Планирование и мониторинг работ с помощью коммуникационно-стоимостного профиля проекта



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The article objectives is to develop an indicator on the communication from the point of view of the project management team in dynamics of the product value creation, as well as the development of the format, allowing the use of this figure in practice for planning and analysis. We introduce the conception of communication complexity of the project and the proposed algorithm for constructing a communicationcost profile of the project (CCP). Developing the method of earned value, the project CCP is a practical tool for project planning, monitoring its implementation stage and evaluation that takes into account, along with value indicators, the factor of project management team communication with the project stakeholders. The use of project CCP is illustrated an example of a project to implement an information system in an industrial plant.

Об авторах

Иван Александрович Смаржевский

Российский университет дружбы народов

Email: ivsmrudn@yandex.ru
Российский университет дружбы народов

Список литературы

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