
China’s food problem: Issues of system transformation and security in a crisis
Yakimovich E.A.
Transforming interpretations of food security
Yakimovich E.A.
Position of Russia and France on the Global Food Market: Trends and Prospects
Kholina V.N.
Food security in the GCC: specific characteristics and solutions
Kodzhakova Z.R.
Globalization and food safety of Russia
Semenovich V.S., Eifari A.K.
Implementation of the doctrine of food security in Russia: assessment and prospects
Tikhomirova V.A.
Innovation and investment support for sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the economy
Zaporozhets D.V.
The solution of food security threat in Russia on federal and regional levels of government
Mironova M.N., Rasskazova Y.I.
Economic analysis of the performance of Russian manufacturers of equipment for the dairy industry
Kulumbegov M.M.
Russian Federation food security as a part of global trends
Yakovlev T.A.
The foreign trade potential of the North African countries in the field of agriculture and food
Al-Hamati M.A.
Backlogs of development of agricultural production of non-black area of Russia
Semenovich V.S.
Foreign economic relations between Russia and Egypt in the agricultural sphere: Problems and prospects of development[54]
Al-Hamati M.A.
The use of modern technologies in agriculture as a means of increasing productivity and minimizing losses in terms of import substitution
Vartanova M.L.
Innovations in agro-industrial production as a driver of increasing the resilience of national food systems
Tikhomirova V.A.
Institutional factor as a reason for regional asymmetry in agriculture (on the example of Kazakhstan)
Danshin A.I.
Trade relations between Russia and the countries of North Africa in the food sector: state, problems and prospects
Belova I.N., Al-Hamati M.A.
Improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of region food maintenance
Kiselyeva M.A.
Public procurement as an instrument for implementing economic policy (experience of EU countries)
Kheifets B.A., Chernova V.Y.
The impact of cultivated land loss on China’s food security in the process of urbanization
Cheng Y.
The impact of the economic availability of food in Russia on consumption patterns and health of the nation
Vartanova M.L.
World fish market: current trends, state and prospects
Andronova I.V., Yakimovich E.A.
1 - 22 of 22 Items

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