Vol 25, No 4 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/economics/issue/view/1062
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2329-2017-25-4
Full Issue
Growth in Industrial Region
The modern situation in the Russian Federation is characterized the quickly changing by environmental conditions which compel to search for new mechanisms at all levels of regional government. Thereupon formation of regional points of the growth which development is capable to lead to creation in region of economic system with the built in mechanisms of adaptation and fast reaction to changing surrounding conditions becomes the important tool. Purpose of the article - the analysis of various approaches to understanding of a point of growth in region economy, and also influences of regional points of growth on development of industrial region. Methodology/methods. On the basis of a hypothesis about the unbalanced or polarized economic development by the author own understanding of the concept of points of growth as local spatial zone of the economic activity presented in the form of the large enterprise of concrete branch or set of managing subjects within the limits of certain territory, possessing in essential potential of self-development and capable to provide high dynamics of economic growth in region is offered. Results. Depending on sources of economic development various types of regional points of growth are allocated: organizational, technological, resource, financial. On an example of the Chelyabinsk area features of their formation and development in industrial region are analysed. Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted research the conclusion that regional points of growth can become a basis of working out of the scheme of territorial planning of large region is drawn. It is shown that fuller detailed elaboration should find reflexing in strategy of social and economic development of municipal unions.

Management of Labor Resources as a Basic of Increasing the Efficiency of using the Innovative Potential of the Enterprise
In the conditions of market instability, both in the practice of economic activity and in the scientific literature, the effective use of labor resources is increasingly recognized as the main prerequisite for the creation of qualitatively new ideas and the introduction of know-how into the production environment of economic agents. In this regard, the development and use of methods of personnel management, based on the need to address the development of the innovative potential of the commercial organization, acquire a special significance and relevance, which determined the setting of the purpose of this article. The authors substantiate the necessity of using the developed toolkit, which makes it possible to identify the willingness of the employees of the economic entity to implement innovative transformations. The research carried out on the basis of the analysis of changes in the structure of the labor resources of innovation-oriented enterprises of the North Caucasus Federal District indicates that an increase in the share of researchers in the total number of employees and an increase in their level of development contribute to the approval of a larger number of patent applications filed according to the results of R&D. The labor resources of the economic entity, being a key element of its innovative potential, require the implementation of a systematic approach to their formation and use, which lies at the intersection of economic, humanistic and competence approaches to the organization of basic managerial processes.

Features of customs revenue administration in the Eurasian Economic Union
In the article, on the basis of the analysis of the administration of customs revenues in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Armenia, general features of the mechanism of customs revenue administration in the EAEU basically and also features specific to each state were defined. The role of customs revenues in the development of foreign economic activity is substantiated. Were systematized the factors, causing threat to the economic security and the factors, that are potential for economic development of foreign economic activity. Was made a conclusion about the need of change the methodological approaches to the administration of customs revenues in the member states of the EAEU.

Russian e-commerce trends and prospects
Today the global e-commerce market has already. All countries aim to take their place in this market and to use new opportunities. E-commerce can be one of the drivers of a retail revival, competitiveness increase, and eventually, development of all economy. In this article, the place of the Russian electronic commerce, its trends and the prospects of its development in the world market are defined. Retail electronic trading has been chosen as an object of a research. The data from the Ecommerce Foundation, The Data Insight, The Association of Internet Trade Companies (AITC) and other open sources have formed the base for research. Regarding the e-commerce turnover, Russia ranks 10th in the world and 4th in Europe. Russia has good prospects for growth of electronic commerce, but it is necessary to pay attention to digital inequality of regions still exist. Сross-border e-commerce has spread more and more in all countries. In Russia, the number of purchases from abroad is rapidly increasing. At the same time, export through e-commerce is at the low level. We note that, although during last two years there is a decline in the growth, prospects and possibilities of the Russian e-commerce in the world market are quite positive. Russian e-commerce has solid opportunities to increase its share in the global market.

USA’ role and place in international trade
Article is dedicated to the role and place of USA in international trade. The author pays great attention to the transformation of the international trade leaders since 2004, when China got the entrance to the TOP-3 of merchandise trade leaders. At the same time the author described the structure of USA’ foreign trade by commodities and services. He underlined the key feature of USA’ trade partners - EU countries, Canada, Japan (developed economies) and China, Mexico (developing economies). The author pays great attention to the questions of setting and developing of “mega” integrations, such as TTP and TTIP.

The Problems of “Brain Drain” in Russia and Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Asylum Seekers and Security at the Northern Finnish-Russian Border: Analysing ‘Arctic Route Episode’ of 2015-2016

Classification and selection criteria of Russian systemically important companies
During the crisis, systemically important companies from various industries were in need of state support as a result of sanctions policy. This report aims to systematise the different classifications for such enterprises, thereby facilitating the monitor of their activities. This study draws upon recently published articles in the field and used a range of methods, including analysis, synthesis, classification and formalization. The results of this investigation are presented in the form of detailed descriptions of the types of enterprises studied and; their significance for the state budget, volume of tax revenues, jobs created and market share. In conclusion, the findings reveal that the existing system for monitoring the activities of strategic companies is outdated and needs updating in light of Russia’s present economic situation. Alongside the development of more relevant selection criteria and classification systems, it is equally important to refine the existing methodologies to facilitate government monitoring.

Institutional factor as a reason for regional asymmetry in agriculture (on the example of Kazakhstan)
The past 20 years since the relocation of Kazakhstan’s capital to Astana will require understanding of the formation processes of agriculture due to the availability of government documents, involving the creation around Astana food belt. Aim. To consider in a comparative analysis of the processes taking place in agriculture in Metropolitan regions (capital) of Kazakhstan. Materials and methods. The use of factor analysis, cartographic method of research based on materials of official statistics has helped to identify trends that shape the modern agricultural development near these major cities. Results. Determined that in terms of the relief with a small relative height (Astana), and in areas of significant elevation changes (Almaty) institutional factor often determines the specificity of agricultural production on the background of planetary latitudinal zonality, which create to asymmetry in development. The impact of large cities on agriculture (local specialization), in the absence of state documents formed within the boundaries of administrative areas, and in the presence of such documents is expanded to the necessary size of the territory. It is shown the territorial vectors, the formation of agricultural production around these major cities. Shows the evaluation of the contribution of administrative units of the second order in the creation of suburban agricultural specialization.

Types of Cities of the Trans-Siberian Railway: Dynamics of Population and Industrial Functions
The article is devoted to the analysis of changes in industry in different types of cities by the Trans-Siberian Railway (Transsib) in the post-Soviet period. The prevailing types of cities in terms of the current population and the specifics of its dynamics in 1990-2015 are estimated. Key trends in the development of industry are evaluated on the basis of an analysis of the number of closed and newly emerged industrial enterprises and industries in these cities. The interrelation between the dynamics of city-forming industrial enterprises and the change in the population in the cities of the Trans-Siberian during this period was determined. The main regularities of the change of industrial functions in different types of cities are established.

Cities as objects of federal regional policy: the experience of Europe and Russia
One of the trends of regional policy in the European countries is the increasing role of cities as objects of that policy. As the analysis of literature shows, this is due to the increasing problems of the cities, and the growth of their importance for the economic development of countries (due to the presence of the creative class, the best conditions for clustering etc.). The increasing role of cities in regional policy is also a reflection of the ongoing decentralization of decision-making. The analysis of the regulatory framework and statistical data shows that in Russia there are similar processes, in particular, the development of large urban agglomerations. Significant federal support for socioeconomic development of Moscow already exists. However, these processes in Russia are associated with a number of problems: lack of concrete steps in the implementation of policies of urban development, the deepening of the territorial disparities as a result of decentralization, and non-transparency of federal policy toward Moscow.

Dynamics of Development of Indian Media Industry in the World Media Space: Results of 2016-2017
The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry is a sunrise sector for the economy and is making high growth strides. Proving its resilience to the world, the Indian M&E industry is on the cusp of a strong phase of growth, backed by rising consumer demand and improving advertising revenues. The industry has been largely driven by increasing digitisation and higher internet usage over the last decade. Internet has almost become a mainstream media for entertainment for most of the people. This article analyzes the main indicators of IMEI (Indian Media and Entertainment Industry) development in 2016-2017 years with the help of analytical comparison; also there is a dynamics of the Indian media industry development in the Asian and world media space; moreover, this article demonstrates initiatives taken by the Government of India in the sphere of the national communications system development.

Influence of smart grid and renewable energy sources on energy efficiency: foreign experience
The article analyzes foreign influences on energy efficiency of such factors as raising the level of energy production from renewable sources and introducing smart technologies in power networks. Econometric analysis of experience in increasing energy efficiency of the United States, China, India, and Germany in comparison with Russia has been performed using a number of hypotheses to construct models. The necessity of transition to a new energy structure based on active introduction of energy efficient equipment, advanced energy and information and communication technologies, renewable energy sources, complex systems and services of intellectual energy built on an open network architecture is substantiated.