
Digitalization of the Russian Economy: Between East and West
Digilina O.B., Chernyaev A.M.
Formation of Household Finances in the Russian Federation in the Context of Digitalization
Gogin G.E., Chaplyuk V.Z.
Spirituality in the realities of digitalization of society in the era of intelligent machines development
Popkova E.G.
Conceptual and methodological foundations for forming human capital under conditions of transition to digital agriculture
Shelkovnikov S.A., Kuznetsova I.G.
Global trends and growth dynamics in media industry
Pinchuk E.S.
Theoretical bases of managing agricultural production based on digital technologies
Shelkovnikov S.A., Petukhova M.S., Alekseev A.A.
Methodological provisions for assessing the digital maturity of economic systems
Deryzemlya V.E., Ter-Grigoryants A.A.
Comparative analysis of the infrastructure basis for the transition to the digital economy of Latin America
Revinova S.Y., Chavarry Galvez D.P.
The fintech industry: key technologies and directions of development of the financial digitization
Romanov V.A., Khubulova V.V.
Digital Single Market: Europe in the race for IT services market leaders
Krasavina V.A.
World-class university in the era of digitalization
Pavlov P.V., Zashchitina E.K.
Challenges of digitalization and artificial intelligence for modern economies, societies and management
Clauberg R.
China’s AI experience: industrial digitalization
Reshetnikova M.S.
Global artificial intelligence systems and technology market: formation and development trends
Matyushok V.M., Krasavina V.A., Matyushok S.V.
Financing innovative development of the African economies: the role of digitalization and financial innovations
Alhassan T.F., Kouadio A.J., Gomado D.E.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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