 January 2012.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):32-40

Development of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Indonesia
This article is devoted to the present bilateral relationship between Russia and Indonesia, that is characterized by an increasing interest of both sides to make growth intensively trade and economic relations, establishment of scientific, technology and investment cooperation, and expand contacts between business circles of both countries.
In the international arena, Russia and Indonesia share the same or congruent with the majority of approaches to global problems. Between countries there are no obstacles of a political or other nature that might inhibit the development of Russian-Indonesian cooperation, which is based on the principles of friendship, openness and mutual trust.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):41-48

Regional aspects of the economic mechanism of ecologization production
As a result of the analysis of the Novgorod region's industrial plants and factories environmental activity is found out that the payment for the atmosphere pollution does not correlate with the amount of economic damage caused to the environment by the industrial enterprises. With the region transition to the sustainable development, the pollution charge should be improved It is appropriate to amend the standard emission charge and develop ecological factor taking into account the pollution density index. In the article are given calculated additional factors related to the ecological situation coefficient of the Novgorod region.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):49-56

Problems and prospects of production and realization of vegetables in the Bryansk region
The article represents results of the applied research aimed at revealing of rational development of vegetable production taking into account territorial placing of the processing enterprises. The analysis of a current state of branch of vegetable growing is carried out in administrative areas of the Bryansk region, specifying in negative trends. Work is based on technique application methods of cluster analysis of economic indicators of manufacture and realization of vegetables, using statistical data processing package STATISTICA 6.0. The territorial arrangement of economy is presented according to the held multidimensional grouping. The conclusion about priority development of production of vegetables is made in the agricultural enterprises of administrative areas, where the industrial enterprises for processing of vegetables successfully function.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):57-63

Selection of priority sectors for public-private partnerships
This article discusses the experience of countries in public-private partnership (PPP) application. The purpose of this paper is a generalization of the experience in the field and identification of development regularities of public-private partnership in the world. In particular, attempts are made to identify consistent pattern in the selection of priority sectors of the PPP in different groups of countries. The countries are grouped in terms of socio-economic development in accordance with the classification of the UN and all the projects are categorized according to their profile for clarity of the analysis. The conducted analysis is an attempt to identify the relationship between the choice of priority sectors of the joint public-private financing of investment projects and the level of economic development in different countries.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):64-70

Planning and monitoring work through communication and cost profile of the project
The article objectives is to develop an indicator on the communication from the point of view of the project management team in dynamics of the product value creation, as well as the development of the format, allowing the use of this figure in practice for planning and analysis. We introduce the conception of communication complexity of the project and the proposed algorithm for constructing a communicationcost profile of the project (CCP). Developing the method of earned value, the project CCP is a practical tool for project planning, monitoring its implementation stage and evaluation that takes into account, along with value indicators, the factor of project management team communication with the project stakeholders. The use of project CCP is illustrated an example of a project to implement an information system in an industrial plant.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):71-81

Creation of models for forecasting banks' net incomes from currency operations
In the present article the author has the aims, such as identifying the role of net incomes from currency operations in the process of forming commercial banks' profit, exploring present models for forecasting their size and creation new ones, which take in account different factors which influence on it. They're created on the base of system structural, correlation and factorial analysis. In the result of this investigation the new models were received, they express the specific of each kind of currency operations (conversion, loans and deposits and cash settlement), and the model for the common net income from all kinds of currency operations.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):82-90

Development of educational system in the Kingdom of Bahrain and its impact on the overall economic development
The article examines educational system of the Kingdom of Bahrain, on the basis of historical perspective and current situation and estimates its prospects. Substantiates the main problems and examines the main ways to overcome them. The analysis of the current situation of education system and its prospects can contribute to favour the development of educational process, and may be useful for further reforms in education, through analyze effects of education on political and economic sphere and its role in the overall development of the country.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):91-97

Renewable energies: new energy revolution
The energy crisis has become an integral part of the global problems of today's world economy. Possible approaches to resolve this problem through the use of renewable energy sources are analyzed and highlighted in the article. In developed countries more and more interest is expressed to the development and use of wind, solar, geothermal and other power plants or non-traditional type of fuel, which, due to the recent technological advances, are quite promising since they allow to reduce dependence on fossil energy resources. The purpose of the article is to uncover the potential of these sources of energy as main alternatives to the use of traditional fuels - oil, natural gas and coal.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):98-104

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):105-106

For the authors of «vestnik», series «Economics»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(1):107-109