No 3 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Common industrial policy: foreign practice and the experience for CIS
Article is dedicated to the analysis of the Common economic area on the questions of forming the common industrial policy. Taking into account successful cooperation of foreign countries and governments on joint projects in the key industries. Authors are making the proposal of the concept approaches for choosing of directions and forming of the key principles and mechanisms of cooperation of Belorussia, Kazakhstan and Russia on the way of forming and realization of the common industrial policy.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):5-17

Current state and management of external debt in CIS countries
In this article prerequisites of increase and a current state of external debts of CIS countries which the countries from the point of view of economic security are the most significant and demanding development of urgent measures for management are analyzed. Stages of formation of external debts are allocated and characterized, the new threats which have arisen during the post-crisis period are defined, and also the measures used for decrease in debt burden are described.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):18-26

The introduction of market mechanisms in the health sector: a comparative analysis of France and Russia
This article provides an overview of French and Russian experience in introduction of market mechanisms in their heath care. Based on comparative analysis we describe the situation in health care systems in 1990s, then we study the influence of market mechanisms on heath care performance and then we identify the results of the reforms. In conclusion we describe a method of enhancing the effectiveness of health care, which can be applied both in Russia and in France.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):27-41

Sovereign Wealth Funds’ management: experience of France and Russia
Sovereign funds are considered as a source of investments to modernize economy. The experience of France Strategic Investment Fund was studied. The return on investment of the Reserve Fund and National Welfare Fund was analyzed and it was concluded that the efficiency of investments of these funds was insufficient and there are possibilities for the investment of the part of Russian Sovereign Wealth Funds into national economy. The opportunities to attract investments into the economy of the Russian Federation from foreign sovereign wealth funds as well as prospects for co-investment in the framework of the Russian Direct Investment Fund including cooperation with Caisse des Depots International were scrutinized.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):42-53

Cote D'Ivoire in the process of integration in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
The paper examines the economic consequences of integration of Côte d'Ivoire in the West African Economic and Monetary Union. It's proved that Cote d’Ivoire as a leader of the union had large part of exports (foreign and intra-regional trade) and imports (foreign trade) WAEMU; but this trade is based on the same products: production of cocoa, coffee, cotton, fruits, food products, palm oil, rubber, chemical products, petroleum, metals and precious stones. It's also noted that the impact of integration on trade of Côte d'Ivoire is small; nevertheless, the presence of country in union plays a large role in the economy of other countries of the integration group.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):54-62

Regional development of agriculture in foreign countries of Europe and in Russia in the global food interdependence and land scarcity
Contemporary development of agriculture is characterized by the growth of territorial concentration of production of the main staple and industrial crops. Key role in the world agriculture is performed by a relatively small number of specialized regions, which belong to several countries, including Europe and Russia. Emerging and evolution of these regions depends on natural (agroclimatic potential, reserves of unexploited lands) and social-economic factors (demography, level of economic development). Also important is geographical location and level of development of transport infrastructure. In foreign countries of Europe the network of agricultural regions is relatively stable. In Russia, where market reforms have recently started, and there are huge areas of none-efficiently used lands, the contemporary regional structure of agriculture is in the process of forming. If the trends in regional development of agriculture in Russia will remain, in the near future the country will overcome dependency on food import and become one of its largest exporters in the world.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):63-74

Competitiveness of Russian winemaking: problems and opportunities for development
This article describes and analyzes the challenges and opportunities of viticulture and winemaking development in Russia as a whole, and the Krasnodar region in particular. The purpose of research is to suggest the directions for further development of the sector, which will increase the competitiveness of wine companies in Krasnodar region. Among which there are: development of advanced viticulture - wine tourism in the world for generate of recognition region’s firms and of consumer preferences to brand geographical wines of the Krasnodar region. Waste-free production is a new source of funds for enterprises and an additional measure of advertising, promoting their own products and improve the company’s image.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):75-85

Trust management of state property as an effective model of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan
In article the essence of the mechanism of fіducіary management of state ownership is concretized, its distinctive feature consisting in preservation behind the state of the property right to object and transfers of competences of the state to the trustee within the legal obligations allowing to carry out the managing actions over object of property is revealed. Experience of use of fіducіary management of state ownership in Kazakhstan is investigated and specifics of privatization in Kazakhstan consisting in use of transfer of the state property to fіducіary management for privatization are presented. The recommendations about development of fіducіary management of state ownership in Kazakhstan consisting, first of all, in overcoming of the legal barriers interfering development of the confidential relations in Kazakhstan are made.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):86-96

The international comparison of Russian financial center and its foreign competitors
The article deals with the development indicators of the international financial centre in Moscow. The authors were also made the comparison of the particular development indicators of the domestic financial market against nearest regional competitors - Poland and Turkey, BRICS partners and market-leaders, mainly located in developed countries, such as United Kingdom, USA, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore. The analysis of the institutional investors’ assets was made in the international context. The research results are based on the unbiassed calculations, giving an opportunity to expose the development gap between national financial centre in Russia with the international rivals eliminating the subjective estimates of the foreign experts.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):97-108

Mean-variance future hedging for security portfolio
The mean-variance approach futures hedging is under consideration. The representation of expected return and variation are derived for portfolio with futures. The hedging problem statement assumes limitations on expected return and on the number of futures in portfolio subject to market conditions. Adaptive methods for forecasting of necessary price parameters are used to estimate the efficient portfolio. All theoretical conclusions are illustrated on concrete examples.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):109-117

Analysis and evaluation of institutional and intellectual resources as a component of industry’s innovative potential of Kazakhstan
The article assesses the institutional and intellectual resources as a component of industy’s innovative potential of Kazakhstan. Describing parameters of the organization and the number of personnel who engage in researches and developments are analyzed. Structural analysis showed the prevalence of universities in virtue of occurred restructuring in the last year. In resent years allocated budgetary resources for science increased significantly due to science Committee Ministry of Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan, science Foundation as well as from abroad. These factors infuence positively to the institutional and intellectual resource’s state of innovative potential of the country.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):118-126

New role and functions of hyper competitive global innovation companies in the modern economy
The article introduces a new concept of “global innovation hyper competitive companys” (GIGC), analyzes their characteristics and functions in the modern economy; defines the essence of hyper competition as a new kind of competition arising between GIGC on global, national, regional and local markets; introduces a new definition of “dominant innovation” and the related “multifunction innovation”; shows an increasing role of GIGC in today’s global economy: these companies provide the innovation scientific and technological development, they act as locomotives of the world economy, are the bases of the economies of most developed countries of the world; receive a global information rent and hyper competitive profit.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):127-135

Organizational features of a transfer of technologies: foreign experience
In article features of development of system of a technology's transfer in various countries, their key characteristics are considered. Features of the organization of innovative process, transfer of technologies, and also the tools promoting high competitiveness of made production and active innovative development of a number of the countries, taking leading positions on data of a global innovative index reveal. On the basis of the carried-out comparative analysis the conclusion about need of formation of the organizational system focused on ensuring process of receiving, realization and distribution of results of scientific researches and development with involvement of all participants of innovative process - the states, sciences, education, business is drawn.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):136-146

Technology in Chinese companies
In the present article is explained the role of personnel evaluation in the companies of PRC (as: shortage of the qualified experts, responsible for the stuff-evaluation; non-structural evaluation procedure; existence of unprompted evaluation procedures; absence of feed-back from the evaluated staff; drawbacks in the practical employing of foreign methods by the Chinese head executives. The specific recommendations are given on effective development of the personnel evaluation system for HR technology in the Chinese companies: increasing in professionalism of the estimators; accurate planning of the estimation procedure; asking for feed-back from the evaluated staff; extension of evaluation methods (from traditional interview to complex and elaborated methods of personnel evaluation); providing transparency of evaluation procedures (let each member of the staff be aware of the rules, results and consequences of the evaluation); introduction of the foreign evaluation methods and technologies and their proper adaptation to the specific national environment.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):147-154

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):155-157

For the authors of “Bulletin of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series “Economics””
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2014;(3):158-161