No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 13
- URL:
Institutional aspect of business undertaking in the light of economic theories
The article is aimed to the institutional aspect of business undertakings research. On basis of the logical and historical method of attack in article are revealed institutional aspects of business undertakings contained in maistream' economic theories, in the works of J. Shumpetera and F. Knihta, standing out of economic theories, in ideas of the representative of the Austrian evolutionary epistemology school F. Hayek, the bright representative of the neoaustrian school I. Kirznera. The author came to a conclusion of necessity to view the business undertakings not in habitual sense but as social and economic system and to interpret it as institutional well-ordered combined activity of managing subjects that feel the outside influence (the influence of social institutions).
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):5-12

Concept-2020 and contemporary reality
In the present article the Concept 2020 undergoes a review regarding its implementation in the light of the economical crisis, which has struck the world economy. Even at present it is evident that many provisions of the Concept are either hardly enforceable or not enforceable at all, considering new economical fundamentals. This research is dedicated to justifying the fore cited thesis. For this purpose the main macroeconomic indicators of Russia for the recent period of time have been analyzed and relevant conclusions have been made. A brief review of the state of fiscal, banking and budgetary sectors in their connection to the Concept is provided as well. Other problem points, not directly connected to recession, but relevant to the guidelines stated in the Concept, are also underlined.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):13-21

World financial crisis and security portfolio management methodology
The world financial crisis highlighted the practical inefficiency of the majority of existing theoretical researches in security portfolio management, what makes the article especially urgent. The article points at: finding the common methodological impropriety for most of the strategies; and shaping the new methodological principles. One of the major conclusions of the article is that the key issue of new methodology should be usage of trend-tracking methods of technical analysis.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):22-28

Modern migration of Kyrgyzstan population to Russia: social and economic consequences
Modern population shift of Kyrgyzstan to Russia: social and economic consequences In clause social and economic consequences of outflow of the Russian-speaking population and external labour migration of indigenous population of Kyrgyzstan are considered. Consequences are considered both for Kyrgyzstan, and for Russia to which the basic migratory streams from republic are directed. Negative consequences for Kyrgyzstan are shown to emigration of the Russian-speaking population and benefit from external labour migration of indigenous population. In opinion of the author, inflow of the population from Kyrgyzstan as a whole is favourable to Russia. In the country the cheap legislative labour acts, action of demographic crisis is softened. Between Kyrgyzstan and Russia there is a steady social and economic, demographic interdependence from a migratory exchange of the population.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):29-35

Increase of export efficiency of forest products in the countries of Asian-Pacific region
In article tendencies of development of wood export are considered. At the heart of development complex use of wood resources, profound processing of wood with its approach to a growth place, orientation to finished goods manufacture should lie. However neither preservation of woods, nor efficiency increase use of wood resources and export forest products is impossible without a consecutive and purposeful state policy. The changes occurring in structure of export forest products in the countries ATR - increase in volume of deliveries of raw wood which occurs against falling of the prices for this kind of production other, generate variety of the problems connected with realization. The reasons of these problems are established and offers on increase of efficiency of wood export are formulated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):36-44

Outsourcing as a financial tool for cost management
The article deals with the problems of financial cost management and increasing cash flows. Outsourcing as a business model allowing to save on expenses and release current assets emerged in the early 20th century. In crisis situations, the most efficient approach out of all types of outsourcing examined in the paper seems to be a combination of operational and joint venture outsourcing. Non-core activities outsourcing is assessed by companies as highly efficient, which demonstrates that outsourcing is regarded both as a tool for business transformation and as a way to reduce expenses. The article suggests a model for the calculation of operation costs reduction and fiscal effect as well as for the assessment of risk arising from operational outsourcing of a service.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):45-53

Improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of region food maintenance
The main purpose of this article consists in definition of the directions of perfection the real mechanism of state regulation region food maintenance. As basic elements of the examined mechanism are allocated the objects, the subjects, forms and methods, their current condition, tendencies of development and effectiveness on materials of industrial-agrarian region (Altay Territory) is estimated. As one of the basic directions of perfection specified mechanism the author offers the reduction in uniform system all now of isolated measures sold by the state in sphere of food maintenance and realization them through the target program «Region food maintenance».
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):54-61

Networked readiness index of countries, prospects of high-technology production and the position of Russia
It is impossible to imagine contemporary society without wide usage of information and communication technologies (ICT). One of the main features of ICT is the possibility to construct global scale for the activity of all agents of the world economy, the number of which constantly increases. Development of high technologies changes the structure of world market, that reflects priorities of scientific and technical policy of different countries. The article analyzes the prosesses of informational society, Networked Readiness Index, structural shifts in an industrial composition of high-technology production and changes of the HT-industry location in the world.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):62-71

Some trends of China national innovation policy
The article deals with the questions concerning the investigation of the ways of stimulation the innovative activity in China. The Russian Federation has preserved its intellectual potential and a ramified scientific research potential; nevertheless, the experience of China is of a certain interest for Russia, because even the imitation of the leading products, invented in other countries, involves the mobilization of social and organizational factors.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):72-80

The criteria of determining middle class in mature economies and the its specificity in Russia
The main problem facing Russia is formation of mass middle class which would serve as the ground for government and encourage growth of nation's economy. In the article we touched upon a current subject about criteria treatment of determinig the number of middle class. A benchmarking study of mature economies' treatment was made for this problem and we analyzed the specificity of such approach in Russia. It is shown that used criteria in west mature economies do not fit Russian society which has its own peculiarities that must be considered. As a result of analysis the main features are combined and pointed out which characterize middle class in Russia and in mature economies.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):81-88

Professional competence economist in the course «Regional economics and management»
The article is devoted to the problems and the content of academic course «Regional Economics and management» at the Economic Faculty of People's Friendship University of Russia and its importance for professional skills of economists. The position of the course «Regional Economics and management» in the educational standards, the role of spatial analysis, and consequences of its undervaluation were analyzed. Special importance was given to main course' objectives and practical skills of applied analysis used in the teaching process; the role of the department of Regional Economics and Geography in enhancing the students' interest to the course.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):89-95

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):96-97

K avtoram Vestnika serii «Ekonomika»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(4):98-100