No 4 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Methodological problems of the cluster classification
The article is considered at the problems of classification of the enterprises clusters, caused by imperfection of the methodology. The short review of the most widespread cluster classifications is executed. The researcher's bases applied for the cluster classifications are critically analyzed. An application of the categories and system approach as the methodology of the ordering of different kinds of the enterprises clusters is proved. The method of «Series of information criteria» is a base of the author's cluster typology. A number of the information criteria on the base processes which carriers cluster components are given.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):5-12

Financial potential of region: essence and management elements
The modern economic crisis has essentially affected financial possibilities of the majority of regions Russian Federations. In these conditions for working out of regional economic policy and increase of efficiency of its realization the special attention should be given the analysis of processes of formation and an estimation of financial potential of the region opening financial resources of subjects of economy, factors and conditions of their involving, and also risks and the threats arising in the course of use. In article the essence of a definition «financial potential» reveals, its basic elements and aspects of management are defined.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):13-21

Russian Federation food security as a part of global trends
The article deals with the analysis of the Russian food industry as one of the key regulators of national food security. The situation in the Russian food industry was assessed on the basis of the indices characterizing basic food supply for the population (in production, consumption and management organization). The focus was set upon the food value as a standard characteristic of food quality. The major results of the analysis was the assessment of the level of the food safety in the Russian Federation and its accordance with the Doctrine of the Food Safety in the Russian Federation; estimation of the dynamics of the development of the food industry as a factor of the national security.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):22-29

International cooperation and working out a complex of measures for protection of the Caspian region's ecosystem
The article is devoted to the detailed analysis of the basic problems of Caspian's single ecosystem conservation and description of international programmes on unification of efforts of all five riparian countries, namely: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran. Special attention is paid to the geopolitical situation in connection with changes of legal status of the Caspian Sea. The article displays the negative tendencies of ecosystem's deterioration, coming out during the last decades in the whole region. It is showed that future of the Caspian's unique ecosystem depends on cooperation and activities' efficiency of the governments of all five littoral countries.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):30-37

The role of oil in economic development of the Republic of Chad
The article deals with economic evolution of the Republic of Chad that started with the acquisition of income from the project of Chad/Cameroon. The author analyzes the factors of economic growth of the Republic of Chad, including foreign trade components and, taking into account real achievements of Chad due to oil incomes, hopes that Republic of Chad will experience substantial economic development of the whole economy as well as its key sectors. It will bring about the growth of budget earnings from external economic relations and will stimulate the use of these earnings for the country social needs.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):38-45

Commercialization of innovation: a method of selection of an innovation project from a variety of projects to it successful implementation in the market
Commercialization takes a main position in relation to innovations. Co-relation between commercialization and innovation has to be studied in more specific cases in order to become a subject for research interests and to have a practical application. For successful realization of an innovative project in the market it is very important to understand how this project will be accepted by the market. This article is focused on the method of selection of an innovation project from a variety of projects which gives an expert judgment of different factors influencing on a choice of such a project. This article describes each stage of realization of given method.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):46-52

Brazil: current situation, problems and tendencies of innovative development
Formation and development of innovative sectors of national economics in a part of a state policy of many developed and developing countries. The problem urgency is caused by that innovations are a basis of steady economic growth, improvement of quality of life of the population and ecology preservation that, finally, defines position of the state in the world economy. Article purpose is the analysis of a current state of innovative sphere of economy of Brazil in which frameworks experience of state regulation of innovative sphere is studied, questions of coordination and financing of innovative projects are considered, the characteristic of priority problems in the field of innovations is given, problems and prospects of a current state of innovative sphere are revealed, directions of the further development of innovative activity in Brazil are planned.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):53-58

Lessons of crisis and way of overcoming its negative consequences in corporate strategy of development
In article modern level and tendencies of development of the largest companies of branch of ferrous metallurgy is analyzed, major factors and the reasons of a crisis situation in a metallurgical complex of Russia reveal. Presence of strategic miscalculations of top management is proved, recommendations about perfection of corporate strategy of development, control over realization of strategic plans by introduction in practice of all metallurgical companies of the balanced system of indicators, and to increase of economic efficiency of branch as a whole are resulted.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):59-67

Formation of the theory of strategic management
All historical surveys on the history of management mention the classic work on military strategy from V to XIX century. However, the concepts of strategic management are reflected in other interpretations. Formation of the strategy as a scientific discipline occurred in 1960 against the increased interest of companies behavior. Strategic management as a young discipline needed support of the related sciences. Researchers of strategic management have turned to ideas from microeconomics, sociology, organization science, political science and cognitive psychology. During this period, the economy began to gain neointstitutsional direction of research. Economic theory was enriched by a number of innovative concepts of firm and market competition, but the active development of these theories begun only in 1970's.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):68-74

Tendencies of raising of sea transport junction competitiveness in new economy
The questions of competitiveness raising of sea transport junction in new economy terms are considered in the article. The revision of present ways of competitiveness raising of sea port is done. The necessity of new conception from sea port to sea transport junction is exposed. Sea transport junction as complex of separate companies, which meets buyers wishers (ships owners and cargos owners) is considered. The influence of new economy on competitive strategy of sea transport junction is clarified. Common demands for it's making are determined. The necessity of using bought resources and institutional theories to raise the competitiveness of sea transport junction is proved. Method of sea transport junction personal stimulation, based on connection between the results of activity and financial incentives.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):75-82

Blue Ocean Strategy in automotive industry
The majority of auto makers offer cars with similar consumer characteristic. The situation of the hard competitive struggle is possible to change by the help of Blue Ocean Strategy. Following the main its principles, company capable to avoid the direct competition. The article deliver the goal to consider not only the experience of past years, but also find the way of the creation new Blue Ocean on car market. For achievement of the delivered goal is used such specific instrument as market strategic canvas. Also in the article used methods of the creation new Ocean: six principles of Blue Ocean Strategy and valuable innovation. The result of the research is a shaping Blue Ocean on car market by the granting additional facilities to consumers.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):83-91

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):96-97

For the Authors of vestnik, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(4):98-99