No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Tendencies of industry development of the Russian Federation in a context of maintenance of national safety
The authors analyze the dynamics of positions of the Russian Federation in the world industry. For the last thirty years the share of the Russian Federation in production of separate industries has been decreased. It shows that Russian positions are weakening in the world economy. Our country has kept high positions only in fuel and energy industries: in natural gas production. As the industry structure of the Russian Federation has been changed there has been the increase in regional disproportions in manufacturing allocation. The increase in disproportions is caused in particular by the growth of concentration of industrial production because of the regional features of resources allocation (especially oil and gas): 5 subjects of the Russian Federation account to more than 2/3 of extracting production. Fixed tendencies in development of the industry of the Russian Federation have negatively reflected social and economic conditions of the country and, finally, they undermine national safety. The situation has been especially aggravated under financial and economic crisis of 2007-2010 when the rates of development of the industry of the Russian Federation slowed down and became even negative. Considering that industrial development of any country defines its positions in the world economy and its national safety, now it is necessary to change the model of Russian participation in the globalized world.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):5-12

Trans-border network-centric management of Russian companies in the world economy
The article deals with the problems of increasing the efficiency of processes and procedures for the integration of Russian companies in the world economy, according to the trends in world economic development. The problems of formation of network-centric governance mechanism of Russian companies and foreign entities on the basis of a converged management infrastructure are formulated. Structured phases of improving processes and procedures for the integration of Russian companies in the world economy on the basis of organizational and information convergence.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):13-22

Regional disparities in Russia: Dynamics in the post-Soviet period
Interregional disparities in the level of socio-economic development of Russia in 1995-2009 remain high. The authors identified the main tendencies of dynamics during the periods of economic growth and economic crisis: the disparities were growing till 2005, and after there was a tendency to reduce. These trends have been identified on the basis of an analysis of regional coefficient of asymmetry on key per-capita indicators (GDP, investment in fixed capital, etc.), indicators of spatial concentration and deviations from the average in Russia (volume of GDP, per capita GDP and investments) on the level of federal districts and regions. The main reasons of thes dynamics were economic crisis, the governmental anti-crisis measures and measures of social support. Comparison of level of interregional disproportions in Russia and abroad resulted that differentiation of levels of socio-economic development at the federal level is comparable to the differences in EU-countries, but at the level of regions - with countries of the world.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):23-34

Regional socio-economic disparities in Poland
The purpose of the paper is to survey and discuss regional socio-economic disparities in Poland in the context of Poland's accession to the European Union. The paper examines development trends and changes in the scale of diversity of Polish voivodships (NTS-2) in the basic areas of economy. The analysis of statistical data from the period of 1999-2009 shows that the process of integration of Poland with the European Union and connected with it opportunities for realization of new investments, aiming at increasing the competitiveness of Poland on the international arena, did not result in the decrease of socio-economic development disparities of the voivodships (the internal convergence).
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):35-43

European way to innovative economy
The article deals with the results of the Lisbon strategy for innovative economy development in the EU and new EU's social and economic development program called Europe 2020, featuring an ambitious strategy for the EU's development in the forthcoming decade. It also analyses experience and the current achieved innovative development level in the EU countries, divided in clusters according to the IUS methodology. The paper reveals the leadership of several EU countries in innovation activities, including in R&D expenditures scale, the number of patent requirements, high-tech export volumes, tertiary education enrollment and so on, as well as some trends in different clusters' countries position in ratings on the mentioned factors.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):44-54

Specific features of innovative sector in Russia
Проблема современной модернизации России - одна из наиболее актуальных экономических проблем. Цель данной статьи заключается в выявлении и теоретическом осмыслении особенностей формирования инновационного сектора экономики. В статье описывается значение и роль инноваций для развития экономики России, рассматривается сегодняшнее положение России в инновационной сфере. Выявляются факторы, которые препятствуют динамичному развитию инновационного потенциала страны, а также факторы, которые способствуют его развитию. В заключительной части статьи определяются перспективные направления инновационного развития России.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):55-62

The regions of the Siberian federal district: the estimation of innovation potential and prospects for socio-economic development
The article is devoted to the study of the state and level of innovation potential development of the Siberian Federal District in the light of twelve regions of Western and Eastern Siberia. The clusters of regions according to the types of economic and innovation activities are distinguished. The rating of each region is determined on the basis of clustering. The author comes to the conclusion that innovation activity is to be considered as a significant factor of investment attractiveness of the region. The possibility of using algorithms of regions division into clusters for the purpose of informative description of differences between them and elaboration of the most possible significant management decisions on this basis are substantiated. The conclusions are of practical importance for the Russian regions' economic development according to the innovation type.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):63-74

Specific problems of public procurement in health care (the case ofe pharmaceutical industry and market medical equipment)
The article deals with problems of public procurement in health care. The complexity of the formation of population's needs for medicines (the inability to accurately calculate the necessary quantity of drugs), blurred in the management of procurement and supply of medicines, lack of relationship between the physician and pharmacy, as well as the lack of full information on the availability of medicines in pharmacy warehouses - all of these issues complicate the system provide pharmaceuticals population.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):75-81

Modern approach to project management, a method of implementing quick-impact activities
The issue related to the introduction of new project management approaches is regarded in this article. The evolution of project management methods has its roots in the 1930s. Nevertheless, in Russia, project management as a professional discipline and a set of specific methodology for effective management, wasn't in demand until the 90s. In recent years, methodology and project management tools are constantly improving. The problem of successful implementation of projects is one of the most actual one for a modern company. Moreover, company's results and its competitive advantages depend on successfully implemented projects. One of the new approaches to project management is a method of implementing of quick-impact activities. The work reviews the successful experience of its introduction by the World Bank and by Avery Dennison Company. The authors identified a number of advantages of this method, but at the same time, the authors concluded that companies should not reject completely traditional methods of project management. It would be better to find the best combination of quick-impact activities and long-term activities, and to combine found solutions in the overall strategy of project implementation.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):87-94

Management efficiency increase of commercial banks using the modern concepts of management
Existing management systems of commercial banks including application experience of Japanese management model in our country are analyzed in the article. It is noticed that Japanese management methods are effective because they provide refusing of narrow employee specialization, promote universal development of the workers. The author analyzed a practical application of this model in the Russian commercial bank «Moscomprivatbank» which has been developed in construction business concept kaizen. The positive results of its introduction directed to management efficiency increase are described, such as employees' competence index increase during annual testing of a professional standard.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):95-102

Features of brand management in audit and consulting market
The article considers problems of brand management in audit and consulting companies, it analyses specificity of audit and consulting market in Russia and discloses the causes of global brands' dominance in the Russian market. The article shows how the global companies achieve the competitive advantage due to varied combination of activities. The goals of the article are to adapt the methods of brand management in accordance to features of audit and consulting market and to prove the necessity of innovations in brand management. There were introduced the model of brand management based on innovation approach. The model refers to increase of competitiveness of audit and consulting companies due to coordinated policy of brand management and innovations.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):103-109

Peculiarities of considering cross-cultural aspect in innovative strategic management of organization
In the article research of considering cross-cultural peculiarities in forming organizational innovation strategy is held. Theoretical model of company's functioning is suggested. Analysis of necessity to consider cross-cultural aspect in strategic management theories is realized on base of its development and practice. Estimation of current position and cross-cultural problems in sphere of innovations and high-tech technologies abroad is performed. In the end the methodology of attracting foreign specialists in nanotechnology sphere, elaborated by the author, is presented. Its key significance is a stage of specialist's adaptation on his new working place.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):110-118

The use of regional and subregional tourist resources and the methodological problems of their estimation
The main objective in given article is research the tourist resources category of the subregions the tourism and recreation specialization. Sochi is a typical example of subregion given type, where the duty with reproduction of tourism resources on local budget is essential. It should be compensated by additional incomes of the budget. For realization of the above-stated purpose the is standard-legal base, scientific and educationl-help sources on this point in question have been in details analysed. Definitions and criteria of tourist services and the tourist activity are as a result generated. This application will give the chance to indemnification of additional budgetary expenses in the conditions of not market release of collective budgetary services.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):119-125

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):126-127

For the Authors of «vestnik», series «Economics»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(4):128-130